Cryptography: Theory and Practice:Key Distribution and Key Agreement

cryptography: theory and practice Cryptography: Theory and Practice
by Douglas Stinson
CRC Press, CRC Press LLC
ISBN: 0849385210   Pub Date: 03/17/95

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Two recent surveys on key distribution and key agreement are Rueppel and Van Oorschot [RV94] and van Tilburg [VT93].


8.1  Suppose the Blom Scheme with k = 1 is implemented for a set of four users, U, V, W and X. Suppose that p = 7873, rU = 2365, rV 6648, rW = 1837 and rX = 2186. The secret g polynomials are as follows:

(a)  Compute the key for each pair of users, verifying that each pair of users obtains a common key (that is, KU,V = KV,U, etc.).
(b)  Show how W and X together can compute KU,V.

8.2  Suppose the Blom Scheme with k = 2 is implemented for a set of five users, U, V, W, X and Y. Suppose that p = 97, rU = 14, rV = 38, rW = 92, rX = 69 and rY = 70. The secret g polynomials are as follows:

(a)  Show how U and V each will compute the key KU,V = KV,U.
(b)  Show how W, X and Y together can compute KU,V.

8.3  Suppose that U and V carry out the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange with p = 27001 and α = 101. Suppose that U chooses aU = 21768 and V chooses aV 9898. Show the computations performed by both U and V, and determine the key that they will compute.
8.4  Suppose that U and V carry out the MTI Protocol where p = 30113 and α = 52. Suppose that U has aU = 8642 and chooses rU = 28654, and V has aV = 24673 and chooses rV = 12385. Show the computations performed by both U and V, and determine the key that they will compute.
8.5  If a passive adversary tries to compute the key K constructed by U and V by using the MTI protocol, then he is faced with an instance of what we might term the MTI problem, which we present in Figure 8.10. Prove that any algorithm that can be used to solve the MTI problem can be used to solve the Diffie-Hellman problem, and vice versa.
8.6  Consider the Girault Scheme where p = 167, q = 179, and hence n = 29893. Suppose α = 2 and e = 11101.

(a)  Compute d.
(b)  Given that ID(U) = 10021 and aU = 9843, compute bU and pU. Given that ID(V) = 10022 and aV = 7692, compute bV and pV.
(c)  Show how bU can be computed from pU and ID(U) using the public exponent e. Similarly, show how bV can be computed from pV and ID(V).

Figure 8.10  The MTI problem

(d)  Suppose that U chooses rU = 15556 and V chooses rV = 6420. Compute sU and sV, and show how U and V each compute their common key.

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Copyright © CRC Press LLC

Cryptography. Theory and Practice
Modern Cryptography: Theory and Practice
ISBN: 0130669431
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1995
Pages: 133
Authors: Wenbo Mao © 2008-2017.
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