[ LiB ]

An event that occurs when the user aborts the loading of a page and triggers the onAbort event handler.

ActiveX .

A proprietary Microsoft technology for embedding Windows components into Web pages.

alert() method .

A document object method that can be called to display an alert dialog box for the user. This dialog box displays a text message and waits for the user to click on the OK button before returning control to the calling statement.

anchor object .

Represents a location in a Web page that is the target of a link.

applet .

A small program written in Java that executes on the client computer.

applet object.

An object created by the HTML <APPLET> tag that provides access to that applet.

area object.

A type of link object that provides access to an area in an imagemap.


A piece of data passed to a function as input.


A logical collection of related data that is indexed and can be manipulated programmatically.

array object.

An object that enables you to work with arrays in JavaScript.


An event detected by the browser when an object loses focus because a different object has received the focus. The blur event triggers the onBlur event handler.


A variable that can store either a true or false value.

Boolean object.

An object that treats a Boolean value as an object.


A JavaScript statement you can use to terminate the processing of a loop.


A software application that displays Web pages and may provide a JavaScript environment.

button object.

A representation of a button on a form that has its own methods and properties and is subject to various events.


A type of programming notation that uses a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters to create descriptive names .


A JavaScript statement that is used in conjunction with the switch statement to test for a particular condition.


An event detected by the browser when the user changes an object (such as the contents of a form's text field) that triggers the onChange event handler.

CGI (Common Gateway Interface).

An interface or communications specification used in creating Web server-based applications using languages such as PERL.

checkbox object.

A representation of a check box on a form. The object has its own methods and properties and is subject to various events.

check points.

A debugging technique that displays the value of variables during the processing of a script so that the variables can be checked when the script is tested . Check points also can be used to verify the logical flow of your scripts.


An event detected by the browser when the user clicks the mouse button while the pointer is placed over an object. This event triggers the onClick event handler.


An array that provides a reference to a group of objects.


A small piece of information stored on client computers that contains information collected when users visit Web sites.


Statements added to Web pages and scripts that are ignored by the browser but that provide valuable information to anyone editing or reading the page or script.


The process of converting a program to machine code before it is executed.


The process of combining two or more strings into a single string.

confirm() method.

A document object method that can be called to display a confirmation dialog box for the user. This dialog box displays a text message and waits for the user to click on the OK or Cancel button before returning control to the calling statement.


A JavaScript statement that allows you to skip the remaining statements in a loop and to continue on with the loop's next iteration.


A WSH script execution host that supports text-based scripts that run in the background from the Windows command prompt.

date object.

An object that allows your script to access and manipulate time and date information.


An event detected by the browser when the user double-clicks the mouse button while the pointer is placed over an object. This event triggers the onDblClick event handler.


The process of testing and fixing errors in programs and scripts.

dense array.

An array that is populated with data at the time of its creation.


A VBScript runtime object that stores data using key and item pairs.

document object.

An object that provides access to the document that is currently loaded into a browser window and whose properties and methods provide access to viewing and changing the page content.

DOM (Document Object Model) .

A browser object model that provides JavaScript with access to all the elements on an HTML page.

do while.

A type of loop that executes as long as a given condition remains true .


A JScript runtime object that provides access to a disk drive.

drives .

A JScript runtime collection that provides access to all the drives on the computer.


An individual entry in an array that may be referenced by a name or an index number.


The counterpart to the if statement that provides an alternative action when the if condition proves false .


An event detected by the browser when there is an error with a window, frame, or image. This event triggers the onError event handler.


The occurrence of a predefined action such as a mouse click on an object in a Web page.

event object.

An object that provides access to properties that describe an event.

event handler.

A JavaScript construct that executes automatically when a given event occurs. For example, the onClick event handler executes when the Click event occurs for an object.

execution host.

An application such as the WSH or a Web browser that interprets and executes scripts.


A statement that evaluates the value of variables and constants.


A JScript runtime object that provides direct access to a file.

fileUpload object.

An object that represents the file upload HTML element.

Files Collection.

A JScript runtime collection that provides access to files stored within a given folder.


One of two primary runtime objects that provides access to the Windows file system and to other runtime objects.


An event detected by the browser when the user selects an object (such as a form text field). This event triggers the onFocus event handler.


A JScript runtime object that provides access to a folder.

Folders Collection.

A JScript runtime collection that provides access to subfolders stored within a given folder.


A JavaScript statement that repeats a series of statements until a condition proves false .

for in.

A loop that iterates repeatedly through a specified object's list of properties.

form object.

An object created by the HTML <FORM> tag that provides access to all the elements on a form.

frame object.

An object created by the HTML <FRAME> tag that allows JavaScript to reference frames .


A collection of JavaScript statements that performs a specific action and can be referenced and called repeatedly from different locations in the Web page.

function object.

A JavaScript statement that is compiled as a function.


A format for saving graphic images. GIF files typically are larger than JPEG files and provide slightly lower image quality, but take less time to load.

global variable.

A variable whose scope is such that its value is available throughout the Web page.

hidden object.

A text-based object that is not displayed on a form but that can be accessed programmatically.

history object.

An array containing information about all the URLs that have been loaded into the browser window.


A program editor that supports both HTML and JavaScript languages. HomeSite includes such advanced features as color coding, integrated browser support, visual layout, code templates, and wizards.


A hypertext reference used to specify a URL.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

A programming language used to deliver text and graphic information over the Internet.

IDE (integrated development environment).

A software application that facilitates the development of scripts or programs and provides tools for testing and debugging scripts and programs.


A conditional statement that tests whether a condition is true of false .

image object.

An object created by the HTML <IMG> tag that provides access to image attributes.

Internet Explorer.

A popular Internet browser developed by Microsoft that supports JScript, VBScript, ActiveX, and other advanced features.

interpreted language.

A language used to develop programs or scripts that are not compiled in advance before execution. Instead, each statement in an interpreted language script is processed as it is read.


An object-oriented language descended from C and C++. A variation of Java allows small programs known as applets to be added to Web pages.


A programming language developed by Netscape that supports the development of client-side scripts that execute inside of Internet browsers.

JavaScript Console.

A Netscape Navigator debugging utility that receives JavaScript error messages and allows you to test JavaScript commands and expressions.


A format for saving high-quality graphic images. JPEG files typically are smaller than GIF files and provide superior image quality, but take slightly longer to load.


Microsoft's version of JavaScript. The only Internet browser that currently supports JScript is Internet Explorer.


An event detected by the browser when the user presses a keyboard key. This event triggers the onKeyDown event handler.


An event detected by the browser when the user presses and releases a keyboard key. This event triggers the onKeyPress event handler.


An event detected by the browser when the user releases a keyboard key. This event triggers the onKeyUp event handler.


A JavaScript statement that allows you to associate a label with a JavaScript statement so that it can be referenced from other parts of a script.

layer object.

An object that represents an HTML layer.

link object.

An object that represents an HTML hypertext link.


A scripting language introduced in Netscape Navigator version 2.0 and later renamed JavaScript.


An event that occurs when the browser finishes loading a Web page. This event triggers the onLoad event handler.

load-time error.

An error that occurs when loading Web pages in a browser and typically involves basic syntax issues.

local variable.

A variable whose scope is such that its value is limited to the function in which it is declared.

location object.

An object that provides access to the window object's location property.

logic errors.

Errors that occur as a result of human error and produce unexpected results.


The process of repeating a set of instructions indefinitely.


A text-based, non-graphical Internet browser noted for its speed and exceptional performance.

Netscape JavaScript Debugger.

A debugging tool that runs in the form of a Java applet inside the Netscape browser. It works with Netscape browser versions 4.02 and above.

Math object.

An object that provides access to various mathematical functions and constants.


A function associated with an object.

Microsoft Script Debugger.

A debugging tool compatible with Internet Explorer that can be used to debug ActiveX, VBScript, and JavaScript.

mimeType object.

A predefined JavaScript object that provides access to a specific browser-supported MIME type.


An event detected by the browser when the user presses a mouse button over an object. This event triggers the object's onMouseDown event handler.


An event detected by the browser when the user moves the mouse. This event triggers the object's onMouseMove event handler.


An event detected by the browser when the user moves the mouse off an object. This event triggers the object's onMouseOut event handler.


An event detected by the browser when the user moves the mouse over an object. This event triggers the object's onMouseOver event handler.


An event detected by the browser when the user releases a mouse button over an object. This event triggers the object's onMouseUp event handler.

Netscape Navigator.

A popular Internet browser that supports JavaScript, plug-ins, and other advanced features.

navigator object.

An object that provides access to the information about the version of Netscape Navigator supported by the browser.


A JavaScript keyword that supports the declaration of new JavaScript objects.

number object.

A predefined object that allows numbers to be represented as objects.


An empty value.


A programming construct that contains its own properties and methods.


A root object from which all objects are derived.

object-based language.

A programming language providing some but not all of the features of an object-oriented programming language.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the abort event, indicating that the user has aborted the loading of the Web page.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the blur event, indicating that an object has lost focus.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the change event, indicating that an object (such as form text field) has been changed.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the click event, indicating that a user has clicked the mouse while the pointer is over an object.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the dblClick event, indicating that a user has double-clicked the mouse while the pointer is over an object.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the error event, indicating that an error has occurred with a window, frame, or image.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the focus event, indicating that an object has been selected or has received focus.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the keyDown event, indicating that the user has pressed a keyboard key.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the keyPress event, indicating that a user has pressed a keyboard key.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the keyUp event, indicating that a user has released a pressed keyboard key.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the load event, indicating that a Web page has been completely loaded by the browser.


An event handler that is triggered by the mouseDown event, indicating that the user has pressed a mouse button over an object.


An event handler that is triggered by the mouseMove event, indicating that the user has moved the mouse.


An event handler that is triggered by the mouseOut event, indicating that the user has moved the pointer off an object.


An event handler that is triggered by the mouseOver event, indicating that the user has moved the pointer over an object.


An event handler that is triggered by the mouseUp event, indicating that the user has released a mouse button over an object.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the reset event, indicating that the user has clicked on a form's Reset button.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the resize event, indicating that the user has changed the dimensions of a browser window.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the select event, indicating that the user has selected an object such as a form's text field.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the submit event, indicating that the user has clicked on a form's Submit button.


An event handler that is triggered when the browser detects the unLoad event, indicating that a Web page has been closed by the browser.


A new Internet browser that supports JavaScript, plug-ins, and other advanced features.

option object.

An object created by the HTML <OPTION> tag that provides access to the list of options in a select list.


An argument passed to a script at runtime as input.

password object.

An object created by the HTML <INPUT> tag's TYPE="password" option that represents a form's password field.


A programming language often used in conjunction with CGI to deliver server-based Web content.


Add-on modules that can be installed to add or extend the capabilities of the Netscape browser.

plug-in object.

An object whose properties represent all the browser's plug-ins.


A collection of stored programming statements that constitute a script or application.

prompt() method.

A document object method that can be called to display a prompt dialog box for the user. This dialog box displays a text message and enables the user to type a response before clicking on either the OK or Cancel button and returning control to the calling statement.


A variable associated with an object that controls or describes a particular object feature.

RAD (rapid application development).

A specialized programming tool or suite of tools designed to support the rapid creation of programs and applications.

radio object.

A representation of a radio button on a form. This object has its own methods and properties and is subject to various events. Radio buttons are created in groups; only one option in a group can be selected at a time.


A specialized Windows database that stores configuration information about software, hardware, system, user, and application settings.

reserved words.

A collection of language-specific words that cannot be used as variable and function names within a script.


An event detected by the browser when the user clicks on a form's Reset button. This event triggers the onReset event handler.

reset object.

A specialized type of button object that has its own methods and properties and is subject to various events. The reset object is used to clear the contents of a form and to restore the form's default values.


An event detected by the browser when the user changes the dimensions of a browser window. This event triggers the onResize event handler.


A graphical effect that swaps between two images as the pointer selects or passes over a graphic image. A rollover is used to simulate a selection or identify the focus of a selected graphic image.

runtime error.

An error that occurs when a script attempts to do something that is against the rules, such as referencing an undefined function or variable.


The portion of a Web page in which a variable can be accessed, either locally or globally.

screen object.

An object that contains information about the current screen display.


A group of program statements that is interpreted by a Web browser or the WSH as an executable file.

scripting engine.

A language-specific interpreter that processes script statements and converts them into a format that can be executed by the computer.


An event detected by the browser when the user selects an object, such as a form text field. This event triggers the onSelect event handler.

select object.

An object created by the HTML <SELECT> tag that provides access to a form's select list.


A line of code in a Web page or JavaScript.

status bar.

The area located at the bottom of Internet browsers that is used to display text-based messages.


A group of text characters such as "Hello world!"

string object.

An object that references the value of a string and provides methods for working with the string.

style object.

An object that describes the style used by HTML elements and whose properties provide access to specific style attributes.


An event detected by the browser when the user clicks on a form's Submit button, causing the form's contents to be sent to a Web server or e-mailed to a designated e-mail address. This event triggers the onSubmit event handler.

submit object.

A specialized type of button object on a form that has its own methods and properties and is subject to various events. The submit object is used to submit form data to a Web server for processing or to e-mail form contents.


A JavaScript statement that enables you to test for multiple conditions using a series of case statements.


An HTML construct that enables page content to be organized and presented within predefined tables.

text object.

A representation of a single-line text field on a form that has its own methods and properties and is subject to various events.

textarea object.

A representation of a multiline text box on a form that has its own methods and properties and is subject to various events.


An event that occurs when the browser closes a Web page. This event triggers the onUnload event handler.

URL (Universal Resource Locator).

An address used to identify a site on the World Wide Web.


The process of verifying that the data typed into a form conforms to required specifications.


A keyword used to declare a variable explicitly.


A programming construct that provides for the storage and retrieval of data in memory that can be accessed by its name.


A scripting language developed by Microsoft as an alternative to JavaScript. VBScript is derived from the Visual Basic programming language. The only Internet browser that currently supports VBScript is Internet Explorer.

Visual JavaScript.

A professional developer's tool for building large cross-platform applications. It includes a WYSIWYG HTML editor and supports visual JavaScript development. In addition, you can use this tool to cut and paste prebuilt HTML, Java, and JavaScript components into JavaScript applications.


A loop that iterates until a condition proves false .

window object.

An object that represents a browser window or frame and whose methods can be used to control the window or frame.


The root or parent object in the WSH object model or a WSH script execution host that supports the presentation of data in graphical pop-up dialogs.

WSH (Windows Script Host).

A Windows scripting environment that supports the execution of different scripting languages and provides object-based access to Windows resources.

WSH Core Object Model.

A core component of the Windows Script Host that provides object-based access to Windows resources.


A WSH object that provides access to command-line arguments .


A WSH object that provides the capability to create remote scripts.


A WSH object that provides access to environment variables.


A WSH object that provides access to named command-line arguments.


A WSH object that provides access to network resources.


A WSH object that provides the capability to run remote scripts.


A WSH object that provides access to errors generated by remote scripts.


A WSH object that provides access to error information from remote scripts run using Exec () .


A WSH object that provides access to environment variables and the Windows registry.


A WSH object that provides the capability to create shortcuts.


A WSH object that provides access to Windows folders.


A WSH object that provides access to unnamed command-line arguments.


A WSH object that provides the capability to create URL shortcuts.


The World Wide Web.


What you see is what you get.

[ LiB ]

Learn JavaScript In a Weekend
Learn JavaScript In a Weekend, Second Edition
ISBN: 159200086X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 84 © 2008-2017.
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