KeytermDefined Terms

Defined Terms


Iterator adaptor that takes a reference to a container and generates an insert iterator that uses push_back to add elements to the specified container.

bidirectional iterator

Same operations as forward iterators plus the ability to use to move backward through the sequence.

forward iterator

Iterator that can read and write elements, but does not support --.


Iterator adaptor that given a container, generates an insert iterator that uses push_front to add elements to the beginning of that container.

generic algorithms

Type-independent algorithms.

input iterator

Iterator that can read but not write elements.

insert iterator

Iterator that uses a container operation to insert elements rather than overwrite them. When a value is assigned to an insert iterator, the effect is to insert the element with that value into the sequence.


Iterator adaptor that takes an iterator and a reference to a container and generates an insert iterator that uses insert to add elements just ahead of the element referred to by the given iterator.


Stream iterator that reads an input stream.

iterator categories

Conceptual organization of iterators based on the operations that an iterator supports. Iterator categories form a hierarchy, in which the more powerful categories offer the same operations as the lesser categories. The algorithms use iterator categories to specify what operations the iterator arguments must support. As long as the iterator provides at least that level of operation, it can be used. For Example, some algorithms require only input iterators. Such algorithms can be called on any iterator other than one that meets only the output iterator requirements. Algorithms that require random-access iterators can be used only on iterators that support random-access operations.

off-the-end iterator

An iterator that marks the end of a range of elements in a sequence. The off-the-end iterator is used as a sentinel and refers to an element one past the last element in the range. The off-the-end iterator may refer to a nonexistent element, so it must never be dereferenced.


Iterator that writes to an output stream.

output iterator

Iterator that can write but not read elements.


Function that returns a type that can be converted to bool. Often used by the generic algorithms to test elements. Predicates used by the library are either unary (taking one argument) or binary (taking two).

random-access iterator

Same operations as bidirectional iterators plus the ability to use the relational operators to compare iterator values and the ability to do arithmetic on iterators, thus supporting random access to elements.

reverse iterator

Iterator that moves backward through a sequence. These iterators invert the meaning of ++ and --.

stream iterator

Iterator that can be bound to a stream.

C++ Primer
C Primer Plus (5th Edition)
ISBN: 0672326965
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 223
Authors: Stephen Prata © 2008-2017.
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