13.8 Oracle s Wait interface

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13.8 Oracle's Wait interface

In the STATSPACK report discussions above, we mentioned the top 5 waits encountered by the database/application during a specific snapshot period. These wait events are retrieved by the STATSPACK process from certain data dictionary views and stored in the STATSPACK-specific tables in the PERFSTAT schema.

Oracle's wait interface (OWI) helps to identify all wait events. This helps track the number of waits and the amount of time waited for each event throughout the life of a session.

The data dictionary views that constitute the wait interface include:







Unlike the STATSPACK report that only reports information at the overall system level like that provided by querying the GV$SYSTEM_EVENT view, data dictionary views such as the GV$SESSION_EVENT and GV$SESSION_WAIT provide information at the session level.


The definitions of these data dictionary views can be found in Chapter 9 (Parameters and Views).

Unlike the information in the GV$SYSTEM_EVENT, which is retained until the instance is bounced, the data available in session views is lost after the session has disconnected from the database. Due to the dynamic nature of these views and due to short span of a session's existence, collecting data from these views by querying them directly may be difficult. The workaround for this situation would be to capture the data in these views and store them in user-defined tables.


The implementation of these queries to capture data could cause serious performance risks in a live production system. They should be used intelligently. These scripts should be used with great caution and should be turned on only under extreme conditions and should be turned off immediately.

In order to retain the session statistics it is required that these statistics be written to a separate table before the session disconnects from the database. This could be implemented using the BEFORE LOGOFF ON DATABASE trigger. The BEFORE LOGOFF ON DATABASE trigger is created at the database level and is configured to capture all events from the session-related views and insert them into their respective tables.


The scripts required for creating the MVPERFAUDIT user, the tables, and respective triggers to capture data are included in Appendix 2 of this book.

The procedure mv_perfaudit_create.sql creates three tables, MV_AUDIT_SESSION_EVENT, MV_AUDIT_SESSION_WAIT,and MV_AUDIT_SESSION_STAT. The script also contains three trigger creation scripts used to populate the above three tables. Apart from the session information contained in the GV$SESSION_WAIT and GV$SESSION_EVENT tables, the procedure also captures additional information from the GV$SESSION view, including the SQL_ADDRESS of the statement that is related to the wait event. Using this address, the actual SQL text of the query can be obtained by joining the MV_AUDIT_SESSION_EVENT table against the V$SQL view.

COL EVENT format a30 COL USERNAME format a15 COL TIMEOUTS format 99999 COL WAIT format 99999 COL WAITED format 99999 COL SID format 9999 SELECT mvase_sid SID,      mvase_username USERNAME,      mvase_sql_address SQL_ADDRESS,      mvase_event EVENT,      mvase_total_timeouts TIMEOUTS,      mvase_total_waits WAIT,      mvase_time_waited WAITED,      mvase_failed_over FO FROM mv_audit_session_event WHERE mvase_username IS NOT NULL ORDER BY mvase_sid; / SID  SQL_ADDRESS       EVENT                       TIMEOUTS     WAIT   WAITED  FO  --- -------------- --------------------- -------- ---- ------ ------------------ 32    0000000442A622A0   jobq slave wait              1            2      573    NO 32    0000000442A622A0   log file sync                0            1       0     NO 32    0000000442A622A0   db file sequential read      939          1145   1252   NO 32    0000000442A622A0   SQL*Net message to client    0            15      0     NO 32    0000000442A622A0   SQL*Net message from client  0            14      7126  NO 32    0000000442A622A0   db file sequential read      0             1      7     NO 32    0000000442A622A0   SQL*Net message to client    0            31      0     NO 32    0000000442A622A0   SQL*Net more data to client  0             1      0     NO 32    0000000442A622A0   SQL*Net message from client  0            30     5793   NO 32    0000000442A622A0   db file sequential read      239          145     122   NO 32    0000000442A622A0   SQL*Net message to client    0             35     0     NO 


The USERNAME column has been suppressed from the output, for formatting purposes.

The above query output indicates that the session with SID 32 had encountered the above mentioned wait events while performing certain SQL operations. For example, the query below joins the MV_AUDIT_SESSION_EVENT table to GV$SQL view to obtain the SQL text that the session was executing which had encountered the above-mentioned waits.


Similarly, the wait table MV_AUDIT_SESSION_WAIT could be queried to retrieve the various details of the waits, including the reasons for the waits. For example, the wait could be on a table when retrieving rows, could be on the SQL*Net where the Oracle process is waiting for more information from the client, or is waiting to send a message to the client.

COL SID FORMAT 9999 COL USERNAME FORMAT A15 COL EVENT FORMAT A30 COL P1 FORMAT 9999 COL P2 FORMAT 9999 COL P3 FORMAT 9999 Select MVASW_SID SID,     MVASW_USERNAME USERNAME,     MVASW_SQL_ADDRESS SQL_ADDRESS,     MVASW_EVENT EVENT,     MVASW_P1 P1,     MVASW_P2 P2,     MVASW_P3 P3,     MVASW_WAIT_TIME WAIT,     MVASW_FAILED_OVER FO FROM    MV_AUDIT_SESSION_WAIT WHERE    MVASW_USERNAME IS NOT NULL AND    (MVASW_EVENT LIKE OR    MVASW_EVENT LIKE OR    MVASW_EVENT LIKE OR    MVASW_EVENT LIKE OR     MVASW_EVENT LIKE ORDER BY SID / SID     SQL_ADDRESS                    EVENT   P1    P2           P3 WT FO  --- ---------------- ----------------------  --- ----- ------------ -- -- 30  0000000443D7CF48  db file sequential read  18  56903           1  0 NO 32  0000000442A622A0  db file sequential read  194 20683           1  0 NO 32  0000000442174720  db file sequential read  18  25804           1  0 NO 32  00000004421739C0  db file sequential read  18  11786           1  0 NO 32  0000000443AB2528  global cache null to x   18  25804 17917873152  0 NO 36  0000000442178608  db file sequential read  18  24480           1  0 NO 36  0000000442178608      global cache s to x  18  1164  17934759808  0 NO 39  00000004421781C8      global cache open x  18  28712 17968379616  0 NO 90  00000004448FE370  db file sequential read  18  15422           1  0 NO 99  0000000443D7DDD8  global cache null to x   18  11888 17045147456  0 NO 120 00000004448F9728  db file sequential read  18  11891           1  0 NO 125 00000004448F8FA0  db file sequential read  18  11864           1  0 NO 125 00000004448FE370  global cache cr request  18  23689 17028513088  0 NO 

The output above indicates the various wait events and the objects that the process waited against. For example, the query above has filtered out only the events that contain %db% and others related specifically to RAC. The db file sequential read on session 32 was encountered in the previous query from the MV_AUDIT_SESSION_EVENT table. This query illustrates the reasons for the wait.

The contents of P1, P2, and P3 vary from event to event. The actual meaning for these events could be obtained by querying MVASW_P1TEXT, MVASW_P2TEXT, and MVASW_P3TEXT from the MV_AUDIT_SESSION_WAIT for column contents of P1, P2, and P3, respectively. The same infor mation could also be obtained by querying the GV$EVENT_NAME view:

COL EVENT# FORMAT 9999 COL NAME FORMAT A30 COL PARAMETER1 FORMAT A12 COL PARAMETER2 FORMAT A12 COL PARAMETER3 FORMAT A12 SELECT         EVENT#,         NAME,         PARAMETER1,         PARAMETER2,         PARAMETER3 FROM        GV$EVENT_NAME WHERE (NAME LIKE OR        NAME LIKE OR        NAME LIKE OR        NAME LIKE /         EVENT# NAME                     PARAMETER1    PARAMETER2   PARAMETER3 ------ ------------------------- ---------- ----------    ------------ 150    buffer busy global cache   file#       block#            id 151    buffer busy global CR      file#       block#            id 191    db file sequential read    file#       block#        blocks 192    db file scattered read     file#       block#        blocks 193    db file single write       file#       block#        blocks 194    db file parallel write     requests    interrupt     timeout 195    db file parallel read      files       blocks        requests 196    global cache open s        file#       block#            le 197    global cache open x        file#       block#            le 198    global cache null to s     file#       block#            le 199    global cache null to x     file#       block#            le 200    global cache s to x        file#       block#            le 201    global cache cr request    file#       block#            le 202    global cache cr disk       file#       block#            le         request 203    global cache busy          file#       block#            id 205    global cache bg acks       count       loops 206    global cache pending ast   le 207    global cache retry prepare file#       block# 150    buffer busy global cache   file#       block#            id 151    buffer busy global CR      file#       block#            id 191    db file sequential read    file#       block#        blocks 192    db file scattered read     file#       block#        blocks 193    db file single write       file#       block#        blocks 194    db file parallel write     requests    interrupt    timeout 195    db file parallel read      files       blocks       requests 196    global cache open s        file#       block#            le 197    global cache open x        file#       block#            le 198    global cache null to s     file#       block#            le 199    global cache null to x     file#       block#            le 200    global cache s to x        file#       block#            le 201    global cache cr request    file#       block#            le 202    global cache cr disk       block#      le 

From the output above it is found that the parameters for db file sequential read are file#, block#, and blocks. Applying these values to the output from the MV_AUDIT_SESSION_WAIT table above, session 32 had encountered waits on two files, file# 194 and file# 18. Further analysis indicates that session 32 had encountered waits on file# 18 twice; however, in both the situations the blocks that it waited on were different (block# 25804 and block# 11786).

Session 32 also encountered waits on global cache locks reported through the global cache null to x wait. This wait is a lock conversion for a local read-only mode to exclusive mode. Further analysis of the statistics collected in the MV_AUDIT_SESSION_WAIT table determined that this wait was also encountered on file# 18 on block# 25804.

The next step would be to identify the actual files and the tablespaces that map to these objects. Once the tablespaces are identified, the next step would be to identify which tables or indexes are contained in these tablespaces.

In this case, as illustrated below, by querying the V$DATAFILE, V$TABLESPACE, and DBA_TABLES view, we can see that the files are shared by more than one table and the blocks contention are on these tables:

COL FILE# FORMAT 9999 COL FNAME FORMAT A44 COL TNAME FORMAT A25 COL TABLE_NAME FORMAT A30 SELECT     F.FILE#,     F.NAME FNAME,     T.NAME TNAME,     TABLE_NAME FROM    V$DATAFILE F,     V$TABLESPACE T,     DBA_TABLES WHERE F.TS#= T.TS# AND    (F.FILE#= 194 OR    F.FILE#= 18) AND    T.NAME = TABLESPACE_NAME FILE#  FNAME                                TNAME            TABLE_NAME ---- ------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- 18   /dev/vx/rdsk/oraracdg/partition500m_1a TBS190_DATA_P001 USER_PROFILE 18   /dev/vx/rdsk/oraracdg/partition500m_1a TBS190_DATA_P001 COMPANY 194  /dev/vx/rdsk/oraracdg/partition500m_4a TBS200_DATA_P001 USER_LOGIN 194  /dev/vx/rdsk/oraracdg/partition500m_4a TBS200_DATA_P001 USER_SECURITY

Occasional contentions need not be of concern. However, if this contention is repeatable, the reasons need to be identified. From the above analysis there are two potential areas where the problem could be mapped. Either the contention is because the raw device partition is mapped to the same set of disks or it could be because the tables are hot tables and need to be moved into their respective tablespaces to use different files to store the data.

So far we have discussed the OWI with respect to the database, in the sense that it concerns the information reported by GV$SESSION_EVENT, GV$SYSTEM_EVENT, and GV$SESSION_WAIT. These wait activities more or less relate to the database configuration or the behavior of SQL queries or the distribution of data in the database.

It is not just the database and the data that can report issues concerning bad performance; performance data from the operating system can also help in troubleshooting and problem solving. The OWI reports on system- level activities or waits at the system level such as CPU, memory etc. Similar to the database statistics reported by the other three views, the wait activities for the CPU and memory could be obtained by querying the GV$SYSSTAT and GV$SESSTAT.

Similar to GV$SYSTEM_EVENT, which reports on the wait events at the instance level, GV$SYSSTAT also reports operating system statistics at the instance level. This means that the statistics generated from this view only provide an overall health of the database. Also the data provided by this view covers the time since the instance was last bounced as indicated by the GV$INSTANCE view.

COL NAME FORMAT A40 SELECT     INST_ID, NAME, VALUE FROM    GV$SYSSTAT WHERE    (NAME LIKE OR    NAME LIKE OR    NAME LIKE OR    NAME LIKE INST_ID   NAME                                 VALUE ------- ----------------------------------- --------- 1         recursive cpu usage                 1134363 1         global lock sync gets               4144288 1         global lock async gets               231936 1         global lock get time                 206027 1         global lock sync converts            207121 1         global lock async converts           318799 1         global lock convert time             112312 1         global lock releases                4310681 1         db block gets                      93786250 1         db block changes                   57229650 1         global cache gets                  67304228     INST_ID   NAME                                   VALUE ------- ----------------------------------- -------------- 1         global cache get time                   56519113 1         global cache converts                    1014750 1         global cache convert time                1136498 1         global cache cr blocks received          1816738 1         global cache cr block receive time        759748 1         global cache current blocks received    10089455 1         global cache current block              56747428           receive time 1         global cache cr blocks served            1692951 1         global cache cr block build time           13719 1         global cache cr block flush time          215520 1         global cache cr block send time            38087     INST_ID   NAME                                       VALUE ------- ----------------------------------- ------------------ 1         global cache current blocks served         28210721 1         global cache current block pin time          910030 1         global cache current block flush time        103497 1         global cache current block send time         828097 1         global cache freelist waits                       3 1         global cache defers                          119262 1         global cache convert timeouts                     0 1         global cache blocks lost                        178 1         global cache claim blocks lost                    0 1         parse time cpu                                76791 1         parse time elapsed                           579757 1         parse count (total)                        13209035 1         parse count (hard)                            23307 1         parse count (failures)                          133 1         OS Wait-cpu (latency) time                        0 2         recursive cpu usage                         1113997 2         global lock sync gets                       3291355 

As we have discussed earlier, in this case also, the session-based information is lost when the user disconnects his or her session from the database. Hence, the data from the GV$SESSTAT needs to be stored in a permanent table, for example, in MV_AUDIT_SESSION_STAT for future analysis.

COL SID FORMAT 999 COL USERNAME FORMAT A15 COL STAT# FORMAT 9999 COL NAME FORMAT A35 COL VALUE FORMAT SELECT MVASS_SID SID, MVASS_SQL_ADDRESS SQL_ADDRESS, MVASS_STATISTIC# STAT#, NAME, MVASS_VALUE VALUE FROM    MV_AUDIT_SESSION_STAT,     GV$STATNAME WHERE MVASS_STATISTIC# = STATISTIC# AND    MVASS_USERNAME IS NOT NULL AND    MVASS_VALUE > 0 ORDER BY MVASS_SID /     SID   SQL_ADDRESS    STAT#    NAME                      VALUE ---- ---------------- ----- ---------------------- ---------- 100 000000044668AD30 232      parse count (total)           1 100 000000044668AD30 219      PX local messages recv'd      2 100 000000044668AD30 218      PX local messages sent        2 100 000000044668AD30 1        logons current                1 100 000000044668AD30 0        logons cumulative             1 100 000000044668AD30 34       global lock releases          1 100 000000044668AD30 28       global lock sync gets         2 100 000000044668AD30 27       enqueue releases              1 100 000000044668AD30 25       enqueue requests              2 100 000000044668AD30 21       session pga memory max  4502576 100 000000044668AD30 20       session pga memory 4     502576     SID   SQL_ADDRESS     STAT#   NAME                           VALUE ---- ---------------- ----- ----------------------      ----------- 100 000000044668AD30   16   session uga memory max           60968 100 000000044668AD30   235  execute count                        1 100 000000044668AD30   34   global lock releases                 1 100 000000044668AD30   28   global lock sync gets                2 100 000000044668AD30   27   enqueue releases                     1 100 000000044668AD30   25   enqueue requests                     2 100 000000044668AD30   21   session pga memory max         4502576 100 000000044668AD30   20   session pga memory             4502576 100 000000044668AD30   16   session uga memory max           60968 100 000000044668AD30   15   session uga memory               60968 100 000000044668AD30   14   process last non-idle time  1040613274     SID  SQL_ADDRESS      STAT#     NAME                     VALUE ---- ---------------- ----- -------------------------  ---------- 100 000000044668AD30  13    session connect time       1040613274 100 000000044668AD30  15    session uga memory              60968 100 000000044668AD30  14    process last non-idle time 1040613274 100 000000044668AD30  13    session connect time       1040613274

The above output indicates the session statistics of the system. It indicates the amount of memory and CPU (not shown in the output) consumed by the session. Data from this output could be utilized for sizing the Oracle memory and if there is high CPU usage, consider tuning the query.

 < Day Day Up > 

Oracle Real Application Clusters
Oracle Real Application Clusters
ISBN: 1555582885
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 174

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