abstract class, 125

accomplishments, importance in developing marketable skills, 5

ACID compliance, 136

action verbs on a resume, 208

actions, 121.

See also methods

acyclic list

defined, 50

moving pointers at different speeds, 51–52

add method, synchronizing with remove, 115–116


as a commonly used SQL feature, 135

returning the maximum value without, 139–140

using SUM, 138


described, 186

rise of, 17

algorithm optimizations. See optimizations


classifying by relative efficiency, 20

comparing the predicted relative performance of, 21

focusing on for an interview problem, 18

generating words from a telephone number, 101–103

improving by focusing on a deficiency, 82

alphabetical order, listing permutations in, 95

already-encountered list, putting nodes into a separate, 50–51

ambiguity, eliminating, 129

ambitions, discussing, 194–195


finding the lowest common, 64–66

of a node, 55

AND operation, solving Number of Ones, 157

API (application programming interface), 125

application developers, 1

arms-length recursion, 96, 99

array and string problems, 73–88

Array object in JavaScript, 70–71


compared to hash tables, 74–75

deleting elements from, 77

described, 67–68

processing long ASCII strings, 78

providing constant-time lookup, 74

rearranging data in, 77


identifying false, 161

inherent in problem solving, 160

looking for false, 167

asymptotic running time, 21

atomicity of database transactions, 136

attributes, 121

autobiography, resumes as, 206, 212

average case running time, 22

Programming Interviews Exposed. Secrets to Landing Your Next Job
Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job, 2nd Edition (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 047012167X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 94

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