Section 13.7. Using Fetchmail

13.7. Using Fetchmail

A prototypical chain of mail delivery uses SMTP from the sender through to the recipient's mail server, and optionally uses POP or IMAP from the final mail server to the user's desktop system. Sometimes, though, it's desirable to use POP or IMAP earlier in the chain. For such situations, a program called Fetchmail comes to the rescue; this program enables you to pull mail from a POP or IMAP server and inject it into your local mail queue; from there it can be delivered to the same or another computer.

Before installing and using Fetchmail, you should understand precisely why it exists and how it can be used. Although it's a popular and useful tool, it's not for everybody, so attempting to use it unnecessarily can be a waste of time. If you're sure you want to use it, you must understand Fetchmail's configuration file format. Once it's configured, you can use it, which involves running it as a daemon, running it at scheduled times, or running it as part of a larger task.

13.7.1. The Role of Fetchmail

If you own or work for a small business, you might contract with an outside company to host your domain. This domain hosting ISP runs a server that houses your web pages and probably provides another server that can receive your domain's email. Typically, domain hosting ISPs allow you to connect to their email servers with POP or IMAP to retrieve your mail. You might be content to read your mail more or less directly like this, in which case you don't need to run any email server at all. On the other hand, you might want to perform additional processing, such as handling your own spam filtering, sorting mail for multiple users into different accounts, supporting IMAP when your domain hosting ISP provides only POP, integrating mail from multiple ISPs, or integrating mail from the Internet with your local network's mail. Individuals with small home networks often have similar needs, even if they don't have their own domains. In all these cases, what you need is a way to pull mail from the ISP's server using POP or IMAP and make it available via your own POP or IMAP server. You might even send the mail from one server to another via SMTP. This configuration is outlined in Figure 13-4. In the figure, your ('s) mail server uses Fetchmail to retrieve mail from the mail server using POP. Local computers can then retrieve the mail using IMAP.

Figure 13-4. Fetchmail enables you to use a pull mail protocol earlier in the chain than normal

Because pull mail protocols are initiated by the receiving end, Fetchmail has no way to know when mail is waiting for it to pick up. For this reason, Fetchmail typically polls the remote server; that is, Fetchmail checks for new mail at a regular interval. This can be done either by running Fetchmail as a daemon with a built-in polling interval or by calling Fetchmail in a regular process, such as in a cron job. Alternatively, you can call Fetchmail as part of a regular or irregular process. For instance, if you use a dial-up Internet connection, you can call Fetchmail as part of a connection script. This gives you access to all your accumulated mail as soon as you connect.

13.7.2. Configuring Fetchmail

The Fetchmail configuration file is located in the user's home directory and is called .fetchmailrc by default (there is no global Fetchmail configuration file). As with many files, this one uses hash marks (#) to denote comments. Aside from comments, the file begins with a number of set directives, which set various global options. Some of the more important of these options are summarized in Table 13-1.

Table 13-1. Common Fetchmail global directives

Directive name

Possible options



Local username

Username to which error messages are sent. This user may also receive failed deliveries as a last resort.



Tells Fetchmail to send bounce messages to the apparent sender of the message. This practice can be risky because spammers and worms usually forge the return addresses, sometimes to the addresses of legitimate but innocent individuals.

no bouncemail


Tells Fetchmail to send bounce messages to the address set with postmaster, rather than to the apparent sender.



Logs Fetchmail activities through the local syslog daemon.



Logs Fetchmail activities to the specified file.


Time in seconds

Causes Fetchmail to run in daemon mode, in which it loads but doesn't exit. Fetchmail then checks for new mail at the specified interval.

The global options are just the start of Fetchmail configuration, though. The heart of the configuration lies in the account specifications. Each begins with the keyword poll and defines everything Fetchmail needs to know about an account in order to retrieve mail from it and direct it to an appropriate local or remote address. Broadly speaking, the poll lines take the following form:

poll server.hostname server-options user-options

The server.hostname is, of course, the server's hostname. The server-options and user-options both consist of multiple options, which tell Fetchmail how to interact with the server and give Fetchmail information on the accounts (both the remote server's account and how Fetchmail is to deliver the mail locally). Tables Table 13-2 and Table 13-3 summarize the most common options for these two parts of the poll specifications.

Table 13-2. Common Fetchmail server options

Option name

Possible values


proto or protocol

Protocol name

The name of the protocol Fetchmail should use to communicate with the server. Common values are POP3 and IMAP, but Fetchmail supports several other protocols, as well.


Interface name/IP address/netmask triplet

An interface that must be active before Fetchmail attempts to connect to a server. For instance, ppp0/ means that the system must have a PPP connection on the network before it attempts a connection. This is most useful for dial-up users.


Interface name

Fetchmail monitors the specified interface (such as ppp0 or etH1) and attempts a connection only if there's been activity on that interface since the last polling interval. This option works only in daemon mode. It's most useful to prevent activity that might unnecessarily activate a dial-on-demand connection.



Causes checks to occur only at some polling intervals. For instance, setting interval 4 causes Fetchmail to check the site only every fourth polling period (as set by the global daemon value). This is useful if you want to poll multiple remote servers, but with different frequencies.

Table 13-3. Common Fetchmail user options

Option name

Possible values


user or username


A username on the remote server, unless the username is followed by here, in which case it's the local username to which fetched mail is delivered.

pass or password


The password used to access the remote server.



Enables an SSL connection to the remote server. This option isn't universally supported, but if your server supports it, using SSL can improve security.



The file in which an SSL certificate is stored.



The file in which an SSL key is stored.

is or to


Links the remote account information with the local account information.



This keyword follows a local username to identify it as local.



The hostname of the server to which Fetchmail sends mail it receives. The default is localhost, which is usually fine if you want to read mail or run your own pull mail server on the same computer.



Tells Fetchmail to leave mail on the remote server after fetching it. The default is to delete fetched mail. This option is mostly useful when testing or debugging or new or changed configuration.



Retrieves all messages on the remote server, even if Fetchmail has already fetched them. Used with keep, this can result in duplicate messages.



Technically, email messages should have lines that end in carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) pairs; however, in practice, many messages have only the LF. Some mail servers, such as qmail, react badly to this deviation from the norm, and this option corrects this problem.


Local command

A program that's run before each connection. This can bring up a network connection, run a program to delete spam from the remote server, or perform any other task you want done just before retrieving mail.

The poll specification can be quite long. Typically, it's split across two or more lines, with the second and subsequent lines indented. No line-continuation characters are required.

In addition to the options shown in Tables Table 13-2 and Table 13-3, Fetchmail accepts some more exotic options; consult its manpage for details. Certain keywords, such as and, has, options, wants, and with, are ignored by Fetchmail. These keywords can help you parse the meaning of a poll statement. Most option values can be enclosed in quote marks, but this isn't usually required unless the value contains an embedded space. Overall, although the Fetchmail poll options may seem confusing when listed in tables, in practice they're designed to be easy to parse. When strung together, they read almost like an English sentence, as shown in Example 13-4.

Example 13-4. Sample .fetchmailrc file
set postmaster "linnaeus" set no bouncemail set syslog poll with proto POP3    user "mendel" there with password "p7Tu$ioP" is gregor here    options fetchall forcecr preconnect "mailfilter" poll with proto IMAP    user "karl" there with password "QhI04a-23Ybz" is linnaeus here    options forcecr smtphost

One of Fetchmail's weaknesses is that it requires you to store your remote email passwords in plain text in its configuration file. Be sure the configuration file has 0600 or 0400 (rw------- or r--------) permissions. If the file is readable to other users, Fetchmail refuses to act on the configuration file.

This configuration shown in Example 13-4 retrieves mail from two sources: the mendel account on and the karl account on Mail from each account is directed to a different user. The second poll statement also directs mail to a specific server (, which might or might not be the same server on which Fetchmail is running.

If you want to fetch mail from multiple remote accounts or for multiple users, you can use a single Fetchmail configuration, as shown in Example 13-4; by calling Fetchmail from multiple accounts, with one configuration per account; or by creating separate configurations and calling them from a single account by passing special options to Fetchmail to have it consult a nonstandard configuration file for all but one account. The account used to run Fetchmail doesn't need to be related to those that receive the local mail; for instance, linnaeus can run Fetchmail, which might deliver mail to the gregor account.

Although Fetchmail relies on a text-mode configuration file, you can use a GUI tool to help you configure Fetchmail. Type fetchmailconf in an xterm or other command-line window to run this program, which guides you through setting the Fetchmail options. This configuration tool is often installed separately from Fetchmail, though, so you may need to locate it on your distribution's installation media.

13.7.3. Running Fetchmail

The simplest way to run Fetchmail is to call it by name from the command line:

$ fetchmail -k

If all goes well, Fetchmail retrieves mail and inserts it into your local mail queue (or delivers it to another system, if you've so configured it). For testing purposes, you may want to add the -k option, which has the same effect as the keep user option. This way, if your configuration is incorrect, and Fetchmail loses your mail, you can recover it from the remote server.

For ordinary use, you should probably run Fetchmail constantly (in daemon mode) or run it periodically. To run the server in daemon mode, ensure that your .fetchmailrc file has a set daemon interval line. You can then run Fetchmail at system startup via a SysV or local startup script. Typically, you'll want to run the program as a non-root user, which you can do via the su command in your startup script:

su -c '/usr/bin/fetchmail -f /home/karl/.fetchmailrc' karl

This command runs Fetchmail as karl, when typed as root or entered into a startup script that's run as root. This command also illustrates the use of -f, which enables you to specify a configuration file.

If you want to run Fetchmail as part of a network connection procedure, such as that used to initiate a PPP connection, you can place a similar command in your network connection script. If you initiate the connection as an ordinary user, though, you might not need to use su; just call fetchmail as an ordinary user.

Another way to run Fetchmail is via a cron job. On most Linux systems, the cron process is a daemon that launches programs that should be run on a periodic basis. These cron jobs are controlled via a crontab, which is a file that's registered with the cron daemon as a way to run programs on a regular basis. Example 13-5 shows a sample crontab that runs Fetchmail on a regular basis.

Example 13-5. Sample crontab file for running Fetchmail
SHELL=/bin/bash PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin MAILTO=karl HOME=/home/karl 16,36,56 7-20 * * * /usr/bin/fetchmail > /dev/null

The first few lines of the crontab file set environment variables, much as they're set in bash scripts. The final line in Example 13-5 tells cron to run the /usr/bin/fetchmail > /dev/null command at a specific time. The time format is five space-separated fields: the minute, the hour, the day of the month, the month, and the day of the week. An asterisk (*) sets a field to match any value. You can separate multiple values with commas or use a dash (-) to specify a range of values. Thus, Example 13-5 tells cron to run Fetchmail the 16th, 36th, and 56th minute of every hour between 7:16 A.M. and 20:56 (that is, 8:56 P.M.) on every day of every month. The program's output is redirected to /dev/null; if it weren't, the user who registers this cron job would receive an email with Fetchmail's output every time it runs.

Be sure that the .fetchmailrc file doesn't contain a set daemon line if you call Fetchmail via a cron job. If it does, the first time Fetchmail is run, it daemonizes and prevents subsequent runs from succeeding.

To register the crontab file, you must use the crontab. In the simplest case, you can log in as the user who you want to run Fetchmail and issue the following command:

$ crontab crontab

This assumes you've called the crontab file crontab; if you've called it something else, you'll need to change the filename passed to the crontab command.

If the user who's to run Fetchmail already has a crontab file, you should modify it to add the call to fetchmail. If you type crontab crontab, the new crontab file replaces the old one.

If you create a new non-login account to run Fetchmail, you can use the root account to enter a crontab file for this user. Call the crontab file something distinctive, and use the -u option to crontab to tell the program what user's crontab you're entering:

# crontab -u fmail crontab-fmail

This command enters the crontab-fmail file as the crontab for the fmail user. The result is that Fetchmail will run as this user, which can be a very low-privilege user. Be sure the user exists and has a home directory, or at least can read a configuration file you specify with the -f option to fetchmail in the crontab-fmail file.

    Linux in a Windows World
    Linux in a Windows World
    ISBN: 0596007582
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    Year: 2005
    Pages: 152 © 2008-2017.
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