

call admission control (CAC), 35

campus requirements map, 146

capacity, 41–42, 64

capacity plan, 195

capacity planning, 3, 389, 393, 405

capacity requirements, 126–129

capacity upgrades, 404, 405

casualty procedures, 136, 137

CBQ, 345

CDN, 8

centralized management, 313, 324

CERT(R) Guide to System and Network Security Practices, The (Allen), 210

characterization of user behavior, 111

characterizing behavior, 108–112

checks and balances, 317

choosing technology. See Selecting technology for network design

CIDR, 265

CIDR block, 266

CIR, 336

class A address, 255, 256

class B address, 255, 256

class C address, 255, 256

class D address, 257

class E address, 257

class-based queuing (CBQ), 345

classful addressing, 255–257

classification, 342

classless interdomain routing (CIDR), 265

client-server applications, 70

client-server architectural model, 233–234

client-server flow model, 180–182

climate-modeling problem, 185


cold spares, 451

complexity, 11–15

component architectures, 214–225

addressing/routing architecture, 219–220

network management architecture, 221–222

optimizing, 224–225

performance architecture, 222–223

security architecture, 223–224

See also specific architectures

component requirements, 30

composite flows, 161, 162, 389

Computer Security Handbook (Bosworth/Kabay), 358

computing cluster, 187

confidence, 138–140

configuration, 308

configuration management, 310

configuration mechanisms, 308–309

conformance subset of the MIB, 320

conforming traffic, 342

connection establishment, 399

connection support, 396–399

constraints, 216, 324

content delivery network (CDN), 8

core regions, 217

core requirements, 55

CoS, 336

cost/performance graph, 390

critical flows, 163

CT scanners, 74

customer expectations, 17–18, 100

Network Analysis, Architecture and Design
Network Analysis, Architecture and Design, Second Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
ISBN: 1558608877
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 161 © 2008-2017.
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