Creating the All-Important TOAD Schema

Strictly speaking, you do not have to create any database server-side objects in order to use TOAD. You can simply install TOAD on your PC and go on your merry way. But there are screens where a developer will require access to an Oracle explain plan table. For example, the SQL Editor window has a tab for displaying the explain plan for the current SQL statement. Thus TOAD will need access to a plan table in order to process and then display the resulting explain plan. You have three options here.

First, sometimes DBAs prefer to create a DBA schema-owned, general-purpose and shared explain plan table using Oracle's scripts. So the steps to implement might look something like this:

  • Connect as SYSTEM (or other DBA account).




TOAD can work with such a setup. You should merely set the TOAD options for the Explain Plan Table Name field under the Oracle category to PLAN_TABLE (meaning the public synonym for the general-purpose table set up by the DBA). The TOAD Options screen is launched from the main menu at View, Options and is shown in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2. TOAD Options: Oracle explain plans.

There are two caveats with this method. First, you must make sure the DBA schema-owned explain plan table is current for the Oracle version being used. It's really quite easy to forget to update this table with major Oracle upgrades. This can cause TOAD to encounter problems with missing columns (that is, a call to Oracle will try to populate newer columns that don't exist in the old plan table structure). And second, TOAD will not be able to save and recall plans if you use this method because TOAD requires its own plan table to support such operations. You must instead use one of the two remaining methods .

Second (and recommended), you can also create a special TOAD schema to own a general-purpose and shared explain plan table using TOAD's TOADPREP.SQL script (found in the TEMPS subdirectory of the TOAD install directory). TOADPREP.SQL first creates the TOAD schema, and then creates its required explain plan objects. To accomplish this implementation, the steps are as follows :


  2. Connect as SYSTEM (or other DBA account).


TOAD will now be able to support the save and recall of explain plans, as long as you remember to check Save Previous Explain Plan Results in the TOAD Options screen under the Oracle category, as shown in Figure 1.2.

The TOADPREP.SQL script has changed significantly with version 7.4. Although the script has always created both the TOAD schema and all its explain-plan required objects, it has been updated such that you only need to modify the first three DEFINE statements in the script in order to control the script's behavior. It used to be that you had to review the entire SQL script for possible changes. So the new TOADPREP.SQL script shown in Listing 1.1 is much easer to work with.

Listing 1.1 TOADPREP.SQL Script
 REM  This script will create TOAD objects in their own  REM  schema. If you DO NOT want to create a unique system  REM  schema for TOAD objects, load the file NOTOAD.SQL  REM  REM  Otherwise, start a new Oracle connection as SYSTEM ( or  REM  any other user with privileges to create a new USER)   REM  and, while connected as that user,  execute the following  REM  by clicking the third toolbar button in a SQL Edit OR  REM  by selecting the menu option "SQL_Window/Execute as Script"  REM  REM  Ver  Date        Description  REM  ===  ==========  =======================================  REM  1.1  10/06/1999  1. Added STORAGE clauses to the table  REM                   create commands so that not too much  REM                   disk space will be allocated.  REM                   2. Removed obsolete TOAD_TEMP and  REM                   TOAD_DEP_TEMP.  REM  1.2  11/17/1999  1. Changed index on TOAD_PLAN_TABLE from  REM                   unique to non-unique.  REM  1.3  05/23/2001  1. Added partition-related columns and  REM                   DISTRIBUTION to TOAD_PLAN_TABLE  REM  1.4  01/18/2001  1. Added OBJECTNAME function  REM  1.5  03/29/2002  Added EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE  REM  1.6  03/31/2002  Reworked entire script so user custimizations  REM                   can be made via DEFINE variables in one place  REM --------- Make all changes right here -------------------- REM --------- Do not change the name of the TOAD user -------- DEFINE UPW_TOAD=TOAD  DEFINE DEF_TSPACE=USER_DATA  DEFINE TMP_TSPACE=TEMPORARY  REM ------------------ Create the TOAD User ------------------ DROP USER TOAD CASCADE;  CREATE USER TOAD    IDENTIFIED BY &UPW_TOAD    DEFAULT TABLESPACE &DEF_TSPACE    TEMPORARY TABLESPACE &TMP_TSPACE    QUOTA UNLIMITED ON &DEF_TSPACE    QUOTA 0K ON SYSTEM;  GRANT CONNECT TO TOAD;  GRANT RESOURCE TO TOAD;  GRANT CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM TO TOAD;   --The following grant is only necessary if you intend to install the TOAD  --Profiler objects into the TOAD schema  GRANT EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE TO TOAD;  REM ----------------- Drop public synonyms -------------------- DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM TOAD_PLAN_SQL;  DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM TOAD_PLAN_TABLE;  DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM TOAD_SEQ;  REM ----------------- Connect as TOAD ------------------------- CONNECT TOAD/&UPW_TOAD;  REM ----------------- Create the Explain Plan objects  DROP TABLE TOAD.TOAD_PLAN_SQL;  DROP TABLE TOAD.TOAD_PLAN_TABLE;  DROP SEQUENCE TOAD.TOAD_SEQ;  CREATE TABLE TOAD.TOAD_PLAN_SQL (  USERNAME     VARCHAR2(30),  STATEMENT_ID VARCHAR2(32),  TIMESTAMP    DATE,  STATEMENT    VARCHAR2(2000) )  STORAGE (INITIAL 40K NEXT 24K);  CREATE UNIQUE INDEX TOAD.TPSQL_IDX ON  TOAD.TOAD_PLAN_SQL ( STATEMENT_ID );  CREATE TABLE TOAD.TOAD_PLAN_TABLE (  STATEMENT_ID    VARCHAR2(32),  TIMESTAMP       DATE,  REMARKS         VARCHAR2(80),  OPERATION       VARCHAR2(30),  OPTIONS         VARCHAR2(30),  OBJECT_NODE     VARCHAR2(128),  OBJECT_OWNER    VARCHAR2(30),   OBJECT_NAME     VARCHAR2(30),  OBJECT_INSTANCE NUMBER,   OBJECT_TYPE     VARCHAR2(30),  SEARCH_COLUMNS  NUMBER,  ID              NUMBER,  COST            NUMBER,  PARENT_ID       NUMBER,  POSITION        NUMBER,  CARDINALITY     NUMBER,  OPTIMIZER       VARCHAR2(255),  BYTES           NUMBER,  OTHER_TAG       VARCHAR2(255),  PARTITION_ID    NUMBER,  PARTITION_START VARCHAR2(255),  PARTITION_STOP  VARCHAR2(255),  DISTRIBUTION    VARCHAR2(30),  OTHER           LONG)  STORAGE(INITIAL 80K NEXT 36K) ;  CREATE INDEX TOAD.TPTBL_IDX ON  TOAD.TOAD_PLAN_TABLE ( STATEMENT_ID );   CREATE SEQUENCE TOAD.TOAD_SEQ START WITH 1 CACHE 20;  CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM TOAD_PLAN_SQL FOR TOAD.TOAD_PLAN_SQL;  CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM TOAD_PLAN_TABLE FOR TOAD.TOAD_PLAN_TABLE;  CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM TOAD_SEQ FOR TOAD.TOAD_SEQ;  GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON TOAD.TOAD_PLAN_SQL TO PUBLIC;  GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON TOAD.TOAD_PLAN_TABLE TO PUBLIC;  GRANT SELECT, ALTER ON TOAD.TOAD_SEQ TO PUBLIC;  REM -------- Create the ObjectName function for use in Kill/Trace ----------- DROP FUNCTION TOAD.MYOBJECTNAME;  CREATE OR REPLACE function TOAD.ObjectName(in_object_id in number) return  varchar  is    return_string varchar2(100);  begin    select OWNER'.'OBJECT_NAME      into return_string       from all_objects      where object_id = in_object_id;    return return_string;  end ObjectName;  /  GRANT EXECUTE ON TOAD.OBJECTNAME TO PUBLIC; 

Third and finally, you can also create a private TOAD explain plan table and all its required objects per TOAD user via the NOTOAD.SQL script (also found in the TEMPS subdirectory of the TOAD install directory). To accomplish this implementation, the steps are as follows:

  1. Connect as each and every TOAD user.


This method is supported for backward compatibility, but it's very hard to imagine a case where you would want to choose this implementation option. This method would require every TOAD user to have CREATE TABLE privilege, CREATE SEQUENCE privilege, and some tablespace quota on at least one tablespace. Plus it would result in numerous additional database objects as a whole (that is, two tables, two indexes, and one sequence created per TOAD user). But the option does exist for those who want to use it. The only advantage to this approach is that, like the prior method, it too supports the save and recall of explain plans. Because this method is not recommended, the NOTOAD.SQL script is not shown.

TOAD Handbook
TOAD Handbook (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0321649109
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 171 © 2008-2017.
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