GNOME development takes place on the server, where you can retrieve the latest developer's version of any package at any time. You can read about CVS at and in [Fogel]; here is a summary of how to use it:

  1. Set your CVSROOT environment variable login to the anonymous GNOME CVS server:

  2. Run cvs login . When asked for a password, press Enter. This step creates a .cvspass file in your home directory that tells CVS how to access

To check out a package, make sure that you have the CVSROOT variable set as described and run cvs checkout package . For example, to get the Nautilus source code, you would enter

 cvs checkout nautilus 

The reply should look something like this:

 cvs server: Updating nautilus U nautilus/.cvsignore U nautilus/AUTHORS U nautilus/COPYING U nautilus/COPYING-DOCS  ...  ... 

If you already have a source tree, use cvs update package to update the package to the current version.

To see what packages you need for the GNOME installation, look up the release notes of the latest GNOME desktop and developer package.


Getting software via CVS usually means that you are interested in the latest versions. The commands provided here work with the newest branch of the source tree. Therefore, do not expect them to be bug free. In addition, you need all of the GNU autotools described in Chapter 6, and you must run the autogen .sh script to create a valid configure script and compile the package.


GNOME developers on the GNOME CVS server tend to use a system called JHBuild to retrieve and build the GNOME code. Here's how it works:

  1. Set up CVS as described in the previous section.

  2. Get the JHBuild package:

     cvs checkout jhbuild 
  3. You now have a jhbuild directory. Change to this directory.

  4. Read the README file.

  5. Look at Makefile to see if you need to change anything on your system.

  6. Install JHBuild:

     make install 
  7. Copy sample.jhbuildrc to a dot file in your home directory:

     cp sample.jhbuildrc $HOME/.jhbuildrc 
  8. Edit your $HOME/.jhbuildrc file to suit your system.

  9. Build and install the preliminary configuration:

     jhbuild bootstrap 
  10. Build and install everything else:


To build a single module and its dependencies, use the build command:

 jhbuild build  module  

The Official GNOME 2 Developers Guide
The Official GNOME 2 Developers Guide
ISBN: 1593270305
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 108 © 2008-2017.
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