Recipe13.14.Tunneling SSL Through a Proxy

Recipe 13.14. Tunneling SSL Through a Proxy

Credit: John Nielsen


You need to tunnel SSL (Secure Socket Layer) communications through a proxy, but the Python Standard Library doesn't support that functionality out of the box.


We can code a generic proxy, defaulting to SSL but, in fact, good for all kinds of network protocols. Save the following code as module file somewhere along your Python sys.path:

import threading, socket, traceback, sys, base64, time def recv_all(the_socket, timeout=1):     ''' receive all data available from the_socket, waiting no more than         ``timeout'' seconds for new data to arrive; return data as string.'''     # use non-blocking sockets     the_socket.setblocking(0)     total_data = [  ]     begin = time.time( )     while True:         ''' loop until timeout '''         if total_data and time.time( )-begin > timeout:             break     # if you got some data, then break after timeout seconds         elif time.time( )-begin > timeout*2:             break     # if you got no data at all yet, wait a little longer         try:             data = the_socket.recv(4096)             if data:                 total_data.append(data)                 begin = time.time( )       # reset start-of-wait time             else:                 time.sleep(0.1)           # give data some time to arrive         except:             pass     return ''.join(total_data) class thread_it(threading.Thread):     ''' thread instance to run a tunnel, or a tunnel-client '''     done = False     def _ _init_ _(self, tid='', proxy='', server='', tunnel_client='',                   port=0, ip='', timeout=1):         threading.Thread._ _init_ _(self)         self.tid = tid         self.proxy = proxy         self.port = port         self.server = server         self.tunnel_client = tunnel_client         self.ip = ip; self._port = port = {  }     #   store data here to get later         self.timeout = timeout     def run(self):         try:             if self.proxy and self.server:                 ''' running tunnel operation, so bridge server <-> proxy '''                 new_socket = False                 while not thread_it.done:    # loop until termination                     if not new_socket:                         new_socket, address = self.server.accept( )                     else:                         self.proxy.sendall(                             recv_all(new_socket, timeout=self.timeout))                         new_socket.sendall(                             recv_all(self.proxy, timeout=self.timeout))             elif self.tunnel_client:                 ''' running tunnel client, just mark down when it's done '''                 self.tunnel_client(self.ip, self.port)                 thread_it.done = True     # normal termination         except Exception, error:             print traceback.print_exc(sys.exc_info( )), error             thread_it.done = True         # orderly termination upon exception class build(object):     ''' build a tunnel object, ready to run two threads as needed '''     def _ _init_ _(self, host='', port=443, proxy_host='', proxy_port=80,                   proxy_user='', proxy_pass='', proxy_type='', timeout=1):         self._port=port;; self._phost=proxy_host         self._puser=proxy_user; self._pport=proxy_port; self._ppass=proxy_pass         self._ptype=proxy_type; self.ip=''; self.timeout=timeout         self._server, self.server_port = self.get_server( )     def get_proxy(self):         if not self._ptype:             proxy = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)             proxy.connect((self._phost, self._pport))             proxy_authorization = ''             if self._puser:                 proxy_authorization = 'Proxy-authorization: Basic '+\                     base64.encodestring(self._puser+':'+self._ppass                                        ).strip( )+'\r\n'             proxy_connect = 'CONNECT %s:%sHTTP/1.0\r\n' % (                    , self._port)             user_agent = 'User-Agent: pytunnel\r\n'             proxy_pieces = proxy_connect+proxy_authorization+user_agent+'\r\n'             proxy.sendall(proxy_pieces+'\r\n')             response = recv_all(proxy, timeout=0.5)             status = response.split(None, 1)[1]             if int(status)/100 != 2:                 print 'error', response                 raise RuntimeError(status)             return proxy     def get_server(self):         port = 2222         server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)         server.bind(('localhost', port))         server.listen(5)         return server, port     def run(self, func):         Threads = [  ]         Threads.append(thread_it(tid=0, proxy=self.get_proxy( ),                                  server=self._server, timeout=self.timeout))         Threads.append(thread_it(tid=1, tunnel_client=func, ip=self.ip,                                  port=self.server_port, timeout=0.5))         for Thread in Threads:             Thread.start( )         for Thread in Threads:             Thread.join( )


Here is how you would typically use this pytunnel module in a small example script that tunnels an SSL connection through a proxy:

import pytunnel, httplib def tunnel_this(ip, port):     conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(ip, port=port)     conn.putrequest('GET', '/')     conn.endheaders( )     response = conn.getresponse( )     print ) tunnel ='', proxy_host='h1',                         proxy_user='u', proxy_pass='p')

This example assumes you have a proxy server running on host h1, which is ready to accept basic authentication for a proxy user named u with a proxy password of p. Since it's unlikely that this is, in fact, your specific setup, you'll have to tweak these parameters if you want to see an example of this recipe's code running. But you understand the general idea: you instantiate class, with all appropriate parameters passed with named-argument syntax, to build a tunnel object; then, you call the tunnel object's method run, passing as its argument your function that you want to be "tunneled" through the proxy. That function, in turn, receives as its arguments an IP address and a port number, and can connect to that address and port via SSL or any protocol implying SSL/TLS (Transport Layer Security), such as HTTPS.

Internally, the tunnel object instantiates two threads that are instances of thread_it, one to run the tunnel client function, the other to perform the tunneling operation itself. The tunneling operation, in turn, is nothing more than an endless loop where all data available are received from one party and resent to the other, and vice versa; function recv_all deals with the task of receiving all available data, while the socket method send_all does the sending. The thread_it instance which runs the tunneling operation, therefore, does no more than an endless loop of just such calls.

The code shown in this recipe is still being actively developed at the time of writing. For the latest version, see Another alternative worth considering for tunneling and forwarding is Twisted's simple proxy (, but I have not personally tried that one yet.

See Also

For SSL/TLS standards,; documentation for the standard library modules socket, threading and time in the Library Reference and Python in a Nutshell.

Python Cookbook
Python Cookbook
ISBN: 0596007973
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Year: 2004
Pages: 420 © 2008-2017.
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