deleting an element in a linked list, 29

endianness not specified, 154

linked lists problems, 25

next pointer bound with data, 26

passing variables, 41

pointer misuse in, 28

removing all elements from a linked list, 30

reversing the order of words in, 79

shifted negative number as positive or negative, 146

strings and character arrays as essentially identical, 67

strings in, 71

treatment of arrays, 68–69


classes for a tree of integers, 53–54

coding a BST search in, 57

creating generic linked lists, 26

disallowing multiple inheritance of classes, 128–129

function deleting characters from a string, 76–79

garbage collection, 125, 188

nested classes, 187

shift operators, 145

shifted number as negative, 146

strings in, 73

updating the reference to the head of the list, 27–28

use of, 53


arrays in, 70

bound with data, 26

code for stack implementation, 34–35

defining an interface, 125–126

deleting an element in a linked list, 29

differences from Java, 186–187

friend classes in, 187

linked list problems, 25

pointer misuse in, 28

removing all elements from a linked list, 30

shift operators, 145

shifted negative numbers, 146

strings and character arrays as essentially identical, 67

strings in, 72

treatment of arrays, 68–69

C++ versus Java problem, 186–187

call stack, placing data on, 63

capabilities. See actions

career goals, discussing, 196

ceiling function, 172

certification, 4

char array in C, 71

char to Character mapping, 76

char type, holding 16-bit Unicode characters in Java, 72


converting into an integer, 74

deleting from a string, 76–79

described, 71

using as the index, 74

character pointer, examining integer bytes, 154

character-to-numeric-value conversion, 84

child lists, 46–47

child node

described, 55

separating each from the node before it, 48

child pointers, 45

chronological ordering in a resume, 210


mathematical function producing, 147–148

radius and circumference in a brainteaser, 179–180, 181

circular references in garbage collection, 189

circularly-linked lists, 27


defined, 121

implementing interfaces, 125, 126

passing via inheritance, 188

classified ads as a job search method, 9

Codd, E.F., 131


for all error and special cases, 19

interviewer questions about, 19

tracing through with an example, 19

written in the interview, 17

coding questions

as the meat of an interview, 15

problems in, 16

process followed in interviews, 15–17

scenario for answering, 15

solving, 17–19

columns in tables, 131

combinations, recursive method for generating, 98

Combinations of a String problem, 97–100

combinatorial mathematics, 101

committing transactions, 136

common key, joining tables on, 134


contacting directly, 8–9

finding and contacting, 7–9

Company and Employee Database problem, 137–138

company recruiters. See recruiters


big-O analysis of, 21, 22

implementation, 20–21


big-O analysis of, 21, 22

implementation, 20

compensation package, negotiating, 13

computer science students, languages and technologies required of, 3

computers, almost religious attachment to, 195

concurrency, 107

concurrency problems, 112–119

consistency of database transactions, 136

constant pointer, 68

constant running time, 22

constructing an object, 124

constructor method in a class, 124

Consumer thread writing with a Producer thread, 114–117

content organizing on a resume, 208–209

Count Open Lockers problem, 163–164

count values for each character in a string, 74

Counting Cubes problem, 176–179

counting semapores, 108

createStack function, 33

createStack routine, 33

credentials, upgrading, 4

cryptography algorithm, discovery of a new, 190

Cryptography problem, 189–190


counting in layers, 177

counting those not on the surface, 177

defined, 178

faces of, 176

cubic array

counting cubes on the surface, 177

cubes on the surface of, 176–179

current position pointer, 42

curriculum vitae, compared to a resume, 207

cycle avoidance, in a circularly-linked lists, 27

cyclic list

defined, 50

moving pointers at different speeds, 51–52

Programming Interviews Exposed. Secrets to Landing Your Next Job
Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job, 2nd Edition (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 047012167X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 94

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