Chapter 8

  1. The Expected Result is the way the game should work according to its design specification. The Actual Result is anomalous behavior observed when you used the game, caused by a software defect.

  2. Regression testing verifies that fixes have been properly implemented in the code.

  3. Remove the old build, and all related saved data. Verify and amend your hardware setup to meet the spec of the new build. Install the new build.

  4. The "knockdown list" is the regression set ‚ that is, the list of defects that the development team believes it has fixed in the current build.

  5. False

  6. False

  7. False

  8. False

  9. True

  10. False

  11. Your answer should look something like the following sequence. Check for any steps or details you missed in your answer.

    1. Look on the table next to the bed. You will see an odd plastic box with a coiled cord looped on one side. This is a "telephone."

    2. Looped cord is connected to a bracket -shaped piece on the top of the telephone. The brackets end in two round cups. This is the "receiver."

    3. Pick up the receiver and notice that one cup has many more holes than the other. Put the cup with the fewest number of holes to your ear. You should hear a loud, steady hum.

    4. Push the numbered buttons in the following order: 5-5-5-1-2-3-4. When you hear a voice answer, begin talking.

Game Testing All in One
Game Testing All in One (Game Development Series)
ISBN: 1592003737
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 205 © 2008-2017.
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