Date and Time Functions

You use date and time functions when working with time, such as when returning the current time in a certain format or seeing how many days until a certain date. In most cases, values of type date are stored as YYYY-MM-DD (for example, 2002-12-25), and values of type time are stored as hh:mm:ss (for example, 11:23:43). There is also the datetime type, stored as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Most functions that accept dates or times will accept the datetime format and ignore the part they don't need. Similarly, if you are short of values (when asked for a hh:mm:ss, you only enter the mm:ss portion), MySQL will assume the rest are zeros and perform the calculation correctly. You can use any delimiter in the date and time strings, rather than colons (:) and dashes (–) as long as you are consistent.

Certain functions make use of a specific date type (for example, DATE_ADD(), which needs a type interval to perform its calculation).

The following are the date and time types:



  • HOUR

  • DAY


  • YEAR

  • MINUTE_SECOND: "mm:ss" (for example, "41:23")

  • HOUR_MINUTE: "hh:mm" (for example, "12:23")

  • DAY_HOUR: "DD hh" (for example, "11 09")

  • YEAR_MONTH: "YYYY-MM" (for example, "2002-12")

  • HOUR_SECOND: "hh:mm:ss" (for example, "11:24:36")

  • DAY_MINUTE: "DD hh:mm" (for example, "09 11:31")

  • DAY_SECOND: "DD hh:mm:ss" (for example, "09 11:31:21")

To perform date calculations, you can also use the usual operators (+, –, and so on) rather than the date functions. MySQL also correctly converts between units. When, for example, you add 1 month to month 12, MySQL will increment the year and correctly calculate the months.


ADDDATE(date,INTERVAL expression type)

A synonym for DATE_ADD().



A synonym for the CURRENT_DATE() function.



Returns the current system date as either the string YYYY-MM-DD or the numeric YYYYMMDD depending on the context.

For example:

mysql> SELECT CURRENT_DATE(); +----------------+ | CURRENT_DATE() | +----------------+ | 2002-09-10     | +----------------+ mysql> SELECT CURRENT_DATE()+1; +------------------+ | CURRENT_DATE()+1 | +------------------+ |         20020911 | +------------------+



Returns the current system time as either the string hh:mm:ss or the number hhmmss, depending on the context of the function.

For example:

mysql> SELECT CURRENT_TIME(); +----------------+ | CURRENT_TIME() | +----------------+ | 23:53:15       | +----------------+ mysql> SELECT CURRENT_TIME() + 1; +--------------------+ | CURRENT_TIME() + 1 | +--------------------+ |             235434 | +--------------------+ 



This function is a synonym for the NOW() function.



A synonym for the CURRENT_TIME() function.


DATE_ADD(date,INTERVAL expression type)

Adds a certain time period to the specified date. You can use a negative value for the expression, in which case it will be subtracted. The type must be one of those listed at the beginning of this section ("Date and Time Functions"), and the expression must match the type.

For example:

mysql> SELECT DATE_ADD('2002-12-25',INTERVAL 1 MONTH); +-----------------------------------------+ | DATE_ADD('2002-12-25',INTERVAL 1 MONTH) | +-----------------------------------------+ | 2003-01-25                              | +-----------------------------------------+ mysql> SELECT DATE_ADD('2002-12-25 13:00:00',INTERVAL -14 HOUR); +---------------------------------------------------+ | DATE_ADD('2002-12-25 13:00:00',INTERVAL -14 HOUR) | +---------------------------------------------------+ | 2002-12-24 23:00:00                               | +---------------------------------------------------+



Formats the specified date based upon the format string, which can consist of the specifiers shown in Table B.2.

Table B.2: Date Format Specifiers




Abbreviation of the day name (SunSat)


Abbreviation of the month name (JanDec)


Numeric month from 112


Numeric day of the month with English suffix (1st, 2nd, and so on)


Numeric day of the month with two digits, from 0031


Numeric day of the month with one or two digits, from 031


Hour from 00 to 23


Hour from 0112


Minutes from 0059


Hour from 0112


Day of the year from 001366


Hour with one or two digits, from 023


Hour with one digit, from 112


Month name from JanuaryDecember


Numeric month from 0112


a.m. or p.m.


12-hour time, hh:mm:ss a.m. or p.m.


Seconds from 0059


Seconds from 0059


24 hour time, hh:mm:ss


Week from 0053, with Sunday being the first day of the week


Week from 0053 with Monday being the first day of the week


Week from 0153 with Sunday being the first day of the week


Week from 0153 with Monday being the first day of the week


Name of the day in the week from SundaySaturday


Day of the week from 0 for Sunday, to 6 for Saturday


Four-digit numeric year for the week with Sunday being the first day of the week


Four-digit numeric year for the week with Monday being the first day of the week


Four-digit numeric year


Two-digit numeric year


Escaped percentage sign

For example:

mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT('1999-03-02','%c %M'); +-----------------------------------+ | DATE_FORMAT('1999-03-02','%c %M') | +-----------------------------------+ | 3 March                           | +-----------------------------------+


DATE_SUB(date,INTERVAL expression type)

Subtracts a certain time period from the specified date. You can use a negative value for the expression, in which case it will be added. The type must be one of those listed at the beginning of this section ("Date and Time Functions"), and the expression must match the type.

For example:

mysql> SELECT DATE_SUB('2002-12-25 13:00:00',INTERVAL "14:13" MINUTE_SECOND); +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | DATE_SUB('2002-12-25 13:00:00',INTERVAL "14:13" MINUTE_SECOND) | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2002-12-25 12:45:47                                            | +----------------------------------------------------------------+



Returns the name of the day for the specified date.

For example:

mysql> SELECT DAYNAME('2000-12-25'); +-----------------------+ | DAYNAME('2000-12-25') | +-----------------------+ | Monday                | +-----------------------+ 



Returns the day of the month for the supplied date as a number from 1 to 31.

For example:

mysql> SELECT DAYOFMONTH('2000-01-01'); +--------------------------+ | DAYOFMONTH('2000-01-01') | +--------------------------+ |                        1 | +--------------------------+



Returns the day of the week for the supplied date as a number from 1 for Sunday to 7 for Saturday, which is the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard.

For example:

mysql> SELECT DAYOFWEEK('2000-01-01'); +-------------------------+ | DAYOFWEEK('2000-01-01') | +-------------------------+ |                       7 | +-------------------------+

Use WEEKDAY() to return the day index from 0–6, Monday to Sunday.



Returns the day of the year for the supplied date as a number from 1 to 366.

For example:

mysql> SELECT DAYOFYEAR('2000-12-25'); +-------------------------+ | DAYOFYEAR('2000-12-25') | +-------------------------+ |                     360 | +-------------------------+


EXTRACT(date_type FROM date)

Uses the specified date type to return the portion of the date. See the list of date types before the start of the date functions.

For example:

mysql> SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '2002-02-03'); +---------------------------------+ | EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '2002-02-03') | +---------------------------------+ |                            2002 | +---------------------------------+ mysql> SELECT EXTRACT(MINUTE_SECOND FROM '2002-02-03 12:32:45'); +---------------------------------------------------+ | EXTRACT(MINUTE_SECOND FROM '2002-02-03 12:32:45') | +---------------------------------------------------+ |                                              3245 | +---------------------------------------------------+



Converts the specified number into a date based on the number of days since Jan 1, year 0, and returns the result. Does not take the days lost in the change to the Gregorian calendar into account.

For example:

mysql> SELECT FROM_DAYS(731574); +-------------------+ | FROM_DAYS(731574) | +-------------------+ | 2002-12-25        | +-------------------+


FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp [, format_string])

Converts the specified timestamp into a date and returns the result. The returned date will be formatted if there is a format string supplied. The format string can be any of those from the DATE_FORMAT() function.

For example:

mysql> SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(100); +---------------------+ | FROM_UNIXTIME(100)  | +---------------------+ | 1970-01-01 00:01:40 | +---------------------+ mysql> SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(1031621727,'%c %M'); +-----------------------------------+ | FROM_UNIXTIME(1031621727,'%c %M') | +-----------------------------------+ | 9 September                       | +-----------------------------------+ 



Returns the hour for the specified time, from 0 to 23.

For example:

mysql> SELECT HOUR('06:59:03'); +------------------+ | HOUR('06:59:03') | +------------------+ |                6 | +------------------+



Returns the minutes for the specified time, from 0 to 59.

For example:

mysql> SELECT MINUTE('00:01:03'); +--------------------+ | MINUTE('00:01:03') | +--------------------+ |                  1 | +--------------------+



Returns the month for the specified date, from 1 to 12.

For example:

mysql> SELECT MONTH('2000-12-25'); +---------------------+ | MONTH('2000-12-25') | +---------------------+ |                  12 | +---------------------+ 



Returns the name of the month for the specified date. For example:

mysql> SELECT MONTHNAME('2000-12-25'); +-------------------------+ | MONTHNAME('2000-12-25') | +-------------------------+ | December                | +-------------------------+



Returns the current timestamp (date and time in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss), either as a string or numeric depending on the context. The function will return the same result for multiple calls on a single query.

For example:

mysql> SELECT NOW(); +---------------------+ | NOW()               | +---------------------+ | 2002-09-10 00:58:06 | +---------------------+

A synonym for the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() and SYSDATE() functions.



Adds the months to the period (specified as either YYMM or YYYYMM) and returns the result as YYYYMM.

For example:

mysql> SELECT PERIOD_ADD(200205,3); +----------------------+ | PERIOD_ADD(200205,3) | +----------------------+ |               200208 | +----------------------+ mysql> SELECT PERIOD_ADD(200205,-42); +------------------------+ | PERIOD_ADD(200205,-42) | +------------------------+ |                 199811 | +------------------------+ 



Returns the number of months between period and period2 (which are specified in the format YYMM or YYYYMM).

For example:

mysql> SELECT PERIOD_DIFF(200212,200001); +----------------------------+ | PERIOD_DIFF(200212,200001) | +----------------------------+ |                         35 | +----------------------------+ mysql> SELECT PERIOD_DIFF(199903,199904); +----------------------------+ | PERIOD_DIFF(199903,199904) | +----------------------------+ |                         -1 | +----------------------------+



Returns the quarter of the specified date, from 1 to 4.

For example:

mysql> SELECT QUARTER('2002-06-30'); +-----------------------+ | QUARTER('2002-06-30') | +-----------------------+ |                     2 | +-----------------------+



Converts the seconds to time, returning either a string (hh:mm:ss) or numeric (hhmmss) depending on the context.

For example:

mysql> SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(1000); +-------------------+ | SEC_TO_TIME(1000) | +-------------------+ | 00:16:40          | +-------------------+ mysql> SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(-10000); +---------------------+ | SEC_TO_TIME(-10000) | +---------------------+ | -02:46:40           | +---------------------+ 



Returns the seconds for the specified time, from 0 to 58.

For example:

mysql> SELECT SECOND('00:01:03'); +--------------------+ | SECOND('00:01:03') | +--------------------+ |                  3 | +--------------------+


SUBDATE(date,INTERVAL expression type)

A synonym for DATE_SUB().



A synonym for the NOW() function.



Identical to DATE_FORMAT() except that you can only use the subset of formats dealing with time (or else you'll return NULL).



Converts the time to seconds and returns the result. For example:

mysql> SELECT TIME_TO_SEC('00:01:03'); +-------------------------+ | TIME_TO_SEC('00:01:03') | +-------------------------+ |                      63 | +-------------------------+ 



Returns the number of days since Jan 1 year 0 for the specified date. Does not take the days lost in the change to the Gregorian calendar into account.

For example:

mysql> SELECT TO_DAYS('2000-01-01'); +-----------------------+ | TO_DAYS('2000-01-01') | +-----------------------+ |                730485 | +-----------------------+



Returns an unsigned integer representing the Unix timestamp (the seconds since midnight, Jan. 1, 1970) of either the current system time (if called without a parameter) or the specified date.

For example:

mysql> SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(); +------------------+ | UNIX_TIMESTAMP() | +------------------+ |       1031621727 | +------------------+ mysql> SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('1970-01-01 00:01:40'); +---------------------------------------+ | UNIX_TIMESTAMP('1970-01-01 00:01:40') | +---------------------------------------+ |                                   100 | +---------------------------------------+


WEEK(date [,week_start])

Returns the week in a given year for the specified date, from 0 to 53. The week is assumed to start on Sunday, unless the optional week_start argument is set to 1, in which case the week is assumed to start on Monday. It can also explicitly set to 0 for Sunday starts. The function will return 0 for dates before the first Sunday (or Monday) of the year.

For example:

mysql> SELECT WEEK('2002-06-31'); +--------------------+ | WEEK('2002-06-31') | +--------------------+ |                 26 | +--------------------+ mysql> SELECT WEEK('2002-06-31',1); +----------------------+ | WEEK('2002-06-31',1) | +----------------------+ |                   27 | +----------------------+ mysql> SELECT WEEK('1998-12-31',1); +----------------------+ | WEEK('1998-12-31',1) | +----------------------+ |                   53 | +----------------------+ mysql> SELECT WEEK('1998-01-01'); +--------------------+ | WEEK('1998-01-01') | +--------------------+ |                  0 | +--------------------+

Use the YEARWEEK() function to roll the week over from the previous year if the date is before the first Sunday (or Monday) of the year.



Returns the day of the week for the supplied date as a number from 0 for Monday to 6 for Sunday.

For example:

mysql> SELECT WEEKDAY('2000-01-01'); +-----------------------+ | WEEKDAY('2000-01-01') | +-----------------------+ |                     5 | +-----------------------+

Use DAYOFWEEK() to return the day index according to the ODBC standard (1–7, Sunday– Saturday).



Returns the year for the specified date, from 1000 to 9999.

For example:

 mysql> SELECT YEAR('2002-06-30'); +--------------------+ | YEAR('2002-06-30') | +--------------------+ |               2002 | +--------------------+


YEARWEEK(date [,week_start])

Returns a combination of year and week for the specified date. The week is assumed to start on Sunday, unless the optional week_start argument is set to 1, in which case the week is assumed to start on Monday. It can also explicitly set to 0 for Sunday starts. The year could be the previous year to the date for dates before the first Sunday (or Monday) in the year or in the following year.

For example:

mysql> SELECT YEARWEEK('2002-12-25'); +------------------------+ | YEARWEEK('2002-12-25') | +------------------------+ |                 200251 | +------------------------+ mysql> SELECT YEARWEEK('1998-12-31',1); +--------------------------+ | YEARWEEK('1998-12-31',1) | +--------------------------+ |                   199853 | +--------------------------+ mysql> SELECT YEARWEEK('1998-01-01'); +------------------------+ | YEARWEEK('1998-01-01') | +------------------------+ |                 199752 | +------------------------+

Use the WEEK() function to return the week in a given year.

Mastering MySQL 4
Mastering MySQL 4
ISBN: 0782141625
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 230
Authors: Ian Gilfillan © 2008-2017.
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