


anonymous access, 46, 204, 217

ASP.NET Authentication, 205–206

ASPNET account, 296

authentication for. See authentication

authorization for. See authorization

client certificates, 204

config file security, 199–200

configuration section, 189

cross-site scripting, 218–219

detecting running services, 221

Digest Authentication, 205

Forms authentication, 206, 208–211, 213–215, 296

hardening servers, 221

hashing passwords, 211

IIS for, 202

impersonation, 202, 206–208

importance of, 201

Integrated Authentication, 205

loginUrl pages, 209–211

Passport authentication, 206

passwords, 209, 211, 296

patches, 221

role-based, 212–215

tickets, Forms authentication, 209

user accounts, 296

user names, 211

validating input, 218–220

Windows Authentication, 204–205, 212–213

Windows mode authentication, 205

Windows user accounts, 296

worker process, 296

server controls

base class for, 26

binding data to. See data-binding

Calendar.aspx, 27–28

capabilities of, 27

CheckBoxList, 35–36

CompareValidator, 42

CustomValidator, 44–45

defined, 23

disabling client-side validation, 285

DropDownList, 37–38, 54–55, 285, 286

event handlers, adding, 25

event-driven model, 25

HTML element equivalents, 26

HTML type. See HTML controls

HtmlHelloWorld.htm, 23

iterating items, 285

list controls. See list controls

ListBox, 36–37

message box, client-side, 33–34

MessageBox object, 33

mobile controls. See mobile browsers

overhead from, 284

partial page caching of, 164–167

performance issues, 25

place in page structure, 23

RadioButtonList, 39–40

RangeValidator, 42–43

RegularExpressionValidator, 43–44

RequiredFieldValidator, 41

runat="server" blocks, 25, 270, 299

server-side invisibility, 34

types of, 24

uploading files, 46–47

User controls, 30–32

validation with. See validation controls

ValidationSummary, 45

values, combined, 286

varying caching by browsers, 148–149

view state with, 48–49

Web farm issues, 285

Windows.Forms namespace, 284

server variables, 249


detecting running services, 221

hardening security of, 221

Server.Execute method, 14–15

Server.Transfer method, 13–14, 284

services, disabling for security, 297

session state

apartment model–threaded components, 111

ASP and ASP.NET, sharing, 268

ASP version of, 110–112, 282

ASP.NET overview, 112

authentication for SQLServer, 119–120

cookieless, 123–124

cookies with, 113

configuration section, 189

defined, 109

disabling, 122, 240

disadvantages of ASP version, 111–112

enabling, 241

global session events, 113

history of, 110–112

HTTP cookies in ASP, 111

IDs for keys to user data, 290

in-process, 112–114, 240, 289

IP affinity, 111

machine.config for, 113

machineKey settings, 121

mobile browsers with, 94–96

out-of-process. See out-of-process session state

performance issues, 239–241

race conditions, 241

read-only access to, 241

reverse proxies, 111

serialization overhead, 112, 114–115

Session-End event, 289

SessionIDs, 123–124, 290

sharing between ASP and ASP.NET, 268

speed considerations, 112

SQLServer, 114, 118–121

StateServer, 114, 116–118

timeout values, 113, 183

Web farm considerations, 111, 112, 121–122

wizards with, 17–19

Session-End event, 289

SessionIDs, 123–124, 290

Set operator, 275

side-by-side support, 227

SimpleHandler.cs sample, 5–6

SimpleModule.cs sample, 7–8

SinglePageWizard.aspx, 16–17

.soap files, ISAPI mapping of, 264

sorting data in DataGrids, 67–70

source code, viewing, 299

SQL Server

Agent, 290

authentication, 290

configuring for ASP.NET versions, 290

Query Analyzer session state, 119

session state, 114, 118–121, 240, 289

SQL Scripts installation, 290

SqlDataReader, 62

SQLServer mode of session state, 114, 118–121, 240, 289

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

authentication with, 209

Basic Authentication requirement, 296

Forms Authentication requirement, 296

STA COM objects, 111, 237

state management

application state for. See application state

ASP session state, 110–112

cache API. See Cache API

cache state for. See cache state

controls, partial page caching of, 164–169

cookies for. See cookies

disadvantages of ASP version, 111–112

firewalls with, 289

hidden form fields for, 124

IDs for keys to user data, 290

in-process session state, 112–114, 240, 289

IP affinity, 111

out-of-process session state. See out-of-process session state

OutputCache. See OutputCache directives

per-request caching, 179–181

programmatic removal of pages, 163

request state for, 133, 291

reverse proxies, 111

session technique. See session state

Session-End event, 289

SQLServer, 114, 118–121, 289

stateless applications, 134

StateServer, 114, 116–118

static variables for, 177–179

techniques, table of, 109–110

transparency of model, 289

validation callbacks, 158–159

view state for. See view state

Web farm considerations, 111, 112, 121–122

what to cache, 172

stateless applications, 134

StateServer mode, 114, 116–118

static variable state, 133, 177–179

static variables, 110

strings, 239

styles, adding to DataGrids, 65–67

System.Configuration namespace, 195

System.Diagnostics namespace, 255

System.Windows.Forms namespace, 284

Microsoft ASP. NET Coding Strategies with the Microsoft ASP. NET Team
Microsoft ASP.NET Coding Strategies with the Microsoft ASP.NET Team (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 073561900X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 144 © 2008-2017.
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