Waterfall effect
defined, 40
illustrated, 41
See also Four-tier pyramid
Wolf Telecommunications
business process, 152
executive process, 153
Work Environment (GCQMS manual), 320
Work instructions, 164–65
defined, 164
embedded within high-level procedure, 164
requirement, 249
Writing style, 265–69
active voice, 266
bullet use, 268
declarative sentences, 265
graphics and, 269
industry language, 267
"ing" words and, 269
jargon and, 267
linking to referenced documents, 268
present tense, 269
redundancy, avoiding, 266
section labeling, 266
spell checking, 269
table of contents, 266–67
term definitions, 268
for understanding, 268
variable/short paragraphs/sentences, 265