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The VBFixedStringAttribute attribute is used to ensure that files written using the FileSystem methods are compatible with previous versions of Visual Basic. A fixed- size string in previous versions of Visual Basic was a string declared with a fixed size in a user -defined type. Type Team Name As String * 10 End Type This example shows a user-defined type with a fixed-size string of length 10 in it. When a user-defined type with a fixed-size string was written to disk, it included a special header containing the size of the string. For the string to be read properly in Visual Basic .NET, the corresponding class or structure has to specify the VBFixedStringAttribute . Class Team <VBFixedStringAttribute(10)> Public Name As String End Class Module Test Sub Main() Dim x As Team FileOpen(FileNum, "team.txt", OpenMode.Binary, _ OpenAccess.Write, OpenShare.Default) FileGet(1, x) FileClose(1) End Sub End Module Public ReadOnly Length() As Integer The Length property returns the number of characters in the fixed-size string. Public Sub New(ByVal Length As Integer) The VBFixedStringAttribute constructor specifies the length of the fixed-size string. |
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