Page #499 (Appendix B. The ASCII Character Set)

[Page 1274]

Appendix C. Operator Precedence Chart

The operators are shown in decreasing order of precedence from top to bottom. Operators in the same group have the same precedence, and their associativity is shown in the table.

[Page 1275]
Operator Name Associativity
() Parentheses Left to right
() Function call Left to right
[] Array subscript Left to right
. Object member access Left to right
++ Postincrement Right to left
“ “ Postdecrement Right to left
++ Preincrement Right to left
“ “ Predecrement Right to left
+ Unary plus Right to left
Unary minus Right to left
! Unary logical negation Right to left
(type) Unary casting Right to left
new Creating object Right to left
* Multiplication Left to right
/ Division Left to right
% Remainder Left to right
+ Addition Left to right
Subtraction Left to right
<< Left shift Left to right
>> Right shift with sign extension Left to right
>>> Right shift with zero extension Left to right
< Less than Left to right
<= Less than or equal to Left to right
> Greater than Left to right
>= Greater than or equal to Left to right
instanceof Checking object type Left to right
== Equal comparison Left to right
!= Not equal Left to right
& (Unconditional AND) Left to right
^ (Exclusive OR) Left to right
(Unconditional OR) Left to right
&& Conditional AND Left to right
Conditional OR Left to right
?: Ternary condition Right to left
= Assignment Right to left
+= Addition assignment Right to left
“= Subtraction assignment Right to left
*= Multiplication assignment Right to left
/= Division assignment Right to left
%= Remainder assignment Right to left


Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version
Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version (6th Edition)
Year: 2004
Pages: 503 © 2008-2017.
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