Running INN

The most popular conventional news server on Linux today is InterNetNews (INN; This package actually consists of several programs that work together as a unified system. The core program is innd , which processes news articles and handles incoming connections. The nnrpd program takes over connections from news readers (as opposed to other news servers). INN initiates connections with other news servers using the innxmit program, which in turn uses nntpsend to do much of the work. Each of these programs has an associated configuration file; indeed, some use multiple files. The most basic configuration files usually reside in /etc/news , but some files are stored in /var/lib/news or elsewhere.

INN is usually shipped with Linux distributions in a package called inn or some variant of that. This chapter describes INN version 2.2.2, but configuration for other INN 2. x -series packages should be virtually identical. Some distributions make INN dependent upon Cleanfeed, which is an add-on package that can automatically remove some types of spam from the news server. (Newsgroup spam is a major problem that most end users don't notice because of the automated spam cleaning that's so common today.)

Obtaining a News Feed

If you want to run a news server that carries even part of Usenet, you need to obtain a news feed for the server, and configure your system to use that feed. The latter task is covered in the upcoming section, "Controlling Access," but the former deserves a few words, as well. NNTP is designed such that you can use just about any existing news server as a feed. The trouble is that you can't simply enter some random news server in a configuration file and expect the feed to work; most news servers accept feeds only from selected sites. You must therefore locate a site that will agree to serve as your news feed. Indeed, you might need to locate multiple feeds if you can't find a single site that can provide all the newsgroups you want to carry.

One place to start looking for a news feed is with whoever provides your network connectivity ”your ISP. Assuming you have a connection fast enough to support a full news feed, your ISP might be willing to feed your news server, or at least give you a pointer to some potential providers. Many ISPs, though, don't provide news feeds to their customers. This is particularly common for ISPs that sell primarily to residential and small business customers, and such customers seldom have enough bandwidth to handle the news feed in any event. Another potential source of news feeds is third-party news providers like those mentioned earlier. For instance, NewsGuy ( offers news feeds as well as access via news readers.

A full news feed is likely to be costly, both in terms of a cash outlay for the service and in terms of the hardware and bandwidth required to support it. For instance, the NewsGuy feed costs $1200 a month in 2002, and the recommended hardware is a 400MHz Pentium with 500MB of RAM and 64GB of disk space, connected to a link with at least 3Mbps of bandwidth. You'll also need bandwidth for the news readers that will connect to your server. Of course, the exact requirements may be higher or lower than this, depending upon the exact mix of newsgroups you want to carry, how long you want to retain posts, and so on. As a general rule, the requirements have gone up every year, so the values cited here are likely to be very inadequate in the not-too- distant future.

Serving News on Limited Resources

If you want to run a regular news server on limited hardware and network connectivity, drop the binary newsgroups. These newsgroups carry binary files, encoded to be transmissible as Usenet posts, which were originally intended for text. Binary newsgroups carry sound clips, digitized photos, program files, and more. Some carry material that's copyrighted and should not be distributed in this way. Most see a huge amount of traffic, in terms of the size of posts, because the binary files are much larger than a typical post in a text newsgroup. Most binary newsgroups have binary or binaries in the newsgroup names . Many are in the alt hierarchy, but some are in comp or elsewhere.

If you want to provide a full news feed but lack the resources to host it, an outsourcing arrangement is often a reasonable compromise. You contract with a news provider and create a DNS entry for your domain to point to your news provider's IP address. From the point of view of your users, it appears that you're running a news server, when in fact somebody else is doing the bulk of the work. Many small ISPs use outsourced news servers. One potential drawback is that a news provider might or might not be willing to create special news groups for your local use.

Configuring INN

Configuring INN involves setting many options in many different files. A default installation will probably set many of the options to reasonable values, but you'll have to adjust some settings to fit your own system. For instance, you must define your newsgroups and set up access control features. (If you want to run a full Usenet server, your news feed may be able to provide you with help on control files relating to newsgroups and access to their own server.) You must also set up message expiration policies and tell INN how to handle any special control messages it may receive (these may tell the server to cancel a message, add a new group , and so on).

General Configuration

The main INN configuration file is /etc/news/inn.conf . This file sets options using the following syntax:

  optionname:   value  

Many other INN configuration files use a similar syntax. Most of the options in inn.conf may be left at their default values. The most important options to change are the first few. These include:

  • organization ” This option sets the name of your organization. This string will be included in the headers of all the posts made through your news server.

  • server ” This is the name of the computer on which INN is running. It's critical because some of the programs that make up the INN package establish a network connection with this computer in order to deliver articles. The default value of localhost may work, but it's best to change this to your true hostname.

  • pathhost ” Whenever INN accepts a post, the server adds its name to a header line called Path . This header helps identify where a message has been, and thus helps prevent loops in which a message is passed back and forth between various servers. You should place your news server's fully-qualified domain name here, such as .

  • moderatormailer ” Some newsgroups are moderated , which means that an individual (the moderator ) must approve posts to the group before they appear. You can either keep track of moderator mailing addresses yourself, or send posts to moderated newsgroups to a centralized address, which will forward them to the moderator. Entering will do the latter.

  • domain ” This is the name of your domain, such as . It's used internally for DNS- related functions by INN component programs.

  • fromhost ” When a local user posts a message, INN creates a From header to identify the poster. The program uses the value of this line as the machine name, so you should use something appropriate here ”probably your domain name, but possibly a mail machine within the domain.

  • complaints ” Unfortunately, some users abuse news. They may spam, post offensive material, post binaries to text newsgroups, or do other obnoxious things. The complaints option lets you specify an e-mail address that will be visible in the headers of messages that originate from your site, so that others can contact you in the event some abuse occurs.

There are many additional options in the inn.conf file, but these should have reasonable default values. Consult the inn.conf man page for further information about the meanings of these options.

Setting Up Newsgroups

The inn.conf file doesn't include any newsgroup definitions or descriptions. That task is left to two other configuration files: active and newsgroups , both of which are stored in the directory set by the pathdb option in inn.conf (normally /var/lib/news ).

The active file contains a list of newsgroups that are supported on the system. Newsgroups appear one to a line in this file, and order doesn't matter. Each line contains four fields, separated by whitespace:   himark lowmark flag  

As you might expect, is the name of the newsgroup, such as comp.os.linux.misc . The himark and lowmark fields specify the highest- and lowest -numbered posts in the group, respectively. These values begin at 0000000000 and 0000000001 , respectively, for a new group. (INN stores posts as individual files with filenames being sequential numbers corresponding to a local post number. This local post number is unrelated to the message ID, and is likely to be different from one news server to another.) The flag field contains a flag that denotes how the newsgroup is to be treated:

  • y ” This is the most common flag; it indicates a newsgroup to which users can post.

  • n ” Newsgroups with this flag accept new messages from news feeds, but not posts from local users or news clients .

  • m ” This flag indicates a moderated newsgroup; local posts are mailed to the group moderator for approval.

  • j ” Newsgroups with this flag accept posts, but don't keep them; INN only passes on new posts to its feeds.

  • x ” This newsgroup is static; new posts aren't accepted, either locally or from news feeds.

  • = ” Posts to this group are moved into the group specified by . You might use this flag to redirect posts made to a defunct newsgroup.

A news server that only supports local operations is likely to have just a few news groups. You can call these whatever you like, but following the tiered naming convention of Usenet makes sense. For instance, you might create all your local groups in a hierarchy that's named after your organization, like , , and threeroomco.accounting for three discussion groups at . If you acquire a news feed from an outside source, that source should be able to provide you with a list of newsgroups, or even a complete active file, that you can use.

As your news server operates, INN will modify the himark and lowmark fields of the active file. As articles are added, the himark value will increase. As older articles are expired , the lowmark value will increase, although it may not change with every expiration or cancellation ”as described later, articles may not expire in exactly the order in which they're created.

The newsgroups file is less critical to day-to-day operation of the news server than is the active file. Like the active file, the first field of each line of newsgroups is the name of the newsgroup. After this group name comes one or more tabs and a description of the newsgroup. Clients can retrieve this file to help users locate groups, or differentiate between two groups whose names are similar.

Controlling Access

Most sites restrict access to their news servers to prevent abuse and conserve their network resources. There are three aspects to this configuration: feeding news to other sites, restricting access for news feeds, and restricting access for news clients. The first two options are important mainly when your news server exchanges messages with others, but even if you operate a standalone news server, you should check that it's not configured to accept exchanges with other news servers, to avoid abuse. Configuration for news clients is important for all news servers

Feeding News to Other Sites

If you want messages posted by your users to reach other sites, or if you've arranged to feed entire newsgroups to some other site, you need to configure your system to contact other news servers to send messages on their way. This is controlled through the /etc/news/newsfeeds file, which contains lines of the following format:

  sitename:   pattern  [,  pattern...  ]:  flag  [,  flag...  ]:  param  

These lines can become quite long, so you can split lines by using the backslash ( \ ) line continuation character ”any line that ends in a backslash is continued on the following line, so you can break a very long line across multiple lines for ease of reading and editing. Each of the colon -delimited fields has a specific meaning, as follows :

  • sitename ” This is a code for the site. This code need not be a conventional hostname; it's matched to a hostname in another configuration file, described shortly.

  • pattern ” A pattern is a code for one or more newsgroups. You may specify newsgroups individually if you want to pass on posts in just a few, or you may use the asterisk ( * ) wildcard to match any string; for instance, comp.os.* matches all newsgroups in the comp.os hierarchy. If you precede a pattern by an exclamation mark ( ! ), posts in that group will not be passed on unless they're cross-posted to another group. The at-sign ( @ ) has a similar meaning, but cross-posted messages are blocked, as well. For instance, if you specify !comp.os.linux , a message cross-posted to comp.os.linux and comp.os.linux.hardware will be passed on as part of the latter group; but @comp.os.linux will cause the message to not be passed on at all. INN applies patterns in sequence, so if you specify comp.os.*,!comp.os.linux , INN will pass on messages in the comp.os hierarchy except for those in comp.os.linux . Reversing the order would pass on all groups, because the less-specific comp.os.* would override the more specific !comp.os.linux .

  • flag ” You can include one or more flags that limit what types of messages are passed on to the remote site. For instance, < size restricts messages to those less than size bytes, and G count passes a post only if it's posted to fewer than count newsgroups. The newsfeeds man page includes a description of additional flags.

  • param ” This final field's meaning depends upon the type of news feed. It's usually the name of a file in which the outgoing feed is stored. In other cases it may be blank. The default newsfeeds file includes many examples that are commented out.

The newsfeeds file controls the creation of a file that will ultimately be transmitted to another site. The /etc/news/nntpsend.ctl file controls how INN contacts that site. Like newsfeeds , nntpsend.ctl consists of four colon-delimited fields:

  sitename:   max_size:  [  args  ] 

The sitename is the name of the site from the newsfeeds file, and the is the site's conventional hostname. You can restrict the amount of data you'll pass in a single transfer with the max_size argument; for instance, 2m limits transfers to 2MB or less. Finally, you can include optional arguments that are passed to the innxmit program, which does the actual transmission. Consult the innxmit man page for information on the arguments it accepts.

You'll only need to deal with these configurations if you're feeding news to other sites, or if you want to set up a feed from another site. To be truly effective, a news feed from another site must accept posts that originate with your users. Without this reciprocal connection, posts from your users won't be available to readers on the Internet at large, just locally. Thus, although you may think of yourself as accepting an external news feed, you must configure your system to provide a feed to your feeder, as well as accepting its input.

Setting News Feed Access

INN can control access to itself. The main daemon, innd , accepts connections from your feeder news sites and from various other programs in the INN package. Although innd handles the initial connection from news clients, it passes those connections to another program as quickly as possible. Therefore, the main innd connections control file, /etc/news/incoming.conf , should list only the local computer and news feeder sites.

The basic unit in the incoming.conf file is a key/value pair, which is how you specify attributes and their values. These take the form key : value . These pairs may be collected into peers, which are specifications of individual computers. (Some key/value pairs are global in scope, though; they don't appear in peers.) Peers may also be collected into groups. Both peers and groups use curly braces ( {} ) to delimit their extent. Listing 12.1 shows a typical incoming.conf file for a site that uses one news feed.

Listing 12.1 A sample incoming.conf file
 # Global settings streaming: true max-connections: 50 # Allow NNTP posting from localhost peer ME {    hostname: "localhost," } # Allow to send us most groups peer fiveroom {    hostname:    patterns: *,!threeroomco.* } 

The most important key is hostname , which specifies the hostname of the computer that's to be allowed a connection. You can list specific newsgroups that may be transferred using the patterns key, using the newsgroup-naming conventions of the newsfeeds file. The default is to accept all newsgroups fed by the remote system. Various other keys are described in the incoming.conf man page.

Setting News Reader Access

Chances are you want authorized users to be able to access your news server. Because innd delegates this task to another program, you don't configure news reader access in the incoming.conf file; instead, you use the /etc/news/nnrp.access file for this purpose. Each line in this file consists of five colon-delimited entries, thus:

  hostname:   permissions:   username:   password:   newsgroups  

The meanings of specific entries are as follows:

  • hostname ” This is the name or IP address of an individual host, or a pattern using an asterisk wildcard to match a range of hosts , such as * to match any client in the domain. When using IP addresses, you may use an IP address/ netmask pair, as in .

  • permissions ” This field contains one or more of R (message reading is allowed), P (posting is allowed), N (the client may use the NEWNEWS command), or L (the client may post even to groups to which local posting is prohibited ). These last two options override global settings for specific clients.

  • username ” If you want to restrict access to the server based on a username and password, you should specify the username here; when this is done, the user must authenticate before being allowed to post. A plus sign ( + ) causes the server to try to use the Linux password database for authentication, but this often doesn't work, particularly when the system is configured to use shadow passwords. If you leave this and the next field blank, no authentication will be required to read or post news.

  • password ” This field contains the password that's required to access the news server. Leaving this field and the username field blank causes the system to not require authentication.

  • newsgroups ” You can specify newsgroups using patterns like those used in the newsgroups file if you want to restrict the newsgroups to which certain hosts have access. Leaving this field blank causes the server to make no newsgroups available to the client, so to make all newsgroups available, the entry must end in an asterisk ( * ).

If you include multiple lines in the nnrp.access file, later lines take precedence over earlier ones. Thus, if you want to make global settings but provide exceptions for specific hosts, you should place the lines for the global settings earlier in the file.

Setting Message Expiration Options

The /etc/news/expire.ctl file controls the automatic expiration (deletion) of messages. Most of the lines in this file follow a pattern similar to that in other configuration files, with five colon-delimited fields:

  pattern:   modflag:   keep:   default:   purge  

The meanings of these fields are as follows:

  • pattern ” This is a newsgroup specification. As with others, an asterisk ( * ) is a wildcard, so * alone matches all newsgroups, comp.os.* matches the entire comp.os hierarchy, and so on.

  • modflag ” This flag is a single character that indicates the rule applies to moderated groups only ( M ), unmoderated groups only ( U ), or all newsgroups ( A ).

  • keep ” Articles may include a header called Expires that specifies a unique expiration time for a specific article. You may set an overriding minimum value (in days) in this field. For instance, if keep is set to 6 , 7.5 , or some higher value, an article that's set to expire in only five days won't expire until the later date you specify. The value of keep may be a floating-point number, and never indicates that the article will never expire. (Use never very cautiously, though, since it can cause your hard disk to fill quite quickly.)

  • default ” This is the most important value, since it sets the expiration time for articles without an Expires header, which most news postings lack. As with keep , you specify the value in days, which may be expressed as a floating-point value. The value never means that articles are never expired.

  • purge ” The keep field lets you override an Expires header when it's lower than you might like. The purge field lets you override an Expires header that's longer than you might like. For instance, if you set purge to 10 and receive an article with an Expires header that specifies it's to be kept for 100 days, your system will expire the article after only ten days. As with keep and default , the value of purge may be floating-point or never .

Ongoing News Server Maintenance

INN normally runs directly as a daemon, started by SysV startup scripts as described in Chapter 4, Starting Servers. If you installed INN from a package included with your distribution, you should be able to start it by running such a startup script.

Some of the tasks described earlier, such as sending messages to other servers and expiring articles, aren't handled automatically by innd as it runs in normal operation. Instead, these tasks are controlled by scripts or utility programs that are called by cron. If you installed INN from a package that came with your distribution, chances are that it created appropriate configuration files to have these tasks occur automatically by placing crontab files in /etc/cron.d , /etc/cron . interval , or some other location. If you want to change the frequency with which these tasks occur, you should check these locations or use your package manager to find out what cron files were placed where. You can then modify, move, or delete the files, and if necessary create new ones to take over these tasks.

Other server maintenance tasks involve modifying your configuration. For instance, you may need to add a new newsgroup, delete an existing newsgroup, or temporarily disable access to the server. These tasks can be accomplished with the ctlindd utility, which accepts a large number of options. Type ctlindd -h to view a list of its options.

Advanced Linux Networking
Advanced Linux Networking
ISBN: 0201774232
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 203 © 2008-2017.
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