

Save method (Bitmap), 372

Save method (XmlDocument), 426

SaveFileDialog class (System::Windows::Forms), 328

SByte type, 276

scalar properties, 234–238

Schema namespace (System::XML), 282

Schemas property (XmlValidatingReader), 415

SchemaType property (XmlValidatingReader), 415

scope, variable, 59

scope resolution (::) operator, 92, 273

Scrollable property (ListView), 341

Scrollable property (TreeView), 332

ScrollAlwaysVisible property (ListBox), 306

ScrollBar class (System::Windows::Forms), 330

ScrollBars property (TextBox), 312

ScrollToCaret method (TextBoxBase), 311

sealed classes, 144

__sealed keyword, 144

Sealed member (TypeAttributes), 544

searching array elements, 222

security, 144, 271, 283

Seek method (BinaryWriter), 397

Seek method (Stream), 401

seek pointers, 401

SeekOrigin enumeration, 401

SEH (Structured Exception Handling), 186

Select methods

ComboBox class, 308

TextBoxBase class, 311

XPathNavigator class, 438

SelectAll method (ComboBox), 308

SelectAll method (TextBoxBase), 311

SelectCommand class, 461

SelectedImageIndex property (TreeView), 332

SelectedIndex property (ComboBox, ListBox), 306, 307

SelectedIndexChanged event (ListView), 342

SelectedIndices property (ListBox), 306

SelectedIndices property (ListView), 341

SelectedItem property (ComboBox, ListBox), 306, 307

SelectedItems property (ListBox), 306

SelectedItems property (ListView), 341

SelectedNode property (TreeView), 332

SelectedText property (ComboBox), 307

SelectedText property (TextBoxBase), 311

SelectionLength property (ComboBox), 308

SelectionLength property (TextBoxBase), 311

SelectionMode property (ListBox), 306

SelectionStart property (ComboBox), 308

SelectionStart property (TextBoxBase), 311

SelectNodes, SelectSingleNode methods (XmlDocument), 426

SelectNodes, SelectSingleNode methods (XmlNode), 428

Serializable member (TypeAttributes), 544

SerializableAttribute class, 532

Serialization namespace (System::Xml), 282

server options, ATL Server, 494

Server property (WebService), 476

Server Response Files (SRFs), 490–492

service types, 166

services. See Web services

Services namespace (System::Web), 283

Session property (WebService), 476

set methods. See scalar properties

SetAttributes method (File), 390

SetCreationTime method (Directory, File), 388, 390

SetCurrentDirectory method (Directory), 388

SetDesktopLocation method (Form), 293

set_item method (SortedList), 230

SetLastAccessTime method (Directory, File), 388, 390

SetLastError field (DllImportAttribute), 521

SetLastWriteTime method (Directory, File), 388, 390

SetSelected method (ListBox), 307

SetValue method (System::Array), 219, 220

shared assemblies, 562

short data type, 28

Show method (MessageBox), 299

ShowDialog method (Form), 293, 320

ShowInTaskBar property (Form), 293

ShowLines property (TreeView), 333

ShowPanels property (StatusBar), 354

ShowPlusMinus property (TreeView), 333

ShowRootLines property (TreeView), 333

shutting down, finalizers and, 124

SignificantWhitespace node type, 409

signing assemblies, 561

Single type, 276

size, arrays, 208, 219

Size property

Bitmap class, 372

Font class, 369

Form class, 293

System::Drawing namespace, 358

SizeF class (System::Drawing), 358

SizeGripStyle property (Form), 293

SizeInPoints property (Font), 369

sizeof() operator, 41

sizing grip, status bars, 354

slash (/)

/ (division) operator, 37, 169

/= (division assignment) operator, 38

SmallImageList property (ListView), 341

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 473

SolidBrush class (System::Drawing), 358

Sort method (System::Array), 219, 223

Sorted property

ComboBox class, 308

ListBox class, 306

TreeView class, 333

SortedList class (System::Collections), 225, 228–230, 277

sorting array elements, 223

Sorting property (ListView), 341

source files, 8–12, 90–95

Source property (Exception class), 191

spaces within code, 6

Specialized namespace (System::Collections), 225–226, 277–278

Splitter class (System::Windows::Forms), 289, 330, 347

SQL commands, executing in connected applications, 456–459

SqlClient, SqlTypes namespaces (System::Data), 453

SRFs (Server Response Files), 490–492

Stack class (System::Collections), 226, 277

StackTrace property (Exception class), 191

StateImageList property (ListView), 341

STAThreadAttribute class, 532

static advertising of Web services, 474

static keyword, 103, 105

static_cast operator, 41, 516

status bar controls (forms), 353–355

Status class (System::Windows::Forms), 289

StatusBar class (System::Windows::Forms), 281, 331, 353–355

Stream class (System::Diagnostics), 279, 401

Stream class (System::IO), 380

StreamReader, StreamWriter classes (System::Diagnostics), 279

StreamReader, StreamWriter classes (System::IO), 380, 381

Strikeout property (Font), 369

String class, 36

String classes (System::Collections::Specialized), 226, 230–231, 278

StringFormat class (System::Drawing), 359

StringReader, StringWriter classes (System::Diagnostics), 279

StringReader, StringWriter classes (System::IO), 380

strong typing, 3

Stroustrup, Bjarne, 131, 170

struct keyword, 154

StructLayoutAttribute class, 522

Structured Exception Handling (SEH), 186

structures, 153–160

Style property (Font), 370

style sheets, XML. See XSL

subclasses. See derived classes

subroutines, 46

subscribing to events. See events, forms

subtraction operators, 37, 169

superclass. See base class

Supports method (XmlNode), 428

switch statements, 74–77, 162–163

symbolic constant, 33

Synchronized method (TextReader), 385

Synchronized method (TextWriter), 381

SyncRoot property (System::Array), 218

system libraries, 8

System namespace, 275

System::Array class, 216, 218–219

SystemBrushes class (System::Drawing), 359

System::Collections class, 225–226, 277–278

SystemColors class (System::Drawing), 359

System::Data namespaces, 282, 453

System::Diagnostics namespace, 278

System::Drawing namespaces, 280, 358–359

Brush class, 360–361

Color class, 368–369

Font, FontFamily classes, 369–372

Graphics class, 359–368

Image and Bitmap classes, 372–373

Pen class, 360–361

Printing namespace, 373–376

System::Enum class, 160

SystemException class, 187

System::Exception class. See Exception class; exceptions

SystemIcons class (System::Drawing), 359

System::IO namespace, 279, 379–380

binary I/O, 396–401

files and directories, 387–396

text I/O, 381–387

System::MulticastDelegate class, 254

System::Net namespace, 281

System::Net::Sockets namespace, 281

SystemPens class (System::Drawing), 359

System::Reflection namespace, 545

System::Runtime::InteropServices namespace, 507

System::Type class, 542–544

System::ValueType class, 153

System::Web namespaces, 283

System::Web::Services namespaces, 475

System::Windows::Forms namespace, 280, 288–289, 292–296. See also Windows Forms

System::XML namespaces, 282, 406. See also XML

Microsoft Visual C++  .NET(c) Step by Step
Microsoft Visual C++ .NET(c) Step by Step
ISBN: 735615675
Year: 2003
Pages: 208 © 2008-2017.
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