Chapter 3: Configuring Web Sites and Servers


Tasks for configuring Web sites and servers are broken down into several categories. You’ll find sections in this chapter on Web site naming and identification, managing master Web service properties, creating Web sites, and other topics.

Web site properties are a key part of Web site management and configuration. Web site properties identify the site, set its configuration values, and determine where and how documents are accessed. You can set Web site properties at several levels:

  • As global defaults

  • As site defaults

  • As directory defaults

You set global defaults through the Web Sites node, and all Web sites on the server can inherit them. You set individual defaults through the Web Site Properties dialog box, and they apply only to the selected Web site. You set directory defaults through the Directory Properties dialog box, and they apply only to the selected directory.

Microsoft IIS 6.0Administrator's Consultant
Microsoft IIS 6.0Administrator's Consultant
Year: 2003
Pages: 116 © 2008-2017.
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