UI. See user interface (UI)
Unassigned Objects group
display rules for, 61–63
hiding in Navigation Pane, 67, 68, 74
unbound, 566
UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path name, 1323
underscore (_)
default placeholder character, 171
using names in brackets with embedded, 989
wildcard character for project file, A49
Field List window, 122
Visual Basic Editor windows, 946
deleted relationships between tables, 211
deletions, 210
multiple design changes, 234
rows replaced in error, 224
Unicode UTF-8 vs. UTF-16, 1148
union queries, 463–468
building in SQL view, 463–468
illustrated, 468
updates disallowed for, 469
using column names in ORDER BY clause of, A52, A63, A69
viewing in Datasheet view, 465
UNION query operator, A68-A70
unique identifiers, A20-A21
unique indexes
creating, 1473
ignoring duplicate key for, 1474
Unique Records property, 454–458
Unique Values property, 454–458, 469
units of measure for form grid, 566
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path name, 1323
unlinking linked tables, 303
unmatched (<>) values in queries, 1503, A42
unmatched records, 426–430, 432–434
Unrelated Objects category, 51–52
Unset Database Password dialog box, 1335
untrusted locations, 1225
untrusted macros. See not trusted macros
updatable recordsets, 1554–1555
update queries, 486–495
backing up data before using, 489
command on Design contextual tab for, 488
confirmation dialog boxes with, 489, 491
converting select query to, 488
defined, 485
defining generic parameters for, 495
expressions in, 489
icon for, 490
illustrated, 488
multiple tables or queries creating, 493–495
running, 489–491
updating multiple fields, 491–493
using select query to test data updates, 486–487
UPDATE statement, A77-A78
Update Status Bar Text Every where ContactID Is Used command, 233
updates for Microsoft Office system, 97
custom Ribbon elements, 1297–1299
data, A11
image path for photograph, 1070–1071
properties with AutoCorrect smart tag, 233
including primary key information when, 310
via e-mail collection, 308–309, 329–330
rows in ADO recordset, 1004
view conditions limiting, 1508
Upgrade tab (Microsoft Office dialog box), 1348, 1349
upgrading previous Microsoft Office version, 1347–1349
uppercase characters (>), 655
upsizing applications to projects, 533
Use Access Special Keys check box (Access Options dialog box), 957
Use Control Wizards button, 602
Use Trusted Connection check box (Microsoft SQL Server Database Wizard), 1450–1451
Use Windows-Themed Controls On Forms option, 559, 596, 692
User Account Control, 197
User Information List, 1194
User Information tab (Microsoft Office dialog box), 1345–1346, 1348
user interface (UI), 19–97.
See also Detail section;
Navigation Pane;
contextual tabs
adding built-in groups to, 1276–1279
Arrange, 564, 618
creating for custom Ribbon, 1274–1275
Design, 121–122, 184, 488, 509, 564
disabling unused, 1283–1284
found on Form Design Tools tab, 567
hidden when Navigation Pane collapsed, 739
Print Preview, 739
report, 761
Report Design Tools, 121–122, 761
Ribbon, 41, 104
setting focus to, 1301–1302
controlling display with macro actions, AH3-AH4
designing application prototype for, A5
dimmed objects in, 73–74
form navigation buttons and command icons, 540
Getting Started screen, 21–22, 102
modifying global settings, 87–97
Navigation Pane, 24, 46
function of, 45–47
Object Type category of, 57, 82, 105–106, 114, 115
searching for database objects from, 78–82
Tables And Related Views category of, 49–52
width of, 47, 103
opening existing databases, 22–25
opening first time, 19–20
Quick Access Toolbar, 27–33
adding command from Ribbon to, 34
adding macros to, 30–31
adding separators between commands, 33
Customize category settings for, 28–29, 94
Database Tools tab, 24, 44–45
default and custom commands on, 27–30
illustrated, 28
removing items from, 28–29, 33, 34
restoring default settings for, 33
revising order of commands and macros on, 32
undo feature for, 210
adding built-in groups to tabs, 1276–1279
adding command to Quick Access Toolbar from, 34
building well-formed XML for, 1270–1271
collapsing, 45
customizing, 1266–1279, 1283–1302
getting accustomed to, 21
illustrated, 24, 41
main tabs, 41
not used in Visual Basic Editor, 945
quick create commands on, 590
Search box, 553–554
single- vs. multiple-document, 83–86
status bar, 25
Trust Center, 34–35
user interface functions, A90-A91
using Microsoft Office Button, 24, 25–27
Visual Basic Editor, 945–950
Windows SharePoint Services, 1167–1168
adding columns to lists, 1175–1179
creating views, 1172–1175, 1191
editing lists, 1168–1172
RecycleBin, 1179–1182, 1197
working with queries in Datasheet view, 384–386
user-defined data types, 1465
user-defined stored procedures, 1533
user-level security for .accdb files, 12
application design feedback from, A6
controlling form filtering and modifications by, 673–674
forms requiring input from, 524–525
making design changes on forms, 589
preventing use of window controls by, 675
restricting form views for, 670–671
USysRibbons table, 1266–1269
creating, 1266
displaying, 1266–1267
custom Ribbons from, 1284–1285
during startup, 1267–1268
Ribbons into Access data projects, 1286