

adding and deleting reviews, 150 “151
exposing with customer tests, 163 “164
exposing with programmer tests, 164 “179
defining ExistingReviewException class, 165 “166
modifying Catalog.AddReview function, 166
propagating exceptions, 168
searching for an exception after second review, 164 “165
SOAP faults, 168 “179
Failures panel (NUnit-Gui), 238
RecordingDto, 109
recordingId, 222
totalRunTime, 116
File menu (NUnit-Gui)
Close option, 238
Exit option, 239
New Project option, 238
Open option, 238
Recent Files option, 239
Reload option, 238
Save As option, 238
Save option, 238
FileRunner class, automating customer tests with FIT, 135 “136
FindById method, 82, 119
FindByRecordingId method
CatalogAdapter class, 133
RecordingDto, 112
retrieving recordings, 97
FindByRecordingId method (Catalog class), 193 “195, 201 “203
FindByRecordingId WebMethod, 121 “122
FIT (Framework for Integrated Test), 4
adding reviews to recordings, 147 “162
failures, 150 “151
implementing with programmer tests, 151 “162
removing reviews, 149
ReviewAdapter, 149 “150
verifying contents of review, 149
automating customer tests, 131 “143
ActionFixture class, 133 “143
bridging FIT and software, 132 “133
CatalogAdapter class, 134 “138
FileRunner class, 135 “136
invalid ID script, 143
verifying review information, 142 “143
verifying track information, 138 “141
FKx (foreign key), 66
Found method (CatalogAdapter class), 134
Fowler, Martin, 6, 36
Framework for Integrated Test (FIT)
adding reviews to recordings, 147 “162
failures, 150 “151
implementing with programmer tests, 151 “162
removing reviews, 149
ReviewAdapter, 149 “150
verifying contents of review, 149
automating customer tests, 131 “143
ActionFixture class, 133 “143
bridging FIT and software, 132 “133
CatalogAdapter class, 134 “138
FileRunner class, 135 “136
invalid ID script, 143
verifying review information, 142 “143
verifying track information, 138 “141
functional tests, user interfaces, 213
functions. See also methods
Catalog class, 155 “156
modifications, 172 “173
AddReviewToRecording (CatalogService class), 158
AddTwoNumbers, 250
ArtistName (CatalogAdapter class), 136
Delete (ArtistFixture.cs), 83
DeleteReview (Catalog class), 155 “156
DeleteReviewFromRecording (CatalogService class), 158
Duration (CatalogAdapter class), 136
Execute (CommandExecutor class), 199 “200
ExistingReviewId (ReviewAdapter), 164
ExistingReviewId (ReviewAdapter class), 174 “176
Extract, refactoring, 53 “55
FindById, 119
ArtistFixture.cs, 82
CatalogAdapter class, 133
RecordingDto, 112
retrieving recordings, 97
FindByRecordingId (Catalog class), 193 “195, 201 “203
Found (CatalogAdapter class), 134
Generate (Sieve of Eratosthenes), 37
GenerateArray (Sieve of Eratosthenes), 37, 45
GetDtos, 227
ArtistFixture.cs, 82
GenreFixture.cs, 88
Hide, refactoring, 44 “45
inlining, 46 “47
Insert (ArtistFixture.cs), 82
InvalidOperationException, 26
IsEmpty, 9 “11
verifying false value, 14 “16, 24 “29
verifying true value, 12 “17
LabelName (CatalogAdapter class), 136
PushOne, 14
PushPopContentCheck, 17, 20
PushPopMultipleElements, 20
ReleaseDate (CatalogAdapter class), 136
Rename, refactoring, 42 “43
RetrieveConnectionString, 74
RunATransaction, 255
Search (CatalogService class), 215
SearchButtonClick, 222, 226
SetUp, 183, 187
ArtistFixture.cs, 84
TearDown, 183, 187
ArtistFixture.cs, 84
Update (ArtistFixture.cs), 86
WriteDto, 114
WriteTotalRunTime, 116
WriteTrack, 114, 144

Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET
Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET (Microsoft Professional)
ISBN: 0735619484
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 85 © 2008-2017.
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