Chapter 3. Customizing the HTML Output


  • Specifying Display Properties in the DataGrid and DataList

  • Customizing Data-Binding Output in Templates

  • On the Web

We have used the data Web controls a number of times in code examples in the past two chapters. However, the appearance of the output has left a lot to be desired. Fortunately, making the DataGrid and DataList output more visually pleasing is quite simple, even for artistically challenged developers like myself!

As we will see in this chapter, both the DataGrid and DataList expose a number of properties that make specifying these details a breeze. Additionally, we'll look at how editors like Visual Studio .NET and the Web Matrix Project make specifying the appearance of the DataGrid and DataList as easy clicking a few buttons. (Note that the Repeater control does not contain any sort of stylistic properties; the developer is responsible for specifying any aesthetic properties directly in the HTML markup of the Repeater's templates.)

In this chapter we will also look at how to use built-in methods and custom functions to alter the output of data binding expressions in templates. For example, in Chapter 2's Listing 2.5, the String.Format() method is used within the data-binding expression of an ItemTemplate to have the number returned by Container.DataItem formatted with commas every three digits (line 17). (That is, 17711 [the 22nd Fibonacci number] is displayed as 17,711.) We'll examine how to use this approach to further customize the HTML emitted by data-bound values in a template.

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to generate professional-looking DataGrids and DataLists with just the setting of a few properties, or if you're using Visual Studio .NET or the Web Matrix Project, with simply the click of the mouse.

ASP. NET Data Web Controls Kick Start
ASP.NET Data Web Controls Kick Start
ISBN: 0672325012
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 111 © 2008-2017.
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