Getting It Done

This chapter presented the many variables that must be planned for before a learning event, and managed during the learning event. Exercise 5–1 will support your analysis and preparation for facilitation.

Exercise 5.1: Are you ready to facilitate a learning event?

start example

Use the following worksheet to review course components as you prepare to facilitate.

  1. Check each of the learning activities that are built into your course by putting an in the space next to it.


    _____ Lecture

    _____ Reading: books, handouts

    _____ Videos/DVDs/films, slides, overheads

    _____ Prework

    _____ PowerPoint presentations

    _____ Note taking

    _____ Self-assessments (e.g., quizzes, checklists)

    Structured Exercises

    _____ Solo work

    _____ Guided discussion/question-and-answer session

    _____ Small group discussion

    _____ Group inquiry

    _____ Information search

    _____ Small group assignment/problem solving

    _____ Peer teaching

    _____ Games

    _____ Debrief

  2. List each of the skill practice activities in the left column of the following chart. For each skill practice, indicate if it is psychomotor, intellectual, or interpersonal by placing an in the appropriate box. Then, indicate if there is alignment of the type of skill practice learning activity with the type of skill by placing a Y (yes) or N (no) in the corresponding column.

    Skill Practice

    Psychomotor Skill

    Intellectual Skill

    Interpersonal Skill



  3. Indicate which of the following transfer activities are built into the course by putting an in the space next to it:

    _____ Action performance contracting

    _____ Application discussion

    _____ Barriers and strategies

    _____ Enablers and strategies

    _____ Structured note taking

    _____ Inviting managers to be on a panel that hears participants’ presentations and makes comments on their job relevance

    _____ Case studies

    _____ Team projects

    _____ Letters

  4. List the course learning objectives in the left column. List the learning activity(ies) that corresponds with the learning objective in the next column. Indicate if there is alignment between the learning objectives and learning activities by placing a Y (yes) or N (no) in the corresponding column.

    Learning Objective

    Learning Activity(ies)



  5. Are at least two out of the three learning styles preferences (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) accommodated in every activity?

    Yes_____ No_____

end example

Now that you’ve had a chance to explore facilitation of specific learning activities and facilitation strategies that support different types of activities, the next chapter will address universal techniques that can be used to gain engagement and participation.

Facilitation Basics
Facilitation Basics (ASTD Training Basics)
ISBN: 1562863614
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 82 © 2008-2017.
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