Do You Need This Book?

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The A+ Certification from CompTIA is the industry standard for entry-level computer technicians. If you want to work in the computer industry, getting the A+ Certification is a great way to start. The skills measured by the A+ Certification Exams are valuable in virtually any computer technology position, from help desk and system repair to Windows support and network installation. In fact, many major companies require A+ Certification for their information technology (IT) employees and supervisors. Thus, getting the A+ Certification can be a faster way to get started in IT and go further, faster.

Even if your long- term goal is network administration or programming, the A+ Certification is useful because it covers the essentials of both hardware and operating systems.

There are two exams you must pass to receive A+ Certification:

  • Core (which measures hardware skills)

  • Operating Systems (which measures Windows and network skills)

There are many ways to prepare for these exams: Classes, self-study manuals, and books abound. So, why this book?

This book is especially written for the "absolute beginner" in A+ Certification. In other words, I wrote this book for you.

Who are you, my reader? If you're like a lot of the readers of this series, you're probably not working in the IT field full time yet, although you probably like computers (and probably have one or two at home). You might know a lot about some parts of the computer field (such as gaming or multimedia), but you might have big gaps in your knowledge of business-oriented versions of Windows, networking, or other topics essential to A+ Certification. Whatever your level of experience, you're looking for an A+ Certification study guide that doesn't assume you're already an expert, but doesn't talk down to you. If this describes you, welcome.

If you're already in the field, but don't have the A+ Certification yet, you've still discovered the right book for your needs. This book reminds you of the facts and techniques you've already learned, shows you new information you don't know, and helps correct any misconceptions and bits of misinformation you might have picked up on the way.

This book is designed to help you pass the A+ Certification Exams. It doesn't try to give you the entire history of personal computers (22 years and counting if you start with the IBM PC) or try to turn you into an expert who knows everything about everything in the IT field. Instead, it's geared specifically to the knowledge base you must know to pass the latest (November 2003) versions of the exams and points you in the right direction to continue to learn.

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Absolute Beginners Guide to A+ Certification. Covers the Hardware and Operating Systems Exam
Absolute Beginners Guide to A+ Certification. Covers the Hardware and Operating Systems Exam
Year: 2004
Pages: 310 © 2008-2017.
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