

Saeed, John I., Semantics, 189

SalCentral, 255

SAML (security assertions markup language), 364

SAP, 164, 166, 257

SAX (simple API for XML), 364

scalable vector graphics (SVG), 218

scale, 364

schema, 91, 134-135, 155, 364

schema evolution, 91

schemas and namespaces, 214-217

school boundaries, 13-14

Scientio, 148

SCM. See supply chain management

scope, 365

scope and schema, 154-155

SDM (semantic data modeling), 365

search engines, 137, 272

"Second Wave, The" (Martin), 223

security, 4, 278

SEEC, 176

self-describing messages, 231

semantic, 365

semantic brokers, 237-239

semantic elicitation: uncovering meaning, 157-181

architectural planning, 160-164

conceptual design, 162-164

development, 164

project definition and scope, 161

requirements, 162

systems integration, 164

iterative development, 166-167

package implementation, 164-166

primary sources, 157-160

existing electronic data, 159

existing paper data, 159

existing systems, 159

industry literature, 159-160

regulations, 160

requirements documents, 158

users, 158

semantic scope, 179-180

techniques for, 167-179

conducting meetings, 169-172

data mining and profiling, 172-175

metadata and legacy understanding, 175-176

modeling meetings, 167-169

work flow or business process, 176-179

semantic evolution of business rules, 146-148

semantic interpretation, 23

semantic issues with integration, 227-229

semantic modeling, 77-78, 310-313

semantic origination, 23

semantic precision, 29-30

semantic precision ranges, 31

Semantic Primes and Universals (Wierzbicka), 171

semantic primitives, 171-172, 289-290

semantic referent, 30-31

semantic scope, 179-180

semantic scope and namespace, 216-127

semantic veracity, 31-32

Semantic Web, 2, 5, 204, 220, 263-280, 300, 365

adoption of, 270-273

accelerators, 272-273

inhibitors, 271-272

Al's organic mushrooms example, 275-277

food-drug interactions, 276-277

genus, species, family, order, and phylum, 276

applications, 264-266

agents, 265-266

conceptual queries, 264-265

capabilities needed, 278-279

free markup, 278

grammar checker, 279

the interlocutor, 279

security, 278

semiautomated tag assignment, 278

trust, veracity, and bozos, 278

version management, 279

definition, 266-269

key technologies, 266-267

resource description framework (RDF) and Notation3, 267-269

genealogy ontology example, 270

inference rules, 270

ontologies, 273-275

big ontologies, 273-274

core ontology, 275

types of, 274-275

"upper ontology," 273

resources, 329-332

"Semantic Web, The" (Berners-Lee, Hendler, and Lassila), 263

semantic-based enterprise application integration (EAI) and systems integration (SI), 223-239

background and definition of integration, 224-226

enterprise message model, 236-237

implementation level, 235-236

internal integration, 232-233

semantic brokers, 237-239

Contivo, 238

Ontoprise, 239

Unicorn, 238

semantic issues with integration, 227-229

semantics of integration between enterprises, 233-235

strategies for achieving integration, 229-232

big database, 230-231

direct connect, 231

manual, 229-230

message based, 231-232

point to point/store and foreword, 231

technical issues with integration, 226-227

semantically aware application, 39

semanticness of applications, 32-33

semantics, 1-10, 9, 213-214, 289-290

application to business systems, 9-10

and business rules, 145-149

in business systems, 21-22

costs, 1

in database applications, 69-71

definition, 3, 7

as a discipline, 2

history of, 5-7

and information systems, 3-4

in metadata, 94-95

plan of the book, 4-5

related disciplines, 7-9

resources, 303-304

Semantics Foundations of Logic, The: Predicate Logic (Epstein), 202

semantics of integration between enterprises, 233-235

Semantics (Saeed), 189

semantics in the tags, 214

semiautomated tag assignment, 278

Semigix, 273

semiotics, 8, 9, 365

sentient, 365

service, 365

service codes, 54-55

service contracts, 258-260

service level agreements, 259

service-oriented architecture protocol (SOAP), 248

service-oriented architectures (SOA), 250-252, 366

service-oriented development architecture (SODA), 251, 366

service-oriented integration (SOI), 251, 366

"Seven-hundred Billion Help Desk, The," 224

SGML. See standard generalized markup language

shared databases, 28, 295

shifting semantic evaluation into the database, 75

SHOE (simple HTML ontology extension), 366

shredding, 366

SIC. See Standard Industrial Codes

signs and symbols, 9

similarity, 366

Sinclair, Upton, 16

skill building, 281-282

SKUs. See stock-keeping units

SNOMED, 49, 51

SOA. See service-oriented architectures

SOAP envelope, 248, 249, 299

SOAP. See service-oriented architecture protocol

SOAP. See standard object access protocol

SoapClient, 255

Socrates, 6

Socratic method, 169

SODA. See service-oriented development architecture

software, 366

for contracts, 19-20

maintenance of, 285

and semantics, 2

software firms in the systems integration industry, 224

SOI. See service-oriented integration

sophists, 8, 366

source, 366

source code, 367

Sowa, John F., Knowledge Representation: Logical, Philosophical and Computational Foundations, 202

SOX, 215

specialization, 367

specific domains as examples, 320-321

specs (specifications), 367

"splitters," 170, 367

"Splitters and Lumpers" (Vader), 170

spoken language, 6

SQL. See structured query language

stability of extensible markup language (XML), 212-213

standard generalized markup language (SGML), 91, 206-207, 211, 298, 366

standard gauge for railroads, 211-212

Standard Industrial Codes (SIC), 52

see also North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)

standard object access protocol (SOAP), 248, 366

Standish Group, 230

Stanford University, 56, 194, 300

state, 367

state as a proxy for behavior, 63

state and status in dynamic categorization, 62-63

stateless, 367

static, 367

Statistical Abstract of the United States (2000), "Labor Force Employment and Earnings," 16

status, 367

status and roles, 63-64

Stencil Group, 242

Stephenson gauge, 211-212

stock-keeping units (SKUs), 48, 275, 366

store, 368

storing data, 3

STP. See straight-through processing

straight-through processing (STP), 224, 368

Strassman, Paul, "End Build-and-Junk," 1

structured data, 67

structured query language (SQL), 89, 140, 173, 264, 367

stub, 368

style sheet, 368

subroutines, 368

subscribe, 368

subscriptive approaches, 4-5

substance, 368

subsumption, 368

subtypes, 174, 368

Sun, 215, 257

SunOne, 257

supply chain management (SCM), 34, 224, 233, 365

SVG. See scalable vector graphics

Swetsville Zoo, 183-184, 207, 225, 226, 368

syllogism, 368

symbolic, 369

synchronous processes, 247-248, 298-299, 369

synonymy, 369

syntactic, 369

syntax, 9

syntax and semantics, 213-214

synthesis in interpretation model, 112

system testing, 75

systems integration, 1, 28, 164, 224, 283

see also semantic-based EAI and SI

systems maintenance, 139-145

systems structure, 8

Semantics in Business Systems(c) The Savvy Manager's Guide
Semantics in Business Systems: The Savvy Managers Guide (The Savvy Managers Guides)
ISBN: 1558609172
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 184
Authors: Dave McComb © 2008-2017.
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