System Tables

This section will give you a short overview about PostgreSQL's system tables. As with most advanced database systems, PostgreSQL stores a major part of information concerning the database itself in system tables. This makes it very easy to access this data for analyzing, debugging, or any other purpose. This is very comfortable because the user can hardly mix up his own tables with PostgreSQL's system tables.

The following is an overview of the system tables. We can get the following list by typing "\d pg_ and clicking the Tab button in the psql 's command line:

 persons=#  \   d   pg_  pg_aggregate    pg_class        pg_inheritproc  pg_operator     pg_statistic pg_am           pg_database     pg_inherits     pg_proc         pg_tables pg_amop         pg_description  pg_ipl          pg_relcheck     pg_trigger pg_amproc       pg_group        pg_language     pg_rewrite      pg_type pg_attrdef      pg_index        pg_listener     pg_rules        pg_user pg_attribute    pg_indexes      pg_opclass      pg_shadow       pg_views 

We have already dealt with some of the tables listed here, but let's go into detail now. In the next few sections, we will give you an overview of the most important system tables (this is NOT a complete reference). This will make you understand many things about PostgreSQL's behavior in a better way.

pg_aggregatepg_aggregate is used to store all information about PostgreSQL's aggregate functions. The following is the definition of the table:

 persons=#  \d pg_aggregate  Table "pg_aggregate"    Attribute     Type    Modifier ---------------+---------+----------  aggname        name      aggowner       integer   aggtransfn1    regproc   aggtransfn2    regproc   aggfinalfn     regproc   aggbasetype    oid       aggtranstype1  oid       aggtranstype2  oid       aggfinaltype   oid       agginitval1    text      agginitval2    text     Index: pg_aggregate_name_type_index 

You can see in the definition of the table that every aggregate function has a name and an owner. This is especially important when working in multiuser environments. The default value of all predefined aggregate functions is the user ID of user postgres .

By default, PostgreSQL offers five aggregate functions. You can see that those functions can be found in pg_aggregate :

 persons=#  SELECT DISTINCT aggname FROM pg_aggregate;  aggname ---------  avg  count  max  min  sum (5 rows) 

Users can define their own aggregate functions. If a user does, his functions will be listed in pg_aggregate too.


All columns stored in the database are listed in this table. If a user wants to have precise information about a specific column, he can query the pg_attribute table to find out more than with a simple \d tablename command. If you take a closer look at the data structure, you can see which attributes of a column are stored in this table:

 persons=#  \d pg_attribute  Table "pg_attribute"    Attribute      Type    Modifier ---------------+----------+----------  attrelid       oid        attname        name       atttypid       oid        attdisbursion  float4     attlen         smallint   attnum         smallint   attnelems      integer    attcacheoff    integer    atttypmod      integer    attbyval       boolean    attstorage     char       attisset       boolean    attalign       char       attnotnull     boolean    atthasdef      boolean   Indices: pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index,          pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index 

Many important attributes are stored in this table. For example, attnotnull defines whether a table can contain NULL values.

pg_classpg_class contains all classes defined in a database. In PostgreSQL, tables are classes, and information about tables is stored in pg_class .

pg_class contains a lot of attributes of a class:

 persons=#  \d pg_class  Table "pg_class"   Attribute      Type     Modifier --------------+-----------+----------  relname       name        reltype       oid         relowner      integer     relam         oid         relpages      integer     reltuples     integer     rellongrelid  oid         relhasindex   boolean     relisshared   boolean     relkind       char        relnatts      smallint    relchecks     smallint    reltriggers   smallint    relukeys      smallint    relfkeys      smallint    relrefs       smallint    relhaspkey    boolean     relhasrules   boolean     relacl        aclitem[]  Indices: pg_class_oid_index,          pg_class_relname_index 

To give you an impression of how data is stored in this system table, we have selected some information from pg_class about the programmers table we have used before:

 persons=#  SELECT relname, relowner, relpages, reltriggers   FROM pg_class WHERE relname='programmers';  relname    relowner  relpages  reltriggers -------------+----------+----------+-------------  programmers        26        10            0 (1 row) 

You can see that PostgreSQL stores some very important attributes, such as the name of the class, the ID of the owner (in the previous example, the table belongs to user postgres ), the number of pages the classes need to be stored (a table is usually 8KB in PostgreSQL), and the number of triggers defined on a table.

In the data structure, you can see that a class belongs to a certain type of classes. This flag is very useful because it offers developers great flexibility.

pg_databasepg_database contains a list of all databases that can be accessed by the postmaster. Every postmaster running must have a separate data directory. We can see a list of all databases that are in the data directory we are currently accessing using a postmaster process.

The data structure of pg_database is indeed an easy one. It contains only the name of the database, the ID of the database administrator (in our case, postgres ), information about encoding, and the path to the actual data within the base directory of the current data directory:

 persons=#  \d pg_database  Table "pg_database"  Attribute   Type    Modifier -----------+---------+----------  datname    name      datdba     integer   encoding   integer   datpath    text 

To make this description a little clearer, we have included a simple SELECT statement that shows all the databases we currently have on our system:

 persons=#  SELECT * FROM pg_database ;  datname   datdba  encoding   datpath -----------+--------+----------+-----------  template1      26         0  template1  persons        26         0  persons (2 rows) 


In PostgreSQL, objects can have a description. The use of descriptions is especially useful when database administrators and developers want to know how things work when they have to deal with data structures and code they have written a while ago. In general, documentation is very often seen as burden , but it isn't. Documentation can save you a lot of time and is extremely necessary, especially when multiple developers are working on one project.

PostgreSQL, compared to other systems, is a very well documented piece of software. PostgreSQL's source code is structured clearly and contains a lot of documentation. One of Vienna's best C hackers (Erich Fr ¼hst ¼ck ”a true friend) said once that studying PostgreSQL server code is the best method to learn writing C code properly. I think he is right. If your data structures and your code is as clear as it should be, using and extending your code should be a rather easy task. But let's get back to pg_descritpption . The structure of the table is also very easy:

 persons=#  \d pg_description  Table "pg_description"   Attribute   Type  Modifier -------------+------+----------  objoid       oid    description  text  Index: pg_description_objoid_index 

Every object can have a description. Objects are accessed via a unique ID and, because PostgreSQL is an object-relational database system, the list of objects stored in this table is truly a long one. For example, we can find the description of PostgreSQL's data types. The following is a short extract from the list:

 600  geometric point '(x, y)' 601  geometric line segment '(pt1,pt2)' 602  geometric path '(pt1,...)' 603  geometric box '(lower left,upper right)' 604  geometric polygon '(pt1,...)' 

You can see that this extract contains the same text we can find in the list of PostgreSQL's data types (try \dT ) we have included earlier in the book.

For example, if we add a description of a column to a table, the text would also appear in table pg_description .


pg_groups is used to manage the user groups of a database. Multiple users can be assigned to a group .

 persons=#  \d pg_group  Table "pg_group"  Attribute    Type     Modifier -----------+-----------+----------  groname    name        grosysid   integer     grolist    integer[]  Indices: pg_group_name_index,          pg_group_sysid_index 

pg_index and pg_indexes

The attributes of the indexes you are using in your database are stored in the pg_index table. pg_indexes offers a view that allows access to columns from pg_index and pg_class . In the following, we have compiled the data structure of pg_index and the definition of pg_indexes :

 persons=#  \d pg_index  Table "pg_index"    Attribute        Type     Modifier ----------------+------------+----------  indexrelid      oid          indrelid        oid          indproc         oid          indkey          int2vector   indclass        oidvector    indisclustered  boolean      indislossy      boolean      indhaskeytype   boolean      indisunique     boolean      indisprimary    boolean      indreference    oid          indpred         text        Index: pg_index_indexrelid_index persons=#  \d pg_indexes  View "pg_indexes"  Attribute  Type  Modifier -----------+------+----------  tablename  name   indexname  name   indexdef   text  View definition: SELECT c.relname AS tablename, i.relname AS indexname, pg_get_indexdef(x.indexrelid) AS indexdef FROM pg_index x, pg_class c, pg_class i WHERE ((c.oid = x.indrelid) AND (i.oid = x.indexrelid)); 

As you can see, all important parameters of the CREATE INDEX command are nothing more and nothing less than the columns in the pg_index table.

The view pg_indexes is used to perform a join of table pg_index and pg_class .

pg_inherits , pg_inheritprocpg_inherits and pg_inheritoproc are used to store information about inheritance. pg_inherits stores the IDs of an object and the ID of the parent. If an object has multiple parents, it has multiple entries that are consecutively numbered in column inhseqno .

The data structure of pg_inherits consists of only three columns:

 persons=#  \d pg_inherits  Table "pg_inherits"  Attribute   Type    Modifier -----------+---------+----------  inhrelid   oid       inhparent  oid       inhseqno   integer  Index: pg_inherits_relid_seqno_index 

pg_inheritproc stores information about inheritance concerning functions. We have included the definition of the table:

 persons=#  \d pg_inheritproc  Table "pg_inheritproc"   Attribute   Type  Modifier -------------+------+----------  inhproname   name   inhargrelid  oid    inhdefrelid  oid    inhproc      oid 

pg_languagepg_language stores information about the languages a database supports. The following is an example of a PL/pgSQL-enabled database:

 persons=#  SELECT * FROM pg_language;  lanname   lanispl  lanpltrusted  lanplcallfoid  lancompiler ----------+---------+--------------+---------------+-------------  internal  f        f                         0  n/a  C         f        f                         0  /bin/cc  sql       f        f                         0  postgres  plpgsql   t        t                     37856  PL/pgSQL (4 rows) 

This example contains one record for PL/pgSQL; all other lines are default values.

pg_operatorpg_operator is an extremely important table in a PostgreSQL system. It stores information about operators, as you can see in the following listing of the data structure:

 persons=#  \d pg_operator  Table "pg_operator"  Attribute     Type    Modifier ------------+----------+----------  oprname     name       oprowner    integer    oprprec     smallint   oprkind     char       oprisleft   boolean    oprcanhash  boolean    oprleft     oid        oprright    oid        oprresult   oid        oprcom      oid        oprnegate   oid        oprlsortop  oid        oprrsortop  oid        oprcode     regproc    oprrest     regproc    oprjoin     regproc   Indices: pg_operator_oid_index,          pg_operator_oprname_l_r_k_index 

We won't go too deeply into detail because pg_operator contains a lot of information about operators that would lead too far.

We only want to point out how big the table is. This shows the power of PostgreSQL and how many operators are defined for nearly all demands a modern database system may have to face.

The default installation of PostgreSQL (7.0.3) has 559 predefined records in pg_operator . 59 of these are used for the = operator. You can see that = is defined for a lot of different data types.

pg_procpg_proc contains the list of functions supported by your database. A function can have multiple overloadings. The data structure of the pg_proc table looks as follows :

 persons=#  \d pg_proc  Table "pg_proc"    Attribute       Type     Modifier ----------------+-----------+----------  proname         name        proowner        integer     prolang         oid         proisinh        boolean     proistrusted    boolean     proiscachable   boolean     pronargs        smallint    proretset       boolean     prorettype      oid         proargtypes     oidvector   probyte_pct     integer     properbyte_cpu  integer     propercall_cpu  integer     prooutin_ratio  integer     prosrc          text        probin          bytea      Indices: pg_proc_oid_index,          pg_proc_proname_narg_type_index 

pg_shadowpg_shadow is the most important table when dealing with user accounts. In most cases, pg_shadow is referenced via pg_user , a view that contains the most important information. pg_shadow contains the following fields:

 persons=#  \d pg_shadow  Table "pg_shadow"   Attribute    Type    Modifier -------------+---------+----------  usename      name      usesysid     integer   usecreatedb  boolean   usetrace     boolean   usesuper     boolean   usecatupd    boolean   passwd       text      valuntil     abstime 

You can see that these fields contain all information usually required when adding a new user using the CREATE USER command.

pg_statisticspg_statistics is an extremely important table for PostgreSQL's optimizer. With the help of this table, PostgreSQL tries to find the best way of executing a query. It is not necessary to understand every detail of pg_statistics , but it is important to see what data PostgreSQL uses to find its way through an SQL-query:

 persons=#  \d pg_statistic  Table "pg_statistic"    Attribute      Type    Modifier ---------------+----------+----------  starelid       oid        staattnum      smallint   staop          oid        stanullfrac    float4     stacommonfrac  float4     stacommonval   text       staloval       text       stahival       text      Index: pg_statistic_relid_att_index 


As you can see in the following definition, pg_tables is a view that allows comfortable access to data related to tables.

 persons=#  \d pg_tables  View "pg_tables"   Attribute    Type    Modifier -------------+---------+----------  tablename    name      tableowner   name      hasindexes   boolean   hasrules     boolean   hastriggers  boolean  View definition: SELECT c.relname AS tablename, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS tableowner, c.relhasindex AS hasindexes, c.relhasrules AS hasrules, (c.reltriggers > 0) AS hastriggers FROM pg_class c WHERE (((c.relkind = 'r'::"char") OR (c.relkind = 's'::"char")) AND (NOT (EXISTS (SELECT pg_rewrite.rulename FROM pg_rewrite WHERE ((pg_rewrite.ev_class = c.oid) AND (pg_rewrite.ev_type = '1'::"char")))))); 


Information about triggers can be found in pg_trigger . The following is an overview of the data structure.

 persons=#  \d pg_trigger  Table "pg_trigger"    Attribute        Type     Modifier ----------------+------------+----------  tgrelid         oid          tgname          name         tgfoid          oid          tgtype          smallint     tgenabled       boolean      tgisconstraint  boolean      tgconstrname    name         tgconstrrelid   oid          tgdeferrable    boolean      tginitdeferred  boolean      tgnargs         smallint     tgattr          int2vector   tgargs          bytea       Indices: pg_trigger_tgconstrname_index,          pg_trigger_tgconstrrelid_index,          pg_trigger_tgrelid_index 

PostgreSQL Developer's Handbook2001
PostgreSQL Developer's Handbook2001
Year: 2004
Pages: 125 © 2008-2017.
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