

Secret key cryptography refers to traditional cryptography. In this kind of cryptography, a secret key is established and shared between communicating peers, and the key is used to encrypt and decrypt messages on either side. Because of its symmetry, secret key cryptography is often referred to as symmetric cryptography.

The use of a secret key cryptosystem is overviewed in Figure 5.2. We assume that A on the left side wants to send a confidential message to B on the right side. A therefore shares a secret key K with B. This key may be preconfigured manually or distributed by a trusted third party (TTP) or key distribution center (KDC). Note that during its distribution, K must be secured in terms of confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. This is usually done by having the KDC encrypt K with secret keys that it shares with A and B, respectively. A encrypts a plaintext message P by applying an encryption function E and the key K, and sends the resulting ciphertext C = EK (P) to B. On the other side, B decrypts C by applying the decryption function D and the key K. B therefore computes DK(C) = DK(EK(P)) = P, and recovers the plaintext P accordingly.

click to expand
Figure 5.2: A secret key cryptosystem

Secret key cryptography has been in use for many years in a variety of forms. Two basic categories of secret key cryptosystems are block ciphers and stream ciphers. As their names suggest, block ciphers operate on blocks of data (e.g., 64 bits), whereas stream ciphers usually operate on data one bit or byte at a time. Examples of secret key cryptosystems that are in widespread use are summarized in Table 5.1 and overviewed next. Again, refer to [1–3] for a full description of the cryptosystems and corresponding encryption and decryption algorithms.

Table 5.1: Secret Key Cryptosystems

Algorithm Name

Main Mode

Effective Key Length


Block cipher

56 bits

Triple-DES (3DES)

Block cipher

112 or 168 bits


Block cipher

128 bits


Block cipher

64 or 128 bits


Block cipher

Variable from 1 up to 448 bits


Block cipher

128 bits

RC2, RC5, and RC6

Block cipher

Variable from 1 up to 2,048 bits


Stream cipher

Variable from 1 up to 2,048 bits

5.3.1 DES

The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is (still) the most well-known and widely deployed secret key cryptosystem today. It was originally designed by a group of researchers at IBM and published as Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 46 in 1977 [16]. As such, it has been used for the encryption of unclassified information by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for almost a quarter of a century.

DES operates as a block cipher with 64-bit blocks, 16 rounds, and a variable key length up to 56 bits. In electronic code book (ECB) mode, DES encrypts data in discrete blocks of 64 bits. To improve its cryptographical strength, DES is often used in cipher block chaining (CBC) mode. In this mode, the encryption of each block depends on the contents of the previous one, preventing an interloper from tampering with the message by rearranging the encrypted blocks. Furthermore, there are two modes that can be used to turn DES into a stream cipher: cipher feedback (CFB) mode and output feedback (OFB) mode.

DES's 56-bit effective key length was sufficiently secure during its first two decades of operation, but it is far too short today.

5.3.2 Triple-DES

One way to improve the cryptographical strength of a secret key cryptosystem with limited key length (e.g., DES), is to apply the algorithm multiple times. Applying the algorithm twice does not improve the situation, because of the existence of a specific cryptanalytical attack (a so-called "meet-in-the-middle" attack). Consequently, at least three applications are necessary for a security improvement, and the threefold application of DES is called Triple-DES (3DES). It can be used with two or three different keys, and the resulting secret key cryptosystems are usually called two-key 3DES and three-key 3DES. Many contemporary applications use 3DES as a replacement for DES. Note, however, that the use of 3DES is not very efficient (in fact, it is approximately three times slower than DES), and that there are many real-time applications that require faster encryption algorithms.

5.3.3 IDEA

The International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) was developed by Xuejia Lai and James Massey in the early 1990s at the ETH Zurich, Switzerland [17]. IDEA is a 64-bit block cipher that uses a 128-bit key. The algorithm is patented and may be licensed from the iT_SEC iT_Security AG.[3]

5.3.4 SAFER

After having developed IDEA, James Massey proposed SAFER K-64 and SAFER K-128. As their names suggest, SAFER K-64 uses a 64-bit key [18], whereas SAFER K-128 uses a proprietary key schedule algorithm that is able to accommodate 128-bit keys. Furthermore, SAFER K-64 uses 6 rounds, whereas SAFER K-128 recommends 10 rounds (12 maximum).

5.3.5 Blowfish

The Blowfish algorithm was developed by Bruce Schneier [19]. It is a DES-like encryption algorithm that can be used as a block cipher with 64-bit blocks, 16 rounds, and variable key lengths up to 448 bits.

5.3.6 CAST-128

The term CAST refers to a design procedure for a family of DES-like encryption algorithms with variable key size and numbers of rounds. In RFC 2144, a 128-bit CAST encryption algorithm is specified [20]. This algorithm is called CAST-128 and is used and widely deployed for Internet applications.

5.3.7 RC2, RC4, RC5, and RC6

RC2, RC4, RC5, and RC6 are secret key cryptosystems with variable key lengths that were designed by Ronald L. Rivest for RSA Security, Inc.:

  • RC2 is a block cipher (block size is 64 bits), designed as a replacement for DES.

  • RC4 is a stream cipher.

  • RC5 is a block cipher that is configurable with regard to word length and number of rounds (in addition to the ley length).

  • RC6 is a recent proposal to improve RC5.

The RC2 and RC4 algorithms were originally protected by trade secrets, but were disassembled, reverse-engineered, and anonymously posted to a Usenet newsgroup in 1996 and 1994, respectively.

5.3.8 AES

More recently, the U.S. NIST standardized an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to replace DES in the future. The AES emerged from a proposal called Rijndael that originated from Belgium. You may refer to http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~rijmen/rijndael/ for more information about the Rijndael algorithm.



Internet and Intranet Security
Internet & Intranet Security
ISBN: 1580531660
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 144

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