call-history-mib retain-timer (value)  

Platform: IOS based
Where: General
Info: Affects the size of the ISDN history table.

  carrier delay value  

Platform: IOS 12.1
Where: General
Info: Modifies the carrier delay time. A value of 0 disables the carrier delay.

  clear crashdump 1  

Platform: IOS based
Where: General
Info: Cleans up an old crash dump.

  clear ip eigrp [as] event  

Platform: IOS based
Where: General
Info: Clears IP-EIGRP event logs.

  clear profile  

Platform: IOS based
Where: General
Info: Clears CPU profiling.

  clear startup-config  

Platform: IOS based
Where: General
Info: Same as erase startup-config .

  clear vtemplate  

Platform: IOS based
Where: General
Info: Resets virtual templates.

  clock rate { 1200  [...] 2015232 }  

Platform: IOS based
Where: General
Info: An anomaly exists between what is documented, what is displayed, and what is entered for this command. The documentation indicates the command is clock rate and this is what IOS shows as the valid command in configuration mode. However, a configuration display shows the command as clockrate as this is how it is saved in NVRAM. In addition, older ROM monitors do not understand the newer clock rate command, which would cause problems. What actually happens here is that clock rate is implemented as a hidden command and is not completed by pressing tab, nor is any help generated for it. But both clockrate and clock rate are accepted, and there should be no problem in cutting and pasting the configurations.

  copy core  

Platform: IOS based
Where: General
Info: Does a full core dump, as write core but with more options.

  csim start <number>  

Platform: IOS based
Where: General
Info: With the csim command you can emulate a voice callas if somebody has called the specified number. Useful if you don't have physical access to a telephone.

Here is a successful call:

 arhontus#csim start 089150      csim: called number = 089150, loop count = 1 ping count = 0      csim err csimDisconnected recvd DISC cid(21)      csim: loop = 1, failed = 1      csim: call attempted = 1, setup failed = 1, tone failed = 0 

Here is a call to an undefined number:

 arhontus#csim start 089151      csim: called number = 089151, loop count = 1 ping count = 0      csim err:csim_do_test Error peer not found 

Hacking Exposed Cisco Networks
Hacking Exposed Cisco Networks: Cisco Security Secrets & Solutions
ISBN: 0072259175
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 117

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