
What are sequences, and why are they used? A sequence is an automatic numbering tool that is very useful when you're inserting rows in a table and want to have one of the columns automatically filled in with sequential numbers . Suppose you were loading an AUTHORS table from a spreadsheet, or even manually, and you needed to have a unique, numerical identifier for each author as the rows were inserted. You could manually type in a number, or you could use the Oracle sequence feature to help you. The syntax is easy:

  1. Create the sequence using the SEQUENCE command.

  2. Use it with an INSERT statement.

Here's an example of sequence creation:

 CREATE SEQUENCE AUTHOR_SEQ increment by 1 start with 333333334; 

You can start anywhere and increment by any amount, and you can specify a maximum amount. If you increment by a negative number, the sequence will be descending.

Here's how we use a sequence:

 INSERT INTO AUTHORS            VALUES (AUTHOR_SEQ.NextVAL, 'Dr. Guerrilla'); 

And here's what the AUTHORS table contains:



123456789Guerrilla Test Author

333333334Dr. Guerrilla [1]

111111111Guerrilla Test Author2

222222222Guerrilla Test Author3

333333333Waiver Administration

[1] 333333334 is the one that came from the INSERT statement using the Create SEQUENCE AUTHOR_SEQ command shown above.

To delete a sequence, use the DROP commandthat is, DROP SEQUENCE AUTHOR_SEQ, for example. That's it.

Guerrilla Oracle
Guerrilla Oracle: The Succinct Windows Perspective
ISBN: 0201750775
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 84 © 2008-2017.
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