Legal, Regulations, Compliance...Prep Test


Penalties for conviction in a civil case can include

  1. Imprisonment

  2. Probation

  3. Fines

  4. Community service

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Possible damages in a civil case are classified as all the following except

  1. Compensatory

  2. Punitive

  3. Statutory

  4. Financial

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Computer attacks motivated by curiosity or excitement describes

  1. “Fun” attacks

  2. Grudge attacks

  3. Business attacks

  4. Financial attacks

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Intellectual property includes all the following except

  1. Patents and trademarks

  2. Trade secrets

  3. Copyrights

  4. Computers

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Under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (as amended), which of the following is not considered a crime?

  1. Unauthorized access

  2. Altering, damaging, or destroying information

  3. Trafficking child pornography

  4. Trafficking computer passwords

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Which of the following is not considered one of the four major categories of evidence?

  1. Circumstantial evidence

  2. Direct evidence

  3. Demonstrative evidence

  4. Real evidence

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In order to be admissible in a court of law, evidence must be

  1. Conclusive

  2. Relevant

  3. Incontrovertible

  4. Immaterial

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What term describes the evidence-gathering technique of luring an individual toward certain evidence after that individual has already committed a crime; is this considered legal or illegal?

  1. Enticement/Legal

  2. Coercion/Illegal

  3. Entrapment/Illegal

  4. Enticement/Illegal

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In a civil case, the court may issue an order allowing a law enforcement official to seize specific evidence. This order is known as a(n)

  1. Subpoena

  2. Exigent Circumstances Doctrine

  3. Writ of Possession

  4. Search warrant

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The IAB “Ethics and the Internet” (RFC 1087) characterizes all the following activities as unethical except

  1. Seeking to gain unauthorized access to resources

  2. Wasting resources

  3. Compromising user privacy

  4. Downloading pornography

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C. Fines. Fines are the only penalty a jury can award in a civil case.The purpose of a fine is financial restitution to the victim. Review “Civil penalties.”


D. Financial. Although damages in a civil case are of a financial nature, they are classified as compensatory, punitive, and statutory. Review “Civil penalties.”


A. “Fun” attacks. Grudge attacks are motivated by revenge. Business attacks may be motivated by a number of factors including competitive intelligence. Financial attacks are motivated by greed. Review “Major Categories of Computer Crime.”


D. Computers. Patents and trademarks, trade secrets, and copyrights are all considered intellectual property and are protected by intellectual property rights. Computers are considered physical property. Review “Intellectual property.”


C. Trafficking child pornography.The Child Pornography Prevention Act (CPPA) of 1996 addresses child pornography. Review “U.S. Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996.”


A. Circumstantial evidence. Circumstantial evidence is a type of evidence but is not considered one of the four main categories of evidence. In fact, circumstantial evidence may include circumstantial, direct, or demonstrative evidence. Review “Types of evidence”.


B. Relevant.The tests for admissibility of evidence include relevance, reliability, and legal permissibility. Review “Admissibility of evidence.”


A. Enticement/Legal. Entrapment is the act of encouraging someone to commit a crime that the individual may have had no intention of committing. Coercion involves forcing or intimidating someone to testify or confess. Enticement does raise certain ethical arguments but is not normally illegal. Review “Admissibility of evidence.”


C. Writ of Possession. A subpoena requires the owner to deliver evidence to the court.The exigent circumstances doctrine provides an exception to search and seizure rules for law enforcement officials in emergency or dangerous situations. A search warrant is issued in criminal cases. Review “Collection and identification.”


D. Downloading pornography. Although certainly unethical and even illegal in many countries, societies, communities, organizations, and situations, pornography is not universally considered unethical. Review “Internet Architecture Board (IAB) - ‘Ethics and the Internet’ (RFC 1087).”

CISSP For Dummies
CISSP For Dummies
ISBN: 0470537914
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 242 © 2008-2017.
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