OK, so you've created your first cross-platform projector and want to get this thing onto a CD so it can be experienced by the world. A hybrid CD will allow both Mac and Windows users to view your application. If you are on a Macintosh system, using the popular CD authoring package Toast, available from Adaptec, is probably your best option. If you're in Windows and don't have access to a Mac with Toast, you may want to look at CDEveryWhere. Until recently it was difficult to create a hybrid CD in Windows, so many Director developers got used to having to create hybrid CDs using a Mac. CDEveryWhere, available at www.cdeverywhere.com is a great option for burning hybrid CDs directly from Windows. A complete tutorial on creating hybrid CD's isn't possible in the context of this book, but you can find more than you ever wanted to know online. Although not specifically for Director, an excellent tutorial on using Toast to create a hybrid CD can be found at www.union.edu/RESOURCES/curriculum/tips/hybrid/ If you're using CDEveryWhere, the online manual at cdeverywhere.com has all the necessary info. |