

W3C. See World Wide Web Consortium warehouse, 374

warrantees, 259

Water, 374

waterfall-style application development, 160, 161, 374

Web Methods, 224

"Web Pages Must Live Forever" (Nielsen), 269

Web Service choreography interface (WSCI), 257, 375

Web Services, 29, 204, 220, 241-262, 298-299, 374

advantages of, 261-262

composite applications, 252-255

establishing context, 254-255

navigation giving way to composition, 252-254

rich client interfaces, 254

definition and implications, 241-246

consumers and producers, 244-245

distinction from component architectures, 243-244

enterprise application integration (EAI), 245-246

firewalls, 244

platform wars, 243

experimenting with, 282

finding a service, 255-256

design-time searching, 255-256

run-time searching, 256, 258

management of, 260

mechanics, 246-250

application processing interface (API) exposed as XML, 246

asynchronous processing, 247-248

document-style API, 246-247

SOAP envelope, 248, 249

universal description, discovery, and integration (UDDI), 250

Web Services description language (WSDL), 248-249, 256

resources, 321-326

service contracts, 258-260

service-oriented architectures (SOA), 250-252

defining the applications, 251

fine-grain and coarse-grain services, 252

performance penalties, 251-252

voting, 260-261

work flow and collaboration, 256-258

collaboration, 258

orchestration and choreography, 257

work flow, 257

Web Services Collaboration, 2, 4

Web Services description language (WSDL), 248-249, 256, 299, 375

Web site for exploration, 282, 286

Web site upgrades, 284

Web sites, 25

Web-based searches, 137

well formedness, 213, 374

"What Is RDF?" (Bray), 267-268

whiteboarding, 258

Wierzbicka, Anna, Semantic Primes and Universals, 171

Williams, Simon, Associative Model of Data, The, 61, 191

Wisse, Pieter, Metapattern, Context and Time in Information Models, 61

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 7

Wizards, 247 Women, Fire and Dangerous Things (Lakoff), 59

word distances and frequency, 124

word meanings, 3

WordNet, 56, 274, 292, 374

work flow, 374

or business process, 176-179

in Web Services, 257

World Wide Web, 5, 207, 244, 263, 375

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 263, 374

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Glossary, 242

written language, 6

WSCI. See Web Service choreography interface

WSDL. See Web Services description language

WSFL (Web Services flow language), 257, 375

WWW. See World Wide Web

Semantics in Business Systems(c) The Savvy Manager's Guide
Semantics in Business Systems: The Savvy Managers Guide (The Savvy Managers Guides)
ISBN: 1558609172
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 184
Authors: Dave McComb © 2008-2017.
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