

S3Weather component, 321

calling component for weather Web service, 338

deploying, 346

GetWeather return values, 326

properties of, 326–327

reviewing for designing of weather Web service, 325–328

SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language), 614–615

SAX (Simple API for XML) standard, 161–168

contentHandler interface, 163, 164

development and structure of, 161–162

DOM vs., 162, 167–168

events and event handlers, 162–165

implementing routines in, 165–167

methods of XMLReader interface, 164–165

for parsing XML, 31, 43

as standard for working with XML, 31, 43, 137–138

XSLT and, 170

See also DOM standard

scale, 29

schemas, 129–136

amenity element, 405–406

availability form interaction, 436–437

availability form schema map, 424

availability request, 408–409

availability response, 411

availability results, 409–410

components of and declaration tags, 101–103

credit card data type, 417–418

of data type relationships, 113

designing interface layer as, 398–399

detail interaction, 415

devising strategies for, 131–135

hierarchical diagram of embedded interface, 421, 422

hierarchical diagram of isolated interface, 443

hierarchical map of hotel reservation system, 401–402

hotel availability request map, 403, 405–414

hotel detail response, 414–415

hotel detail view, 414–416

hotel detail view map, 403–404

hotel reservation availability criteria, 406–408

integrated hotel availability interaction, 412

interaction schema for reservation form, 441

isolated service interaction schema map, 423–425

for mortgage calculator Web service, 287–289

reservation interaction, 420

reservation request, 416–421

reservation request map, 404

reservation response, 419–420

reservationWS interface, 413–414, 420–421

schema namespaces, 123–124

three-tier hierarchy design for, 132, 133

U.S. address data type, 416–417

using and reusing, 130–131

weather forecaster response, 522–523

for weather Web service requests and responses, 329–332

screen scraping, 71

Secure Communications property sheet, 361–362


challenges in Web services, 390

fine-tuning Web service, 510–514

listener for hotel reservation system with integrated, 511–512

protecting personal data in hotel reservation system, 470

See also certificate security; security model

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), 614–615

security model, 258–278

application authentication, 262–275

defining for weather Web service, 323–324

for hotel reservation system, 390–393, 510–514

for mortgage calculator Web service, 282

overview, 258

payload validation, 276–278

system access, 258–262

transport integrity, 275–276

Select Certificate screen, 363

server certificates, 265

server-side validation of Web services, 218

Service Framework Specification (SFS), 621

service variables

for embedded and isolated Web services, 400

validating, 472–474

service-oriented architecture (SRO), 620

session data model, 452–453

session tables for hotel reservation system, 456, 466–468

session-consumer data model, 453


application authentication and, 264, 265

defined, 37

setAvailabilityCriteria stored procedure (HRSWS), 479–480

SFS (Service Framework Specification), 621

SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), 68

Simple Object Access Protocol. See SOAP

simple type elements (XSD)

complex and, 113

content models and syntax for, 116–120

overview, 111–112

skeleton code

defined, 521–522

selecting "event to code" in Visual Age, 526–527

slash (/)

in end tag, 72

in XSLT pathing expressions, 184

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 602–605

as component of XML protocol, 604–605

extensible format of, 604

XML-RPC and, 603

SOAP toolkit (Microsoft), 626

sort element (XSLT), 171, 180–182

special characters

CDATA tag and XML, 82–83

coding of < XML, 177

SRO (service-oriented architecture), 620

stagingTask method (Visual Age), 293

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 68

standards for Web services. See emerging standards for Web services; W3C

start tag, 72

state, 36

state management, 233–237

static payloads, 242–247

communicating application data for, 242–243

maintaining session data for, 242, 244–245

presentation data included in, 242, 246–247

stored procedures. See specific procedures by name


defined, 45

for isolated service user interface, 372–373

string assembly for XML, 342

stub code, 521–522

style sublayer, 60, 62

stylesheet element (XSLT), 170, 171


checkAvailability response, 591–593

CSS and XSL, 62

precompiling XSL, 169

purpose of XSL, 168–169

stylesheet XSLT element in, 171

testing XML data transformations with XSLT, 187–189

XSL stylesheets in hotel reservation system consumer, 576, 580, 590–593

See also XSL; XSLT


with CSSs and XSL, 62

distinguishing from content, 204–205, 213

in presentation layer, 49

setting for presentation model, 213–215

sublayers for presentation layer, 59, 60–63

Sun, 626–628

participant in XAML consortium, 614

Sun ONE, 627–628

WebTop, 628

Sun ONE (Open Net Environment), 627–628

Swing for Java, 520

synchronous calls, 39, 40


character conventions, 82

comments, 83

for content models, 119–120

for DTDs, 85–92

HTML pathing syntax vs. XSLT pathing expressions, 183

lowercase code and case sensitivity, 82

rules for XML documents, 82–84

special HTML tags, 83–84

special XML characters and CDATA tag, 82–83

for XSD simple type elements, 116–120

system access, 258–262

authentication vs., 258

direct vs. proxied Web services, 260–262

for hotel reservation system, 390–391

questions to determine best, 260

typical, 258–259

Architecting Web Services
Architecting Web Services
ISBN: 1893115585
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 77 © 2008-2017.
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