AD Merge Patch

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The AD Merge Patch (ADMRGPCH) utility can merge multiple, noninterdependent patches into a single integrated patch that can be applied in one ADPATCH session. The ADMRGPCH utility is an executable program that is located in the $AD_TOP/bin directory.

Before trying to merge patches together, read all README files carefully. Some README files contain special instructions that may impact your ability to merge patches or the process by which you apply the merged patches. Also read the README files carefully to make sure that no patch that you are trying to merge is a prerequisite or postrequisite patch for any other patch in the merge set.

Once you are sure of the patches that you are going to merge, create two directories in your patch file directory structure. One will be a source directory into where all patches to be merged are copied and unzipped; the other directory is a destination directory. There is no requirement for how they are named. When all of the patches that you are going to merge are in the source directory and are unzipped, you are ready to run the utility.

There are two mandatory parameters to use when running AD Merge Patch and one optional parameter. You have to specify the source directory where you have unzipped the patches to be merged; you have to specify the destination directory where the new integrated patch will be placed. Optionally, you can give ADMRGPCH the name of the merged patch. If you choose to not pass in the optional parameter, AD Merge Patch will give the drivers the following default names:

  • C drivers will be called cmerged.drv if no other name is given.

  • D drivers will be called dmerged.drv if no other name is given.

  • G drivers will be called gmerged.drv if no other name is given.

From the command line of the sourced environment, AD Merge Patch is invoked as follows:

 Admrgpch <source unzip directory> <target merged directory> <optional merged name> 

AD Merge Patch looks in the source directory, finds every C driver, D driver, and G driver for each patch, and merges them into one of each driver into the destination directory. It then copies all of the files referenced in all of the patches into a consolidated set of files, ready to be copied, uploaded, and generated by the consolidated drivers. If the utility finds any files that are named the same and are in more than one of the individual file's directories, it determines the file with the highest revision number and copies this version into the destination directory structure.

Be sure to carefully check the log file admrgpch.log that is located in the directory from where you invoked ADMRGPCH. Any errors generated from the merge procedure should be examined before running ADPATCH to apply the new patch. Error can occur if trying to merge patches from different releases, patches of different parallel modes, or from different platforms. You can merge a generic patch with a platform specific patch and a U.S. language specific patch with patches of other language translations or patches with different source character sets. AD Merge Patch will notify you if there are incompatibilities between patches you are attempting to merge.

 < Day Day Up > 

Oracle 11i E-Business Suite from the front lines
Oracle 11i E-Business Suite from the Front Lines
ISBN: 0849318610
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 122 © 2008-2017.
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