B.7. StealthWatch by Lancope

StealthWatch aims to detect DDoS attacks by deploying anomaly detection. It profiles traffic at the host granularity and builds baseline models of each host's activity, including services provided and requested by each host and the corresponding traffic volumes. Upon completing an initial training period, the host models are locked in place. Stealth-Watch also builds legitimate traffic models at a flow granularity, where Lancope defines a flow as any communication between two hosts, using a specific transport protocol and a specific destination port. During normal operation, each communication between hosts is assessed against corresponding flow and traffic models, and possibly using IDS-provided signature detection, and the source host is assigned a Concern Index denoting the level of suspicion. Each network host has a separate Concern Index threshold. When a host's Concern Index exceeds the threshold, StealthWatch raises an alarm alerting the network administrator about suspicious host behavior. The vendor provides no details about the process of calculating the Concern Index or assigning host-specific thresholds. The StealthWatch white papers claim that this detection mechanism can be used to detect DoS attacks, worms, and insider threats.

By profiling individual hosts, StealthWatch also facilitates division of network resources into Virtual Security Zones. Hosts with similar network and application behaviors are grouped together into zones, facilitating zone-based security policy definition and enforcement, with a goal to help network management.

StealthWatch white papers specify that the product preserves detailed flow statistics and can display them using a variety of graphical views, which aim to facilitate network management and attack forensics.

StealthWatch can be deployed outside the firewall with a goal to protect a network from external threats, or inside the firewall with a goal to protect key segments from internal threats. Figure B.11 depicts a sample StealthWatch deployment inside a company's network. The StealthWatch Management Console is a centralized management console for monitoring, configuration, and management of multiple StealthWatch devices. Its white papers specify that the product coordinates intelligence and attack alerts from these devices, offering a global view of network usage and security.

Figure B.11. Deployment of StealthWatch devices inside a company's network. (Reprinted from StealthWatch white paper with permission of Lancope.)

Internet Denial of Service. Attack and Defense Mechanisms
Internet Denial of Service: Attack and Defense Mechanisms
ISBN: 0131475738
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 126

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