


Editable DataGrid (code listing), 601–604

Editable DataList Control (code listing), 578–581

EditCommand event handler, 576

EditCommandColumn class, 599

Editing Rows Using BeginEdit, CancelEdit, and EndEdit methods (code listing), 119

EditItemTemplate code, 575–576

updating, and deleting through DataList control, 573–581

editors, ASP.NET, 466–467

Employees.xls, Accessing Using ODBC Data Provider (code listing), 390

encapsulation (OR mapping), 637

Encrypted Messages, Sending (code listing), 751

encrypting messages, 750–751

EnforceConstraints property, 123

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, 438

Enumerator, Implementation for an (code listing), 442


ADO.NET in connected. See ADO.NET in connected environments

ADO.NET in disconnected. See ADO.NET in disconnected environments

error logs, SQL Server, 370

error messages and custom filters, 364–365

error severity levels, 368–369

event handlers, defined, 209–210


ColumnChanged, 222–223

Connection, 211–215

DataAdapter, 215–220

DataSet, 220–221

DataTable, 221–226

DataView and DataViewManager, 229–231

FillError, 215, 217

handling ADO.NET. See ADO.NET events, handling

InfoMessage, 211–212

ListChanged, 229–230

MergeFailed, 220–221

RowChanged, 222, 224

RowDeleted, 222, 225–226

RowUpdating and RowUpdated, 216, 218–219

StateChange, 211–212

XmlDataDocument, 226–229

Excel databases, accessing, 389–390

exception handling in ADO.NET, 359–374

advantages of using, 360–365

custom filters and error messages, 364–365

nesting Try...Catch statements, 363

Try...Catch statements, 361–362

Try...Catch with multiple Catch statements, 363–364

Try...Catch...Finally statements, 362

code listings

Custom Filter and Error Message, Defining, 364–365

Nested Try...Catch and Multiple Catch Blocks, 363–364

Opening a File, 360

Reading Data from SQL Server, 371–373

Simple Exception Handling Block, 361

Simple Try...Catch Block, 362

SqlError and SqlErrorCollection objects, 373–374

Try...Catch...Finally Statement, 362

Exception classes, 365–366

fundamentals, 359–360

SQL Server 2000

errors, 368–369

SQL Server error logs, 370

SqlError and SqlErrorCollection classes, 373–374

SqlException class, 371–373

System.Data Exception classes, 366–368

Exchanging the Button Click Handler (code listing), 329

ExecuteNonQuery method, 158–159

ExecuteQuery Method (code listing), 534

ExecuteReader method, 165

ExecuteScalar method, 158–160

ExecuteScalar Method to Retrieve Single Value (code listing), 160

ExecuteSQL Method (code listing), 504

ExecuteSqlQuery Method (code listing), 420

ExecuteXmlReader method, 158

Executing Multiple SQL Queries Using SqlTransaction (code listing), 207–208

Executing mySP Stored Procedure Using SQL Data Provider (code listing), 400–401

Export Text Wizard, 383–385

ExtendedProperties property, 93, 123

external transactions (message queuing), 747

Applied ADO. NET(c) Building Data-Driven Solutions
Applied ADO.NET: Building Data-Driven Solutions
ISBN: 1590590732
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 214 © 2008-2017.
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