Styling the table Element

Styling the <table> Element

Apply border-collapse: collapse to the <table> element to remove cellspacing as shown in Listing 14.10.

Listing 14.10. CSS Code for Styling the <table> Element
caption {     text-align: left;     margin: 0 0 .5em 0;     font-weight: bold; } table {     border-collapse: collapse; } 

Tables and cellspacing

A standard table will have about 2px of cellspacing between cells. This can be removed using two methods.

The first method is to apply cellspacing="0" as an attribute inside the <table> element. This is not ideal because a presentation attribute has been added to the table. If you were to change the presentation at a later date, you would need to adjust the HTML as well as the CSS.

The second method is to apply border-collapse: collapse to the <table> element using CSS. This method is preferred because the appearance of the table can be changed at any time without affecting the HTML.

Sams Teach Yourself CSS in 10 Minutes
Sams Teach Yourself CSS in 10 Minutes
ISBN: 0672327457
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 234
Authors: Russ Weakley © 2008-2017.
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