

-> operator, methodinvocation, 8


abstract classes

Contact Manager, 56

support, 29

abstract functions, 25

abstraction, factory method design pattern and, 179

database abstraction and, 182

AbstractWidget class, observer pattern and, 81

academic skills, career as developer, 567

accessor methods, 10 11

account manager (Widget World project), selecting, 387

activation, objects, 45

activity diagrams (UML), 42

actors, case diagrams, 33

addItem() method

Collection class, 104 105

obj parameter, 103

agenda, project recipient (Widget World), 372 373

algorithms, bottleneck location, 603

Apache installation, 616 617

testing, 617 619

Application class

Builder pattern, 96 97

Facade pattern and, 93


event-driven, designing, 189 191

Web, MVC and, 243

arrays, Smarty templates

associative, 269 270

linear, 269

multidimensional, 273 274

artificial intelligence, FSMs and, 354

associations, relationships, class diagrams (UML), 37

associative arrays, Smarty templates, 269 270

attributes of class diagrams (UML), 35

authentication class sessions, session management connection to database, 316 317


BeginBuildNumber() method, 351 352

bi-directional navigability, associations (UML class diagrams), 37

binary files, version control and, 581

bindings/operation in WSDL documents, 230

bottlenecks, 599 600

avoiding, 605 606


algorithms, 603

database queries, 602 603

types, differences, 600 601

branching, version control and, 580 581

budget (Widget World project), 378 379

bugs (Widget World project), change management and, 403 404

build phase (Widget World project), 398

Builder pattern, 93 97

implementation, 94 96

BuildNumber() method, 352

business requirements (Widget World), 375 376


callbacks, lazy instantiation, 108

implementation, 110 112

call_user_func, Collection class, 108 110

capturing output, Smarty templates, 274 275

career as developer

academic skills, 567

community skills, 567

soft skills, 566 567

Web development skills, 566

case diagrams, UML, 32 35

CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 301

change management (Widget World project) bugs reported, 403 404

disputes, difference in interpretation and, 403

specification revisions, 402 403

after sign-off, 403

CIR (Committed Information Rate), systems architecture design, 409 411

monthly transfer calculation, 411

rack space, 411

class diagrams, UML

attributes, 35

domain modeling, 35 36

implementation, 39 42

operations, 35

relationships, 36 42

associations, 37

composites, 38 39

generalizations, 37 38

realizations, 37 38

class keyword, 7

class.Dispatcher.php class, 191 193

classes. See also subclasses

abstract support, 29

AbstractWidget observer pattern and, 81

Collection, 101

design, 102 103

CollectionIterator, 101, 127 129

Communication, 285 286

Contact Manager, 50

contact type classes, Contact Manager, 56 60

creating, 7

database class, 162 164

DataManager, Contact Manager, 60 62

Debugger, 217 220

declaration, object instantiation and, 7

definition, 5

EmailRecipient, 285 286

Entity, Contact Manager, 62 70

FSM, 348 350

GenericObject , 133, 134 156

GenericObjectCollection, 146 156

hierarchy, communication as, 281 286

Individual, Contact Manager, 62 70

inheritance and, 15 19

InterbaseConnection, 185

KeyInUseException, 104

Logger, 203 207

LoggerBackend, 211 212

subclassing, 212 213

methods, 6

adding, 7 8

modularity, 4

Organization, Contact Manager, 62 70

overview, 6

properties, 6

adding, 8 10

PropertyObject, Contact Manager, 54 56

Recipient, 281 282

Request, 249 256

unit testing and

implementation, 332

interfaces, 330

test suite, 331

UserSession, 317

class.Event_Handler.php, 193 194

class.Handler_Edit.php, 195

class.Handler_View.php, 194 195

client interviews, UML requirements gathering, 32

client side designers (Widget World project), selecting, 388


management, reporting and (Widget World project), 544 545

reporting and, 544

role (Widget World project), 389


creating, 227 235

exception handling, 234 235

request and response envelopes, 232 234

clone operator, Iterator interface, 130 132

close() function, 25 26

session management, 316 317



Komodo, 594 595

Zend Studio Client, 585 587

inspection, Zend Studio Client, 587 588

reusing, 4

inheritance and, 16

Collection class

addItem() method, 104 105

basics, 103 107

call_user_func, 108 110

design, 102 103

getItem() method, 105

improvements, 122

introduction, 101

Iterator interface, clone operator, 130 132

lazy instantiation, 107 116

purpose, 101 102

removeItem() method, 105

setLoadCallback() function, 112 116

uses, 106 107, 116 122

CollectionIterator class, 101, 125, 127 129

comments, version control and, 581

commercial terms (Widget World), 380

communication, 277

characteristics of communications, 280

as class hierarchy, 281

Communication class, 285 286

EmailRecipient class, 282 285

Recipient class, 281 282

e-mail, 286 298

EmailCommunication class, 287 290

Smarty templates, 296 298

e-mail-to-fax gateways, 299


information, 279

notification, 278

validation, 279 280

recipients, 281

SMS text messaging, 298 299

subclasses, 298

types, 280 281

Communication class, 285 286

community skills, career as developer, 567

Component abstract class, composite pattern and, 74

component diagrams, 46 47

Composite objects, 74

composite pattern, 73 74

considerations, 79 80

implementation, 75 79

composites, UML, 38 39

concurrent versioning, 570 572

conflicts, 572 574

exclusive versioning comparison, 570 572

conditionals in Smarty templates, 270

Config class, PEAR, 357 358

writing configuration files, 358

XML file parsing, 358


database abstraction layers, 158

Mantis, 522 523

runtime, Smarty templates, 273

configuration files

best practices, 358 359


INI files, 355 356

INI files, parsing, 356 357

PHP, 354 355

XML, 355

FSMs, 353 354

writing, Config class (PEAR), 358

connection string, Logger class

parsing, 208 209

using, 209 211

connections, PEAR DB class, 164 166


increments, 248

MVC mini toolkit, 246 249

Constraint class, MVC mini toolkit, 256 257

ConstraintFailure class, MVC mini toolkit, 257 258

constructors, 11 12

unified, 28

UserSession class, 326 327

Contact Manager, 49 50

abstract classes, 56

contact type classes, 56 60

DataManager class, 60 62

diagrams, 50 54

Entity class, 62 70

Individual class, 62 70

Organization class, 62 70

PropertyObject class, 54 56

relationships, symbols, 52

contact type classes Contact Manager, 56 60

controller (MVC), 243

cookies, session perpetuation, 306 307

creative specification (Widget World project), 397

current() function, 126

customer contacts (Widget World project)

per-week items, 460 468

requirements, 440 441

screen creation, 446 447

tests, 441 446

CVS (Concurrent Versioning System) version control, 578 580

Widget World project, 536 538


data extraction, reporting (Widget World project), 547 549

data handling, PEAR DB class, 167 168

database abstraction layers

building, PEAR DB class and, 170 177

connection, 159


configuration file, 158

connection, 159

information selection, 159 160

introduction, 157

overview, 158

syntax, 158

Database class

exceptions, 171

instance() method, 176

uses, 177

database class, 162 164

database tables, logging, 214 217

database_fields property, GenericObject class, 143


abstraction, factory interface and, 182


DSN syntax, 164

PEAR DB and, 165 166

delete() method, 160 162

development databases (Widget World project), 534 535

holdups, patching, 603 604

information selection, 159 160

insert() method, 160 162

PEAR DB and, 164

PHP installation, 612

queries, bottleneck location, 602 603

servers, multiple, systems architecture and, 413

session management and, 316 317

database schema, 317 318

Singleton design pattern, 175 177

transactions, 174 175

factory interface and, 184 185

type strings, 165

update() method, 160 162

DataManager class, Contact Manager, 60 62

DataSource object, observer pattern, 83 85

DB::connect() method, 166

Debugger class, 217 220


bug annotation, Mantis, 529

bug assignment, Mantis, 528 529

bug categories, Mantis, 526 527

bug reporting, Mantis, 528

Komodo and, 595 596

mechanism creation, 217 220

Zend Studio Client and, 588 593

debugPrint() function, 219

decision point, activity diagrams (UML), 42

declaring classes, 7

object instantiation and, 7

Decorator pattern, 86 91

combining, 89 91

considerations, 91

definitions, WSDL documents, 230

delete() method, databases, 160 162

DELETE statement, transactions and, 174

dependencies, component diagrams, 46

deployment diagrams, 46 47

deployment (Widget World project)

development environments

development databases, 534 535

live production environment, 534

live staging environment, 533 534

studio development environment, 531 532

studio staging environment, 532 533

version control

CVS, 536 538

rsync, 539 542

Visual SourceSafe, 538 539

dereferencing, support, 28


Collection class, 102 103

event-driven applications, 189 191

reports (Widget World project)

data extraction, 547 549

interface, 546 547

output, 547

systems architecture

CIR, 409 411

connectivity, 409

hosting, 409

maintenance, 414

network, 413

redundancy and resilience, 414

security, 414 415

servers, 411 413

Widget World project, 367

design patterns

Builder, 93 97

composite pattern, 73 80

implementation, 75 79

Decorator pattern, 86 91

Facade, 92 93

factory interface and, 179

factory method, 179

introduction, 73

MVC, 242

observer pattern, 80 86

design phase (Widget World project), 396 397

creative specification, 397

page maps, 397

software architecture, 397 398

destroy() function, session management, 317

Destroy method, GenericObject class, 144

destroying objects, 12 15

_destruct function, 12 15

destructor support, 29

development environments (Widget World project)

development databases, 534 535

live production environment, 534

live staging environment, 533 534

studio development environment, 531 532

studio staging environment, 532 533

diagrams (UML)

activity diagrams, 42

case diagrams, 32 35

class diagrams, 35

component, 46 47

Contact Manager, 50 54

deployment, 46 47

sequence diagrams, 42 45

state diagrams, 45 46

dispatcher classes, event handling, 189

documentation, WSDL documents, 230

documents, WSDL, 230 232

DoEqual() method, 353

domain expert, UML, 32

domain modeling, UML class diagrams, 35 36

DoOperator() method, 352 353

draw() method, 86

DSN (data source name) syntax, database connections and, 164



e-mail-to-fax gateways, 299

EmailCommunication class

sending message, 290 296

Smarty templates, 296 298

test version, 287 290

recipients, 281

edit events, 189

editing code, Zend Studio Client, 585 587

EditPlus, 597

EmailCommunication class

sending message, 290 296

test version, 287 290

EmailRecipient class, 282 285

encapsulation, 5, 27 28

EndBuildNumber() method, 352

Entity class (Contact Manager), 62 70

event-driven applications

designing, 189 191


class.Dispatcher.php, 191 193

class.Event_Handler.php, 193 194

class.Handler_Edit.php, 195

class.Handler_View.php, 194 195

interface.Handled.php, 193

security, 195 198

event handlers

Handler_Edit, 192 193

Handler_View, 192 193

event handling, 188 189


edit events, 189

introduction, 187

exception handling, SOAP clients, 234 235

exceptional notification, 278

expiry times, sessions, 310 311

extends keyword, 16


Facade pattern, 92 93

factory interface, 179

example, 180 184

transactions and, 184 185

factory method design pattern, 179

abstraction and, 179

database abstraction, 182

runtime flexibility and, 179

fault tracking, QA

introduction, 521 522


administrator log in, 523 524

bug annotation, 529

bug assignment, 528 529

bug reporting, 528

bug resolution, 529

configuration, 522 523

installation, 522

new projects, 526

project bug categories, 526 527

users, adding, 525 526

users, creating/editing, 524 525

fetch*() methods, PEAR DB, 167 168

file logging, 201 202

file system layout example, 202


binary, version control and, 581


best practices, 358 359

FSMs, 353 354

INI files, 355 356

INI files, parsing, 356 357

PHP, 354 355

XML, 355

management, Zend Studio Client, 585

splitting, MVC and, 244

writing to, 202

financial layer, Widget World project, 366

fopen() method, 202

ForceLoaded method, GenericObject class, 144

framework, PHPUnit testing and, 337

FSM class

installation, 348 349

syntax, 349

default transition, 349 350

instantiation, 349

transitions, setting, 350

FSM (Finite State Machine), 345

artificial intelligence and, 354

configuration files, 353 354


FSM class, 348 350

theoretical, 348

introduction, 346

RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) Calculator, 346 348

transition tables, 348

functional specification (Widget World project), 394 395

functional testing (Widget World project), 398 399

Functional Test Paper, 519 520


abstract, 25

current(), 126

debugPrint(), 219

_destruct, 12 15

get functions, 10 11


GetUserID(), 327 328

GetUserObject(), 327 328

impress(), 327

IsLoggedIn(), 327

key(), 126

next(), 126

PEAR DB class

nextID(), 168 169

query(), 168

quoteSmart(), 170

PHP5 SOAP extension, 226 227

rewind(), 126

set functions, 10 11

Smarty templates, 274

SoapClient object, 225 226

SoapServer object, 226

fwrite() method, 202


gc() function, session management, 317

generalizations, UML, 37 38

GenericObject class

benefits of, 146

capabilities, 134 135

database connectivity, 141 143


suitability, 135 136

typical, 136 138

introduction, 133

methods, 144

parent class, 138 141

properties, 143

Save method, 145 146

when to use, 134

GenericObjectCollection class, 146 147

id values, 149


traditional, 147 148

typical, 152 153

_get() overload method, UserSession class, 328

get functions, 10 11

getAll() method, 166

GetAllFields method, GenericObject class, 144

getConnection() function, 61

GetField method, GenericObject class, 144

GetID method, GenericObject class, 144

getInstance() method, 205

getItem() method, 103

Collection class, 105

getIterator() method, 129

getName() accessor method, 11

getOne() method, 166

GetSessionIdentifier() function, 328

GetUserID() function, UserSession class, 327 328

GetUserObject() function, UserSession class, 327 328

grace during failure, QA, 516


Handler_Edit event handler, 192 193

Handler_View event handler, 192 193

handling events. See event handling

handling exceptions. See exception handling

handover (Widget World project), 399

hierarchy, communication as, 281

Communication class, 285 286

EmailRecipient class, 282 285

Recipient class, 281 282

hosting, system architecture and, 406

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

.php (control page) and, 245

.phpm (classes) and, 245

report translator scripts and, 561

reporting format (Widget World project), 546

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 302 304


id property, GenericObject class, 143

IDEs (Integrated Development Environments)

EditPlus, 597

Komodo, 593 596

NuSpherePHPEd, 597

PHPCode, 597

PHPEclipse, 597

PHPEdit, 596 597

selection tips, 583 596

Zend Studio Client, 584 593


callbacks, 110 112

class diagrams (UML), 39 42

classes, unit testing and, 332

composite pattern, 75 79

database abstraction layers

configuration file, 158

connection, 159

event-driven applications

class.Dispatcher.php, 191 193

class.Event_Handler.php, 193 194

class.Handler_Edit.php, 195

class.Handler_View.php, 194 195

interface.Handled.php, 193


FSM class, 348 350

theoretical, 348

GenericObject class and, 135 136

typical, 136 138

GenericObjectCollection class

traditional, 147 148

typical, 152 153

lazy instantiation, 107 116

security, 195 198

sessions, basic PHP sessions, 312 315

Widget object, 88 89

importing WSDL documents, 230

impress() function, UserSession class, 327

increments, constants, 248

Individual class (Contact Manager), 62 70

information, user communication and, 279

infrastructure (MVC), 243

inheritance, 15 19

code reuse and, 16

definition, 5

how it works, 23 24

InterbaseConnection class, 185

methods, overriding, 20 22

parent class, functionality, 22 23

INI files

configuration files, custom, 355 356

parsing, 356 357

Config class (PEAR), 358

initialization, objects, 11 12

Initialize method, GenericObject class, 144

insert() method, databases, 160 162

INSERT statement, transactions and, 174


FSM class, 348 349

PHP, 609 610

Apache, 616 619

database, 612

libraries, 615 616

platform, 610 611

PostgreSQL download, 613 614

PostgreSQL installation, 613 614

Web server, 611 612

Windows and, 619 620

PHPUnit, 333

Smarty, 267 268

instance() method, Database class, 176


FSM class, 349

lazy, 102

implementation, 107 116

objects, 7

Interbase database, factory interfaces, 184

InterbaseConnection class, inheritance, 185

interface.Handled.php class, 193


abstract classes, 29

definition, 5

factory interface, 179

how they work, 25 27

Iterator, 125 129

IteratorAggregate, 129 130

overview, 24 25

Recipient class and, 282

reports (Widget World project), 546 547

Traversable, 126

unit testing and, 330

internal member variables, 10

internal operators, variables and, 9

Internet connectivity, system architecture and, 406

invoking methods, 8

IP addresses, variance, session security and, 311

IsLoggedIn() function, UserSession class, 327

Iterator interface, 125 129

clone operator and, 130 132

IteratorAggregate interface, 125, 129 130


key() function, 126

KeyInUseException class, 104


class, 7

extends, 16

public, 9

Komodo, 593 594

code editing, 594 595

debugging, 595 596

project management, 594


lazy instantiation, 102

callbacks, 108

implementation, 110 112

implementation, 107 116

lead architect (Widget World project), selecting, 387 388


PHP installation, 615 616

SOAP implementation, 224

lifelines, 45

linear arrays, Smart templates, 269

live production environment (Widget World project), 534

live staging environment (Widget World project), 533 534

Load method, GenericObject class, 144

load testing (Widget World project), 399

QA and, 520

load tolerance, QA, 516 517

loaded property, GenericObject class, 143

Logger class

connection string

parsing, 208 209

using, 209 211

extending, 207 217

introduction, 203 207


getInstance(), 205

logMessage(), 205 206

LoggerBackend class, 211 212

subclassing, 212 213


database tables, 214 217

file logging, 201 202

system layout example, 202

logic errors, patching, 604 605


PhpUnit, 429 436

screen, creating, 436 440

session security, 311

writing tests, 428 429

logMessage() method, 205 206


maintenance, system architecture and, 406

design, 414

Mantis fault tracking (QA)

administrator log in, 523 524

configuration, 522 523

installation, 522


bug annotation, 529

bug assignment, 528 529

bug categories, 526 527

bug reporting, 528

bug resolution, 529

new, 526


adding, 525 526

creating, 524 525

editing, 524 525

measurable quality, 515 518

member variables

access protection, 10 11

internal, 10

Request class, MVC mini toolkit, 254

static, 28

messages, WSDL documents, 230

methods, 6

accessor methods, 10 11

adding, 7 8

addItem(), 103

BeginBuildNumber(), 351 352

BuildNumber(), 352

close(), 25 26

DB::connect(), 166

delete(), 160 162

DoEqual(), 353

DoOperator(), 352 353


EndBuildNumber(), 352

fopen(), 202

fwrite(), 202

GenericObject class, 144

getInstance(), 205

getItem(), 103

getIterator(), 129

INI file parsing, 356 357

insert(), 160 162

invoking, 8

logMessage(), 205 206

open(), 25 26

overload methods

_get(), UserSession class, 328

_set(), UserSession class, 328

overriding, 20 22


fetch*(), 167 168

getAll(), 166

getOne(), 166

removeItem(), 103

request object, 255 256

Save, GenericObject class, 145 146

select(), 159 160

_toString(), 118

update(), 160 162

Microsoft SQL Server. See SQL Server databases

MIME, e-mail and, 298

mock objects (Widget World project), 506 511

model (MVC), 242

modified property, GenericObject class, 143

modified_fields property, GenericObject class, 143

modularity of classes, 4

modules, 4

monthly transfer calculation, CIR, 411

multidimensional arrays, Smarty templates, 273 274

MVC (model, view, controller)

ConstraintFailure class, 257 258

controller, 243

file splitting, 244

infrastructure, 243

introduction, 241 242

mini toolkit, 245 246

constants, 246 249

Constraint class, 256 257

Request class, 249 256

request object methods, 255 256

search.phtml, 260 261

searchresults.php, 261 263

uses, 258 265

model, 242

native templating, 245

PHP and, 243 245

searchresults.phtml, 263

view, 242 243

Web applications and, 243

My Reports page (Widget World project), 560

MySQL databases, 157


native templating, 245, 266

navigability, associations, relationships (UML class diagrams), 37

network, system architecture and, 406

design, 413

next() function, 126

nextID() function, PEAR DB class, 168 169

nodes, 46

notifications, 278

NuSpherePHPEd, 597


object diagram, 78

objects, 6 7

activation, 45

children, 74

classes, creating, 7

Composite, 74

definition, 5

destroying, 12 15

initializing, 11 12

instantiation, 7

interfaces and, 24 25

lifeline, 45

mock objects (Widget World project), 506 511

object composition, 73

Observable interface, 80

Observer interface, 80

Observable interface connection, 85 86

observer pattern, 80 86

DataSource object, 83 85

widgets, 80 81

design, 81 83

on-site customs, Widget World project development, 367

OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)

advantages, 4

overview, 3 5

PHP5 and, 28 29

open() function, session management, 316

open() method, 25 26

operations, class diagrams (UML), 35

operators, internal, variables and, 9

Oracle databases, 157

Organization class (Contact Manager), 62 70

output capture, Smarty templates, 274 275

overriding methods, 20 22


page maps (Widget World project), 397

parameter types, hints, 29

parent classes

functionality, inheritance and, 22 23

GenericObject class, 138 141


connection string, Logger class, 208 209

INI files, 356 357

Config class (PEAR), 358

parse request test, travel expense report, 481 483

XML files, Config class (PEAR), 358


code holdups, logic errors, 604 605

database holdups, 603 604

testing, 606

patterns. See design patterns

PDF files

report translator scripts, 562

reporting format (Widget World project), 546


Config class, 357 358

INI file parsing, 358

writing configuration files, 358

XML file parsing, 358

data handling, 167 168

database abstraction layer, building, 170 177

database connections, 165 166

DB::connect() method, 166


DB_Error, 166

nextID(), 168 169

query(), 168

quoteSmart(), 170

information retrieval, 166 168

introduction, 164 165

type strings, 165

performance tuning

bottlenecks and, 599 601

avoiding, 605 606

locating, 602 603

patching and

code holdups, 604 606

database holdups, 603 604

testing, 606

poor performance causes, 601 602

preemptive avoidance

high-performance architecture, 607

load testing, 607 608

PersistentInterbaseConnection, 185

PHP, MVC and, 243 245

.php (control page) files

HTML and, 245

require() statements, 245

SQL queries and, 245

PHP installation, 609 610

Apache, 616 619

database, 612

libraries, 615 616

platform, 610 611

PostgreSQL downlod, 613 614

PostgreSQL installation, 613 614

Web server, 611 612

Windows and, 619 620

PHP5 SOAP extension, 224 227

functions, miscenallaneous, 226 227

SoapClient object, 225 226

SoapServer object, 226

PHPCode, 597

PHPEclipse, 597

PHPEdit, 596 597

.phpm (classes) files, HTML and, 245

PHPUnit, 329

framework and, 337

functional testing, 338

installation, 333

introduction, 332 333

quality assurance, 338

regression testing and, 337

test cases, 333 336

test suite, 336

xDir example, 338 343

PhpUnit, login tests, 429 436

.phtml (templates) files, SQL queries and, 245

pitch (Widget World project)

involved parties, 383 384

versus quotes, 382

versus specifications, 383

structure, 385 386

planning, Widget World project development, 367

platform, installation and, 610 611

political layer, Widget World project, 366


basic description, 79

definition, 5

portType, WSDL documents, 230

PostgreSQL databases, 157

downloading, 613 614

installation, 613 614

prerequisites of project (Widget World), 374

private member variables, visibility, 27

process (Widget World project)

build phase, 398

design phase, 396 397

creative specification, 397

page maps, 397

software architecture, 397 398

handover, 399

specification phase, 394

functional specification, 394 395

technical specification, 396

Spiral Process, 392 393

testing phase

functional testing, 398 399

load testing, 399

Waterfall Process, 391 392

project, Widget World. See Widget World project

project management (Widget World project), methodologies, 371 389

project manager (Widget World project), selecting, 386

properties, 6

classes, adding, 8 10

GenericObject class, 143

GenericObject class and, 134

methods, accessor methods, 11

PropertyObject class, 58

variables and, 8

PropertyObject class

Contact Manager, 54 56

properties, 58

protected member variables, visibility, 27

public keyword, 9

public member variables, visibility, 27


QA (Quality Assurance)

definition of quality, 515

fault tracking

introduction, 521 522

Mantis, 522 529

functional compliance, 516

grace during failure, 516

high standards, 514 515

introduction, 513 514

load tolerance, 516 517

measurable quality, 515 518

quantifiable quality, 515 518

RWT (Real World Tolerance), 516


functional testing, 519 520

load testing, 520

unit testing, 518 519

usability testing, 520 521

usability, 517

veneer, 517 518

quantifiable quality, 515 518

query() function, PEAR DB class, 168

quoteSmart() function, PEAR DB class, 170


rack space, systems architecture design, 411

RCS version control software, 580

re-estimation (Widget World project), 450 451

read() function, session management, 317

realizations, UML, 37 38

recalling state (Widget World project), 459 460

Recipient class, 281 282

interfaces, 282

redundancy, system architecture and, 406

refactoring, Widget World project development, 367

tips, 452 459

travel expense report week tests, 487 492

regression testing, PHPUnit, 337

relationships, class diagrams (UML), 36 42

associations, 37

composites, 38 39

generalizations, 37 38

realizations, 37 38

symbols, 52

release planning, sales force automation toolkit, 426 427

Reload method, GenericObject class, 144

removeItem() method, 103

Collection class, 105

reporting (Widget World project)

deliverables, 545 546


data extraction, 547 549

interface, 546 547

output, 547

generation, 549 557

My Reports Page, 560

offline approach, 550 551

process, 557 558

report handler scripts, 558 560

report processor script, 557

report translator scripts, 560 562

reports engine example, 562 563

Reports interface, 552 557

HTML format, 546

Microsoft Excel format, 546

PDF format, 546

working data, 543 544

client management, 544 545

client needs, 544

XML format, 546

Reports interface (Widget World project), 552 557

requests storage, 555 557

XML templates, 553 555

request and response envelopes, SOAP client, 232 234

Request class, MVC mini toolkit, 249 256

request object, methods, 255 256

requirements gathering, UML

case diagrams, 32 35

client interviews, 32

resilience, system architecture and, 406

reusing code, 4

inheritance and, 16

rewind() function, 126

roles, project recipient (Widget World), 372 373

RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) Calculator, 346 348, 350 351

BeginBuildNumber() method, 351 352

BuildNumber() method, 352

DoEqual() method, 353

DoOperator(), 352 353

EndBuildNumber() method, 352

rsync version control, 539 540

servers and, 541 542

syntax, 540

runtime configuration, Smarty templates, 273

runtime flexibility, factory method design pattern and, 179

RWT (Real World Tolerance), quality, 516


Save method, GenericObject class, 144, 145 146

scenarios, case diagrams, 33

scope, (Widget World), 376 377

search.php (MVC mini toolkit), 259 260

Smarty template rewrite, 271 273

search.phtml (MVC mini toolkit), 260 261

searchresults.php (MVC mini toolkit), 261 263

searchresults.phtml (MVC mini toolkit), 263


implementation, 195 198


expiry times, 310 311

good practice, 310 312

IP address variance, 311

logins, 311

timeouts, 310

traffic levels, 311

user agent consistency, 311

valid, 307 308

valid, discovery, 308

variable storage, 312

system architecture and, 406

design, 414 415

select() method, 159 160

sequence diagrams (UML), 42 45


databases, multiple, system architecture and, 413

rsync version control and, 541 542

system architecture and, 406

design, 411 413

multiple database servers, 413

multiple Web servers, 412 413

Web, PHP installation, 611 612

service WSDL documents, 230

session management

authentication class, 316 317

close() function, 316 317

database schema, 317 318

destroy() function, 317

gc() function, 317

open() function, 316

read() function, 317

UserSession class, 317

GetSessionIdentifier() function, 328

GetUserID() function, 327 328

GetUserObject() function, 327 328

impress() function, 327

IsLoggedIn() function, 327

_session_read_method() handler, 327

testing, 322 326

variables, 326

usersession.phpm file, 318 322

write() function, 317

_session_read_method() handler,

UserSession class, 327

sessions, 301

authentication class, 316 317

definition, 304

expiry times, 310 311

identifiers, 304

implementation, basic sessions, 312 315

limitations, 315 316


cookies, 306 307

URL rewriting, 304 305


good session practice, 310 312

IP address variance, 311

logins, 311

obliterating session guessing, 308

traffic levels, 311

user agent consistency, 311

valid sessions, 307 308

valid sessions, discovery, 308

variable storage, 312

timeout, 304, 310

user agent consistency, 311

_set() overload method, UserSession class, 328

set functions, 10 11

SetField method, GenericObject class, 144

setLoadCallback() function, Collection class, 112 116

setName() accessor method, 11

Simple Design, Widget World project development, 367

Singleton design pattern, databases, 175 177

small releases, Widget World project development, 367

Smarty templates, 266 267


associative, 269 270

linear, 269

multidimensional, 273 274

conditionals, 270

EmailCommunication class, 296 298

functions, 274

installing Smarty, 267 268

output capture, 274 275

runtime configuration, 273

search.php rewrite, 271 273

smartytest.php, 268

smartytest.tpl, 268 269

traditional templating comparison, 275

variable modifiers, 274

SMS text messaging, 298 299

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)


creating, 227 235

exception handling, 234 235

request and response envelopes, 232 234

introduction, 223

libraries, 224

PHP5 SOAP extension, 224 227

server, creation, 235 237

SoapClient object, functions, 225 226

SoapServer object, 226

SoapClient object, functions, 225 226

SoapServer object, functions, 226

soft skills, career as developer, 566 567

software, version control

CVS, 578 580

RCS, 580

Visual SourceSafe, 577 578

software architects (Widget World project)

design phase and, 397 398

selecting, 388

software engineers (Widget World project), selecting, 388

SourceSafe. See Visual SourceSafe version control

specification phase (Widget World project), 394

after sign-off, 403

functional specification, 394 395

technical specification, 396

specification revisions (Widget World project), 402 403

Spiral Process (Widget World project), 392 393

spreadsheets, travel expense report as, 498 504

SQL Server databases, 157

SQL (Structured Query Language) queries

.php (control page) and, 245

.phtml (templates), 245

staging environment (Widget World project), 532 534

starting point, activity diagrams (UML), 42

startTransaction() method, databases, 174

state diagrams (UML), 45 46

stateless, 301

static member variables, 28

stories, sales force automation toolkit, 417 420

spike, 424 425

weight estimation, 420 424

studio artists (Widget World project), selecting, 388 389

studio development environment (Widget World project), 531 532

studio staging environment (Widget World project), 532 533

subclasses. See also classes

communication, 298

LoggerBackend class, 212 213

methods, overriding, 20


database abstraction layers and, 158

FSM class, 349

default transition, 349 350

instantiation, 349

transitions, setting, 350

rsync version control, 540

systems architecture

connectivity, 406

design, 409

requirements, 407 408


CIR, 409 411

connectivity and, 409

hosting and, 409

maintenance, 414

network, 413

redundancy and resilience, 414

servers, 411 413

hosting, 406

design, 409

requirements, 407 408

importance of, 405 406

key decisions, 406 407

maintenance, 406

requirements, 408

network, 406

design, 413

requirements, 407 408

overview, 405

redundancy and resilience, 406

design, 414

requirements, 408


connectivity, 407 408

hosting, 407 408

maintenance, 408

network, 407 408

redundancy and resilience, 408

security, 408 409

servers, 407 408

security, 406

design, 414 415

requirements, 408 409

servers, 406

design, 411 413

multiple database servers, 413

multiple Web servers, 412 413

requirements, 407 408


table_name property, GenericObject class, 143

tables, database tables, 214 217

tagging, version control and, 581

technical layer, Widget World project, 365

technical specification (Widget World project), 396


native templating, 245, 266

disadvantages, 266

true templating, 265

Smarty templates, 266 274

test-driven development (Widget World project), 399 400

PhpUnit, 429 436


Apache installation, 617 619

customer contacts (Widget World project), 441 446

logins, 428 429

patching, 606


functional testing, 519 520

load testing, 520

unit testing, 518 519

usability testing, 520 521

Widget World project development, 367

testing phase (Widget World project)

functional testing, 398 399

load testing, 399

test.php code, 70 71

text messaging, SMS, 298 299

timelines, Widget World project, 377 378

timeouts, sessions, 310

_toString() method, 118

traffic levels, session security and, 311

transactions (databases), 174 175

DELETE statement, 174

factory interface and, 184 185

INSERT statement, 174

UPDATE statement, 174

transition tables, FSM, 348


activity diagrams (UML), 42

FSM class

default, 349 350

setting, 350

travel expense report (Widget World project), 468 470

finalized, 492 506

spike, 476 477

as spreadsheet, 498 504

test cases for week, 473 476

validation, 471 473

week tests, 480 481

container read and write tests, 484 487

parse request test, 481 483

refactoring, 487 492

Traversable interface, 126

true templating, 265

native templating, 266

Smarty templates, 266 267

associative arrays, 269 270

conditionals, 270

functions, 274

installation, 267 268

linear arrays, 269

multidimensional arrays, 273 274

output capture, 274 275

runtime configuration, 273

search.php rewrite, 271 273

smartytest.php, 268

smartytest.tpl, 268 269

traditional templating comparison, 275

variable modifiers, 274

types, WSDL documents, 230


UML (Unified Modeling Language)

activity diagrams, 42

class diagrams

attributes, 35

domain modeling, 35 36

implementation, 39 42

operations, 35

relationships, 36 42

diagrams, Contact Manager, 50 54

domain expert, 32

introduction, 31

requirements gathering, 31 32

case diagrams, 32 35

client interviews, 32

sequence diagrams, 42 45

state diagrams, 45 46

unidirectional navigability, associations (UML class diagrams), 37

unified constructors, 28

unit testing, QA, 518 519

Unit Testing frameworks, 329. See also PHPUnit


implementation, 332

interfaces, 330

test suite, 331

framework and, 337

functional testing, 338

overview, 329 332

quality assurance, 338

regression testing, 337

xDir example, 338 343

update() method, databases, 160 162

UPDATE statement, transactions and, 174

URL rewriting, session perpetuation, 304 305

usability testing, QA, 520 521

user agent consistency, sessions, 311


communication, 277

e-mail, 286 298

e-mail-to-fax gateways, 299

reasons, 278 280

SMS text messaging, 298 299


creating, 524 525

editing, 524 525

UserSession class, 317

constructor, 326 327

_get() overload method, 328

GetSessionIdentifier() function, 328

GetUserID() function, 327 328

GetUserObject() function, 327 328

impress() function, 327

IsLoggedIn() function, 327

session management

testing, 322 326

_session_read_method() handler, 327

_set() overload method, 328

variables, 326

usersession.phpm file, 318 322


valid sessions, 307 308


travel expense report (Widget World project), 471 473

user communication and, 279 280


internal member variables, 10


internal, 10

Request class, 254

modifiers, Smarty templates, 274

operators, internal, 9

properties and, 8

visibility, 27

veneer, QA, 517 518

version control

binary files and, 581

branching, 580 581

comments, 581

concurrent versioning, 570 572

conflicts, 572 574

exclusive versioning, 574 575

exclusive versioning comparison, 570 574

overview, 569 577


CVS (Concurrent Versioning System), 578 580

RCS, 580

Visual SourceSafe, 577 578

tagging, 581

topology, 575 577

version control (Widget World project)

CVS, 536 538

rsync, 539 542

Visual SourceSafe, 538 539

view (MVC), 242 243

visibility, variables, 27

Visual SourceSafe version control, 538 539, 577 578


Waterfall Process (Widget World project), 391 392

Web applications, MVC and, 243

Web development skills, 566

Web servers, PHP installation, 611 612

Widget object, implementation, 88 89

Widget World project

account manager selection, 387

automation toolkit

cleanup, 451 459

customer contacts, 440 450

customer contacts per-week items, 460 468

login (story 9), 427 429

mock objects, 506 511

re-estimation, 450 451

recalling state, 459 460

release planning, 426 427

stories, 417 425

travel expense report, 468 506

change management

bugs reported, 403 404

disputes, difference in interpretation and, 403

specification revisions, 402 403

client side developers selection, 388

clients, role, 389

customer contacts

per-week items on report, 460 468

requirements, 440 441

screen creation, 446 447

tests, 441 446


development environments, 531 535

workflow, 536 542

development approach, 367 369

financial layer, 366

formal brief, 374 375

budget, 378 379

business requirements, 375 376

commercial terms, 380

future plans, 380 381

look and feel, 381

scope, 376 377

support, 381

technology, 381

timelines, 377 378

lead architect selection, 387 388

logins, screen creation, 436 440

methodologies for project management, 371 389

mock objects, 506 511

overview, 363 364


involved parties, 383 384

versus quotes, 382

versus specifications, 383

structure, 385 386

political layer, 366

process planning

build phase, 398

design phase, 396 397

handover, 399

specification phase, 394 396

Spiral Process, 392 393

testing phase, 398 399

Waterfall Process, 391 392

project history, 373 374

project management methodologies, 371 389

project manager selection, 386

project prerequisites, 374

project purposes, 372

project recipient, 372 373

agenda, 372 373

roles, 372 373

QA (Quality Assurance)

definition of quality, 515

fault tracking, 521 529

functional compliance, 516

grace during failure, 516

introduction, 513 518

load tolerance, 516 517

RWT (Real World Tolerance), 516

testing, 518 521

re-estimation, 450 451


deliverables, 545 546

design, 546 549

generation, 549 563

working data, 543 549

roles, doubling up, 389

software architects selection, 388

software engineers selection, 388

studio artists selection, 388 389

technical layer, 365

technology, 366, 370

test-driven development, 399 400

travel expense report, 468 470

finalized, 492 506

spike, 476 477

test cases for week, 473 476

validation, 471 473

week tests, 480 492

Weekly Contact Report, 365

working practices, 389

XP (eXtreme Programming), 400 402

widgets, observer pattern, 80 81

design, 81 83

Windows, PHP installation and, 619 620

working data, reporting and, 543 544

client management, 544 545

client needs, 544

working practices (Widget World project), 389

write() function, session management, 317

writing to files, 202

WSDL (Web Service Description Language), 224

documents, 230 232

SOAP servers and, 235

WW-SFAT Manager (Widget World), 367


xDir, unit testing example, 338 343

XMethods, SOAP-based Web server, 228

XML (eXtensible Markup Language)

configuration files, custom, 355

file parsing, Config class (PEAR), 358

reporting format (Widget World project), 546

Reports interface (Widget World project), 553 555

XP (eXtreme Programming), 367

Widget World project, 400 402


Zend Studio Client, 584 585

code editing, 585 587

code inspection, 587 588

debugging and, 588 593

file management, 585

project management, 585

Professional PHP5 (Programmer to Programmer Series)
Professional PHP5 (Programmer to Programmer Series)
Year: 2003
Pages: 182
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