27.8. Chapter Summary

[Page 799 ( continued )]

24.13. (Optional) Blocking Queues

The discussion in §22.8 introduced queues and priority queues. A blocking queue causes a thread to block when you try to add an element to a full queue or to remove an element from an empty queue. The BlockingQueue interface extends java.util.Queue and provides the synchronized put and take methods for adding an element to the head of the queue and for removing an element from the tail of the queue, as shown in Figure 24.21.

Figure 24.21. BlockingQueue is a subinterface of Queue .
(This item is displayed on page 800 in the print version)

Three concrete blocking queues, ArrayBlockingQueue , LinkedBlockingQueue , and PriorityBlockingQueue , are supported in JDK 1.5, as shown in Figure 24.22. All are in the java.util.concurrent package. ArrayBlockingQueue implements a blocking queue using an array. You have to specify a capacity or an optional fairness to construct an ArrayBlockingQueue . LinkedBlockingQueue implements a blocking queue using a linked list. You may create an unbounded or bounded LinkedBlockingQueue . PriorityBlockingQueue is a priority queue. You may create an unbounded or bounded priority queue.

[Page 800]
Figure 24.22. ArrayBlockingQueue , LinkedBlockingQueue , and PriorityBlockingQueue are concrete blocking queues.


You may create an unbounded LinkedBlockingQueue or PriorityBlockingQueue . For an unbounded queue , the put method will never block.

Listing 24.11 gives an example of using an ArrayBlockingQueue to simplify the Consumer/Producer example in Listing 24.10. Line 5 creates an ArrayBlockingQueue to store integers. The Producer thread puts an integer into the queue (line 22), and the Consumer thread takes an integer from the queue (line 37).

Listing 24.11. ConsumerProducerUsingBlockingQueue.java
(This item is displayed on pages 800 - 801 in the print version)
 1   import   java.util.concurrent.*; 2 3   public class   ConsumerProducerUsingBlockingQueue { 4    private static   ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer> buffer =  5    new   ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer>(   2   );  6 7   public static void   main(String[] args) { 8  // Create a thread pool with two threads  

[Page 801]
 9  ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(   2   );  10 executor.execute(   new   ProducerTask()); 11 executor.execute(   new   ConsumerTask()); 12 executor.shutdown(); 13 } 14 15  // A task for adding an int to the buffer  16    private static class   ProducerTask   implements   Runnable  { 17   public void   run() { 18   try   { 19   int   i =   1   ; 20   while   (   true   ) { 21 System.out.println(   "Producer writes "   + i); 22  buffer.put(i++);   // Add any value to the buffer, say, 1  23  // Put the thread into sleep  24 Thread.sleep((   int   )(Math.random() *   10000   )); 25 } 26 }   catch   (InterruptedException ex) { 27 ex.printStackTrace(); 28 } 29 } 30 } 31 32  // A task for reading and deleting an int from the buffer  33    private static class   ConsumerTask   implements   Runnable  { 34   public void   run() { 35   try   { 36   while   (   true   ) { 37 System.out.println(   "\t\t\tConsumer reads "   +  buffer.take()  ); 38  // Put the thread into sleep  39 Thread.sleep((   int   )(Math.random() *   10000   )); 40 } 41 }   catch   (InterruptedException ex) { 42 ex.printStackTrace(); 43 } 44 } 45 } 46 } 

In Listing 24.10, you used locks and conditions to synchronize the Producer and Consumer threads. In this program, there is no need to hand-code it, because synchronization is already implemented in ArrayBlockingQueue .


Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version
Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version (6th Edition)
Year: 2004
Pages: 503

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