Recipe18.15.Summing Numbers with Maximal Accuracy

Recipe 18.15. Summing Numbers with Maximal Accuracy

Credit: Yaroslav Bulatov, Connelly Barnes


Due to the properties of floating point arithmetic, the simplest loop to sum a list of numbers (also embodied in the built-in sum function, as well as similar functions such as add.reduce in add-on modules such as Numeric and numarray) is not maximally accurate. You wish to minimize such numeric inaccuracy.


A careful and accurate algorithm, using and progressively accumulating partial sums (i.e., partials), can reduce inaccuracy:

import math def sum_with_partials(arr):     arr = list(arr)     size = len(arr)     iters = int(math.ceil(math.log(size) / math.log(2)))     step = 1     for itr in xrange(iters):         for i in xrange(0, size-step, step+step):             next_i = i+step             arr[i] += arr[next_i]         step += step     return arr[0]


Here is an example of the numeric behavior of this sum_with_partials function compared to that of the built-in sum:

if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':     arr = [0.123456789012345]*10000000     true_answer = arr[0] * len(arr)     print '"True" result: %r' % true_answer     sum_result = sum(arr)     print '"sum"  result: %r' % sum_result     sum_p_resu = sum_with_partials(arr)     print 'sum_p. result: %r' % sum_p_resu # emits: # "True" result: 1234567.89012345 # "sum"  result: 1234567.8902233159 # sum_p. result: 1234567.89012345

As you can see, in this case, the built-in sum accumulated a relative error of almost 10-10 after summing 10 million floats all equal to each other (giving less than 11 digits of accuracy in the result), while sum_with_partials happens to be "perfect" for this case to within machine precision (15 digits of accuracy). Summing just a million copies rather than 10 million lowers sum's relative error only to a bit more than 10-11.

The Trouble with Summations

How come a simple summing loop is less than maximally accurate? The root of the trouble is that summing two floating-point numbers of very different magnitudes loses accuracy. For example, suppose we used decimal floating-point numbers with a precision of four digits: then, summing 1.234 to 123.4 would give 124.6, "losing" 0.034 from the smaller number. Such artefacts are inevitable, as long as we have finite precision during our computations.

Now, imagine we're using a simple loop such as:

    total = 0.0     for number in numbers:         total += number

to sum a million numbers, all positive and of reasonably similar magnitudes. Built-in sum internally uses exactly this kind of simple loop. By the time we've summed, say, the first 100,000 numbers, the running total has become much larger than each new number we're adding to it. We have thus put ourselves in exactly the situation just shown to be problematic: after a while, we're systematically summing floating-point numbers of very different magnitudes, and thus systematically losing accuracy.

The partials algorithm shown in this recipe works by summing numbers two at a timetherefore, no major loss of accuracy occurs, since we're assuming that the numbers we start with are of reasonably similar magnitudes. So, after the first pass of the partials algorithm, we're left with half as many partials as the amount of numbers we started with. All the partials are of reasonably similar magnitudes, so we just iterate the same procedure: at each step, we keep halving the number of partials that are left, until we're down to just one number, the grand total, having lost along the way as little accuracy as feasible.

If you know that the input argument arr is a list, and you don't mind destroying that list as part of the summation, you can omit from the body of sum_with_partials the statement:

    arr = list(arr)

and recover a little bit of performance. Without this small enhancement, on one slow laptop, summing a million floats with the built-in sum takes 360 milliseconds, while the more accurate function sum_with_partials shown in this recipe takes 1.8 seconds to perform the same task (a slowdown of five times). In theory, sum_with_partials should be asymptotically faster than built-in sum if you're doing unbounded-precision arithmetic (e.g., with Python's built-in longs or other unbounded-precision data types from such add-ons as gmpy, which you can download from To sum a list of n elements with d digits of precision, in unbounded-precision exact arithmetic, sum takes O(n(d+logd)) time, while sum_with_partials takes O(nd). However, I have not been able to observe that effect in empirical measurements.

Most of the time, you probably don't want to pay the price of slowing down a summation by five times in order to increase your digits of accuracy from 10 or 11 to 15. However, for those occasions in which this tradeoff is right for your applications, and you need to sum millions and millions of floating-point numbers, this recipe might well prove rather useful to you. Another simple way to increase accuracy, particularly when your input numbers are not necessarily all of similar magnitude, is to ensure the small-magnitude ones are summed first. This is particularly easy to code in Python 2.4, although it's inevitably O(n log n): just sum(sorted(data, key=abs)). Finally, if precision is much more important than speed, consider using decimal.Decimal (which lets you ask for as much precision as you're willing to wait for and is part of Python 2.4's standard library). Or you could use gmpy.mpf (which also allows any precision you require, may even be faster, but must be downloaded as part of gmpy from

See Also

Recipe 18.16 shows how to use a bounded-precision simulation of floating point to estimate the accuracy of algorithms; for Douglas M. Priest's Ph.D. thesis On Properties of Floating Point Arithmetics: Numerical Stability and the Cost of Accurate Computations, covering this entire field with depth and rigor; gmpy is at

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