When to Run an FTP Server

On the surface, FTP servers seem to have a lot in common with both Web servers (described in Chapter 20, Running Web Servers) and file-sharing servers (described in Chapter 7, File and Printer Sharing via Samba, and Chapter 8, File Sharing via NFS). All these servers allow for the transfer of complete files between computers, and so in some situations you may be able to successfully use any of these server types. Each of these protocols does have its unique strengths and weaknesses, though, any of which may be important in certain situations. Major differences between FTP and other file transfer protocols include the following:

  • Authentication ” FTP servers require a username/password pair for access. (The upcoming section, "Setting Up an Anonymous FTP Server," describes one convention to allow users without a password to gain access to your server.) Web servers usually don't require authentication, although there are ways to add authentication to Web sites. Some file-sharing protocols require username/password authentication, but others rely on IP-based authentication.

  • Accounts ” Because of FTP's username/password system, it can be a good way to provide access to individual users' files from remote locations. NFS and Samba can also be used in this way. Although Web servers can easily provide users with access to their files, the public nature of most Web servers means that it would take more configuration changes to provide security on these accesses .

  • Encryption ” Standard FTP servers don't encrypt any data, including usernames or passwords. This makes them risky to use over the Internet at large, although anonymous mode can reduce some aspects of the risk for certain uses. There are also a few secure FTP variants available that provide encryption, such as those that ship with Kerberos (see Chapter 6, Authenticating Users via Kerberos). Web servers don't usually encrypt data, but secure variants are available. Samba can be configured to encrypt passwords, and with more work can encrypt all data transfers with a matched Samba system or a proxy server. NFS doesn't use passwords, so password encryption isn't an issue, but NFS also doesn't normally encrypt data. The scp and sftp programs, which are part of the Secure Shell (SSH) package, encrypt all data transfers, and the latter can be a good substitute for FTP in many situations.



If you must use a protocol that doesn't encrypt passwords, particularly over an insecure network like the Internet, you should change your passwords on a regular basis. This will minimize the window of opportunity for any miscreant who might obtain a password.

  • Connections ” FTP, like Samba and NFS, relies upon a continuous connection. A user can log into an FTP server and, if timeout parameters are set high enough, do nothing for hours and then transfer a file. Web servers usually operate differently, performing just one or a few transfers during a session. FTP is different from most other file exchange protocols in that FTP uses two ports: one for the control signals and one for actual data transfers. The client always initiates the control connection to the server's port 21. Depending upon the mode used (active or passive), the data connection may be initiated by the client or the server. This odd arrangement can complicate the configuration of firewalls, although most firewall products include simple ways to handle the issue.

  • Direct file editing ” The file-sharing servers, such as NFS and Samba, excel at allowing individuals to edit files from a remote computer as if those files were local. For instance, a user can load a file directly from the file-sharing server into a text editor and save the file directly back to the server without having the file touch the local hard disk. Neither FTP nor HTTP was designed for this purpose; to edit a file on an FTP or Web server, you must download it to a local disk, save changes, and then transfer the file back to the server. There are tools that let some OSs treat FTP servers more like file shares, though. For instance, the Linux FTP Filesystem (http://ftpfs. sourceforge .net) enables this functionality for Linux. This is best considered a workaround, though.

  • Two-way transfers ” File-sharing servers and FTP both permit easy two-way transfers, or permit the server administrator to restrict write access to parts or all of the server. Web servers are most commonly used for one-way traffic, although it's possible to transfer files from the client to the server via HTTP.

  • Cross-platform clients ” FTP and Web servers both work well with clients that are widely available on just about any OS that supports TCP/IP, even DOS. File-sharing protocols, by contrast, are usually more platform-centric ”NFS serves UNIX and Linux clients; Samba serves DOS, Windows, and OS/2 clients; and so on. These lines can often be crossed, but when crossing platforms with file-sharing clients, there are often drawbacks, such as restrictions on filenames, permissions, file attributes, and so on. You may also require unusual or commercial client software that's not necessary to interact with FTP or Web servers.

  • Ease of server configuration ” The default FTP server configuration on most Linux systems allows individuals to read and write files on the server with the same access permissions they'd have from a text-mode login. If this is what you want, FTP server configuration can be fairly straightforward. To a greater or lesser extent, NFS, Samba, and Web servers require changes or additional configuration options to provide such access. On the other hand, to provide anonymous or otherwise restricted access, you may have to slightly alter an FTP configuration, whereas another server type's default might be a better match.

On the whole, FTP is a good choice for two purposes:

  • Local access for local users ” If your Linux system has local users, you can run FTP to allow those users to download or upload files from other systems on your local network. This access might not be quite as convenient as file-sharing access from the client's point of view, but it may be easier for you to configure on the server. FTP's cross-platform availability is also a boon in a cross-platform network.

  • Anonymous access for remote users ” Putting up an anonymous FTP site allows remote users to easily download files from a file repository you operate, or even to upload files anonymously, if you want to accept such submissions. A Web server can make a good alternative for this function, though, particularly if you don't want to accept anonymous uploads. If you don't want to run a full Web site, the anonymous FTP solution may be just as good.

In both of these cases, you should be alert to the security implications of FTP. If you want to provide local users with access to files, you should ensure that only local users can reach the server; the risk of password sniffing on the Internet at large is great enough that unencrypted FTP isn't a good choice if you want to provide local users with remote file access. Indeed, even if used only locally, you may want to impose mandatory password expiration times to reduce the risk should you have a local "bad apple" who sniffs passwords. Remote anonymous access doesn't pose password risks, but you should consider disabling access for conventional users to minimize the risks of a break-in. Also, providing anonymous users with write access is potentially quite risky, particularly if that access isn't restricted to certain controlled directories. If you allow anonymous write access, you should take steps to keep files from being visible to others until you've approved them, lest your site become a meeting place for software pirates or other undesirables.

Advanced Linux Networking
Advanced Linux Networking
ISBN: 0201774232
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 203

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