Printing Your Masterpiece

You've created a masterpiece. You are infinitely proud of it, and you want to share it with your friends who, alas, are not connected to the Internet. It's time to print your image and send it to them the old-fashioned, snail-mail way.

Okay, perhaps you aren't feeling quite that sharing, but there are times when you'll want to print the results of your work. Simply click File on the image menu bar, and select Print (once again, you can right-click on your image if you prefer). A printing dialog box will appear (Figure 17-9), from which you can specify a number of print options, including, of course, which printer you would like to use.

Figure 17-9. Time to print your masterpiece.

Quick GIMP Trick

Want to take a screenshot and open it up to edit in the GIMP? It's easy. Click File on the GIMP toolbox menu bar, move to Acquire, and click Screen Shot. The image size will be the same as your screen (e.g., 1024x768). Since the GIMP will be in the screen shot you take, you may want to minimize it before capturing the image. In order to make that possible, select an appropriate time delay say, five seconds from the Screen Shot dialog box that appears. Minimize the windows you don't want to see, and then wait. After the capture completes, a GIMP image window will appear where you can make your modifications.

Moving to Linux(c) Kiss the Blue Screen of Death Goodbye!
Moving to Linux: Kiss the Blue Screen of Death Goodbye!
ISBN: 0321159985
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 247 © 2008-2017.
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