9.4 Resource Spreadsheet

9.4 Resource Spreadsheet

Figures 9-1, 9-2, and 9-3 are examples of three work packages shown in the spreadsheet model. The rows of the spreadsheet are the individual work packages from the service model. In Figure 9-1, we have chosen to display each task underneath the work package title. This helps determine the estimate of hours for each work package by giving a reminder of what the total work package consists of. You can choose to display only the work package title.

Figure 9-1. Cost management.
Figure 9-2. Ongoing DB monitoring and maintenance.
Figure 9-3. Application server support.

In addition to the five columns described previously, you can see there are two additional columns for each job position within the ISD organization. One column is used to estimate the hour (sometimes minutes) needed to complete the work package based on the unit of measure. The second column, "Total xx," calculates the hour 's estimate times for the unit of measure for that job position. You will also notice instead of listing each junior, intermediate, and senior level of a job position in the columns, we listed only the generic job title. For example, we have only a column for "SA Effort Hrs," and not additional columns for Jr. SA, Intermediate SA, and Sr. SA. Instead, we use the "Skill Set" column to distinguish the different levels within a job position. Let's now examine each of the decisions made for these three work packages.

IT Services Costs, Metrics, Benchmarking and Marketing
IT Services: Costs, Metrics, Benchmarking and Marketing (paperback) (Enterprise Computing Series)
ISBN: 0132621959
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 93

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