Software You ll Need

Software You'll Need

IDE or Programmer's Editor

Programming in Java means that you will need to be able to enter source code into your system, compile the source code, and execute the resulting application classes. There are two primary modes of accomplishing this work:

  • You can use what is known as an integrated development environment (IDE). An IDE supplies just about everything you'll need to develop in Java in one application. Examples of IDEs include IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Borland JBuilder, and NetBeans.

    I'm currently rebuilding the examples for this book using IntelliJ IDEA, available from JetBrains ( IDEA does a great job with respect to letting you "work the way you want to work." Its complete support for J2SE 5.0 also arrived sooner than the other IDEs mentioned.

  • You can use a programmer's editor. A programmer's editor is an application that allows you to type in code and save it to the file system. It will allow you to configure external tools, such as the Java compiler and VM, that you can execute from within the editor. A programmer's editor typically provides additional support to make the task of programming easier. For example, most programmer's editors recognize other languages enough to provide you with meaningful color schemes (a feature known as syntax highlighting).

Some of the more popular programmer's editors include emacs, vi, TextPad, UltraEdit, and SlickEdit. My personal choice is TextPad, a $27 editor that you can download from While you could use Windows Notepad (or WordPad) as an editor, you will find that the lack of programming features makes it an ineffective programming tool.

So what is the difference between a programmer's editor and an IDE?

An IDE is often, but not always, limited to a single language. IntelliJ IDEA, JBuilder, and NetBeans specifically target Java, but Microsoft's Visual Studio and Eclipse both provide support for other languages. Modern IDEs know a lot about languages and their class libraries. This knowledge allows the IDEs to provide advanced programming aids such as auto-completion (you type a few letters and the IDE completes what it thought you wanted to type). Modern IDEs also contain sophisticated navigation tools that understand how all your code weaves together. Finally, modern IDEs typically contain a debugger. A debugger is a tool you can use to step through code as it executes. By using a debugger, you can gain a better understanding of what the code does.

In contrast, a programmer's editor is a general-purpose tool that supports editing virtually any kind of program or file. In recent years, programmer's editors have been enhanced to understand more and more about specific languages. However, the level of sophistication remains much lower than an IDE. In order to navigate through code using a programmer's editor, you will typically have to execute text searches. In contrast, IDEs make navigation as simple as a single keystroke. While I know of no programmer's editor that includes a debugger, you can configure most programmer's tools to execute a debugger as an external tool.

Some people find IDEs constrictingyou have to work the way the IDE wants you to work. Most IDEs are highly configurable, but you will probably always find something that doesn't work the way you want it to. On the flip side, once you've gotten accustomed to the advanced features that an IDE provides, you'll miss them if you go back to a programmer's editor.

Most of the code in this book was originally constructed under TextPad, since the IDEs generally take a while to support new language versions. You may also find that the IDE you intended to use does not yet support J2SE 5.0. It can take up to a year for vendors to bring their product up to date with the latest Java version.

Agile Java does not assume you use any specific IDE or editor. The few examples in Agile Java that discuss compilation specifics are based upon command-line execution.

If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, Appendix C shows you how to get started with the "Hello World" example shown in this chapter. Appendix C also shows you how to build and run the test-driven examples from Lesson 1. If you're using any other IDE, consult its help documentation for information on configuring it.


You need version 5.0 of the Java 2 SDK (Software Development Kit) in order to run all the examples in Agile Java. If you are running an IDE, it may already include the SDK. I still recommend installing the SDK, as it is wise to learn how to build and execute Java programs exclusive of an IDE.

You can download the SDK from You will also want to download the corresponding documentation from the same site. There are installation instructions located at the site to install the SDK that you will want to follow.

Note that you will have the option of downloading either the SDK or the JRE (Java Runtime Environment). You want to download the SDK (which includes the JRE).

The JRE is in essence the JVM. You might download and install the VM if you are interested only in executing Java applications on your system, not in building Java applications. The JVM is supplied separately so that you can ship a minimal set of components with your application when you deploy it to other machines.

After you install the SDK, you will want to extract the documentation, which is a voluminous set of web pages stored in a subdirectory named doc. The best place to extract these is into the directory in which you installed the SDK (under Windows, this might be c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0). Once you have extracted the docs, you may want to create a shortcut in your web browser to the various index.html files located within. Minimally, you will want to be able to pull up the API documentation, located in the api folder (sub-directory), which is contained directly within the doc folder.

Finally, if you intend to compile and execute Java programs from the command line, you will need to update your path to include the bin directory located directly within the JDK install directory. You will also want to create an environment variable named JAVA_HOME that points to the installation directory of the JDK (if one was not already created by installation of the JDK). Refer to an operating system guide for information on how to set the path and environment variables.

Checking Your Java Installation

You can do a quick sanity check of your installation and configuration. From the command line, execute the command:

 java -version 

You should seem something similar to:

 java version "1.5.0" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0-12345) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0-12345, mixed mode, sharing) 

If you instead see something like:

 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 


 java: command not found 

then you have not set your path correctly. To view the path under Windows, enter the command:


Under Unix, enter:

 echo $PATH 

You should see the directory in which you installed Java appear on the path. If you do not, try restarting the shell or command prompt.

If you see a different version of Java, perhaps 1.3 or 1.4, another version of Java appears in the path before the 1.5 version. Try moving your 1.5 install directory to the head of the path.[1]

[1] Windows puts the latest version of Java in the Windows SYSTEM32 directory. You might consider (carefully) deleting this version.

You will also want to test that you properly set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. Try executing (under Windows):

 "%JAVA_HOME%"\bin\java -version 

You should see the same version as before. Under Unix:

 "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -version 

The quotes handle the possibility that there are spaces in the path name. If you don't get a good result, view the value of the JAVA_HOME environment variable. Unix:

 echo $JAVA_HOME 


 echo %JAVA_HOME% 

If you can't get past these steps, go no farther! Seek assistance (see the section Still Stuck? at the end of this chapter).


You may need to download and install JUnit in order to get started. JUnit is a simple unit-testing framework that you will need in order to do TDD.

Most major IDEs provide direct or indirect support for JUnit. Many IDEs ship with the JUnit product already built in. If you are building and executing Java applications from the command line or as an external tool from a programmer's editor, you will need to install JUnit.

You can download JUnit for free from Installation is a matter of extracting the contents of the downloaded zip file onto your hard drive.

Most important, the JUnit zip file contains a file named junit.jar. This file contains the JUnit class libraries to which your code will need to refer in order for you to write tests for your programs.

I built the tests in this book using JUnit version 3.8.1.


You may also need to download and install Ant. Ant is an XML-based build utility that has become the standard for building and deploying Java projects.

Most major IDEs provide direct or indirect support for Ant. Many IDEs ship with the Ant product already built in. If you are building and executing Java applications from the command line or as an external tool from a programmer's editor, you will want to install Ant.

Ant is available for download at As with JUnit, installation is a matter of extracting the contents of the downloaded zip file onto your hard drive.

You can choose to defer the installation of Ant until you reach Lesson 3, the first use of Ant. This lesson includes a brief introduction to Ant.

If you are not using an IDE with built-in Ant support: You will want to include a reference to the bin directory of your Ant installation in your path statement. Refer to an operating system guide for information on how to set the path. You will also need to create an environment variable named ANT_HOME that points to the installation directory of Ant. Refer to an operating system guide for information on how to set the path and environment variables.

I built the examples in this book using Ant version 1.6.

Agile Java. Crafting Code with Test-Driven Development
Agile Javaв„ў: Crafting Code with Test-Driven Development
ISBN: 0131482394
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 391
Authors: Jeff Langr © 2008-2017.
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