

Cailliau, Robert, 16

calling a function defined, 36

cardinalities of relationships in entity-relationship diagrams, 79

catalog of favorite TV shows, project

ASP script for inputting new titles, 178–180

ASP script for showing, 176–177

creating the table, 165–168

delete specific titles, script for, 195

displaying categories, 225

displaying categories, script, 225

displaying favorites with counts of warnings, 223–225

displaying favorites with warnings in specified category, script, 226–227

display titles, script for, 193–194, 195–196

drop titles, 196–197

favorites with warnings, script for, 218–219

find warnings with specified term, 248–250

inputting new data, 178–180

PHP script for forms, 171–173

showing favorites, script for, 176–177

showing favorites for adding warning, script, 219–220

tables, 165–168

warning records, inserting, 190–191

category table defined, 6

cd-rom, about, 397–398

CERN, 16

change directory command, DOS, 129

character sets, 232–233

character string defined, 84

checkanswer.asp script, 359–360

checkanswer.php script, 347–348

choosecategory.asp script, 353–355

choosecategory.php script, 342–343

cleartables.php script, 349–350

client defined, 2

client-side events

debugging, 42–44

forms, 37–42

client-side scripting, 3, 5, 34–36

coded numbers defined, 87

ColdFusion, 54, 384

college courses, database design project, 39, 86–89

column defined, 6

common gateway interface (CGI), 12, 54

communication, broadband, 382

compilation defined, 3, 32

composite keys, 85

concatenated keys, 83, 85, 87, 190


Access, scripts, 318–319

ASP scripts, 154, 156–162, 318–319, 351

connection string defined, 161

Open Database Connectivity Standard (ODBC), 155

opening and closing, 189

PHP, 154, 155–156, 304, 338–339

connection string defined, 161

contents collection, ASP, 279


defined, 274, 275

errors, 286–287

examining, 275–278, 288

with expiration, 286

mechanics of, 278

Netscape, 277–278

setting, 281–282

without expiration, 281–285

cookies collection in ASP, 278

count aggregate function, SQL, 122, 191

create command, multiline MySQL, 134

create database command, MySQL, 131–132

create database command, SQL, 112

createpasswordtable.php, 371, 372

createquiztables.php script, 339–340

create statement, SQL, 105

create table command, SQL, 112

Creating Database Web Applications with PHP and ASP
Creating Database Web Applications with PHP and ASP (Charles River Media Internet & Web Design)
ISBN: 1584502649
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 125
Authors: Jeanine Meyer © 2008-2017.
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