Section 1.7. Key Issues: Voice and Data: Two Separate Worlds

1.7. Key Issues: Voice and Data: Two Separate Worlds

  • The PSTN developed as a result of early telephony pioneers' efforts at building meshed and switched networks.

  • SS7 is the switch-to-switch signaling network using to connect and bill calls placed across the PSTN.

  • POTS, or plain old telephone service, is the basic single-line analog voice service from a phone company.

  • Key systems and PBXs provide businesses a way of operating their own feature-rich voice networks at a lower cost than dealing only with PSTN-provided services.

  • Lines and trunks are links between telephony devices. A line is a link from a switch to a phone. A trunk is a link from a switch to a switch.

  • Voice over IP encompasses a large family of interface technologies, protocols, and standards that enable real-time media applications using IP networks.

  • Traditional telephony isn't scalable like VoIP because it isn't software-driven like VoIP. Its ratio of calling capacity to network infrastructure is fixed, while VoIP's has lots of room for optimization.

  • VoIP is suitable for deployment in homes and businesses, and, thanks to broadband and deregulation , is earning a reputation as a more practical way of delivering telephony services.

Switching to VoIP
Switching to VoIP
ISBN: 0596008686
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 172 © 2008-2017.
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