Section 2.1. List Operators

2.1. List Operators

You already know about several list operators in Perl, but you may not have thought of them as working with lists. The most common list operator is probably print. We give it one or more arguments, and it puts them together for us.

 print 'Two castaways are ', 'Gilligan', ' and ', 'Skipper', "\n"; 

There are several other list operators that you already know about from Learning Perl. The sort operator puts its input list in order. In their theme song, the castaways don't come in alphabetical order, but sort can fix that for us.

 my @castaways = sort qw(Gilligan Skipper Ginger Professor Mary-Ann); 

The reverse operator returns a list in the opposite order.

 my @castaways = reverse qw(Gilligan Skipper Ginger Professor Mary-Ann); 

Perl has many other operators that work with lists, and, once you get used to them, you'll find yourself typing less and expressing your intent more clearly.

2.1.1. List Filtering with grep

The grep operator takes a list of values and a "testing expression." It takes one item after another in the list and places it into the $_ variable. It then evaluates the testing expression in a scalar context. If the expression evaluates to a true value, grep passes $_ on to the output list.

 my @lunch_choices = grep &is_edible($_), @gilligans_posessions. 

In a list context, the grep operator returns a list of all such selected items. In a scalar context, grep returns the number of selected items.

 my @results = grep EXPR, @input_list; my $count   = grep EXPR, @input_list; 

Here, EXPR stands in for any scalar expression that should refer to $_ (explicitly or implicitly). For example, to find all the numbers greater than 10, in our grep expression we check if $_ is greater than 10.

 my @input_numbers = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64); my @bigger_than_10 = grep $_ > 10, @input_numbers; 

The result is just 16, 32, and 64. This uses an explicit reference to $_. Here's an example of an implicit reference to $_ from the pattern match operator:

 my @end_in_4 = grep /4$/, @input_numbers; 

And now we get just 4 and 64.

While the grep is running, it shadows any existing value in $_, which is to say that grep borrows the use of this variable but puts the original value back when it's done. The variable $_ isn't a mere copy of the data item, though; it is an alias for the actual data element, similar to the control variable in a foreach loop.

If the testing expression is complex, we can hide it in a subroutine:

 my @odd_digit_sum = grep digit_sum_is_odd($_), @input_numbers; sub digit_sum_is_odd {         my $input = shift;         my @digits = split //, $input;  # Assume no nondigit characters         my $sum;         $sum += $_ for @digits;         return $sum % 2; } 

Now we get back the list of 1, 16, and 32. These numbers have a digit sum with a remainder of "1" in the last line of the subroutine, which counts as true.

The syntax comes in two forms, though: we just showed you the expression form, and now here's the block form. Rather than define an explicit subroutine that we'd use for only a single test, we can put the body of a subroutine directly in line in the grep operator, using the block forms:[*]

[*] In the block form of grep, there's no comma between the block and the input list. In the expression form of grep, there must be a comma between the expression and the list.

 my @results = grep {   block;   of;   code; } @input_list; my $count = grep {   block;   of;   code; } @input_list; 

Just like the expression form, grep temporarily places each element of the input list into $_. Next, it evaluates the entire block of code. The last evaluated expression in the block is the testing expression. (And like all testing expressions, it's evaluated in a scalar context.) Because it's a full block, we can introduce variables that are scoped to the block. Let's rewrite that last example to use the block form:

 my @odd_digit_sum = grep {   my $input = $_;   my @digits = split //, $input;   # Assume no nondigit characters   my $sum;   $sum += $_ for @digits;   $sum % 2; } @input_numbers; 

Note the two changes: the input value comes in via $_ rather than an argument list, and we removed the keyword return. In fact, we would have been wrong to keep the return because we're no longer in a separate subroutine: just a block of code.[*] Of course, we can optimize a few things out of that routine since we don't need the intermediate variables:

[*] The return would have exited the subroutine that contains this entire section of code. And yes, some of us have been bitten by that mistake in real, live coding on the first draft.

 my @odd_digit_sum = grep {   my $sum;   $sum += $_ for split //;   $sum % 2; } @input_numbers; 

Feel free to crank up the explicitness if it helps you and your coworkers understand and maintain the code. That's the main thing that matters.

2.1.2. Transforming Lists with map

The map operator has a very similar syntax to the grep operator and shares a lot of the same operational steps. For example, it temporarily places items from a list into $_ one at a time, and the syntax allows both the expression block forms.

However, the testing expression becomes a mapping expression. The map operator evaluates the expression in a list context (not a scalar context like grep). Each evaluation of the expression gives a portion of the many results. The overall result is the list concatenation of all individual results. In a scalar context, map returns the number of elements that are returned in a list context. But map should rarely, if ever, be used in anything but a list context.)

Let's start with a simple example:

 my @input_numbers = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64); my @result = map $_ + 100, @input_numbers; 

For each of the seven items map places into $_, we get a single output result: the number that is 100 greater than the input number. So the value of @result is 101, 102, 104, 108, 116, 132, and 164.

But we're not limited to having only one output for each input. Let's see what happens when each input produces two output items:

 my @result = map { $_, 3 * $_ } @input_numbers; 

Now there are two items for each input item: 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 12, 8, 24, 16, 48, 32, 96, 64, and 192. We can store those pairs in a hash, if we need a hash showing what number is three times a small power of two:

 my %hash = @result; 

Or, without using the intermediate array from the map:

 my %hash = map { $_, 3 * $_ } @input_numbers; 

You can see that map is pretty versatile; we can produce any number of output items for each input item. And we don't always need to produce the same number of output items. Let's see what happens when we break apart the digits:

 my @result = map { split //, $_ } @input_numbers; 

The inline block of code splits each number into its individual digits. For 1, 2, 4, and 8, we get a single result. For 16, 32, and 64, we get two results per number. When map concatenates the results lists, we end up with 1, 2, 4, 8, 1, 6, 3, 2, 6, and 4.

If a particular invocation results in an empty list, map concatenates that empty result into the larger list, contributing nothing to the list. We can use this feature to select and reject items. For example, suppose we want only the split digits of numbers ending in 4:

 my @result = map {         my @digits = split //, $_;         if ($digits[-1] =  = 4) {           @digits;         } else {           (  );         } } @input_numbers; 

If the last digit is 4, we return the digits themselves by evaluating @digits (which is in list context). If the last digit is not 4, we return an empty list, effectively removing results for that particular item. Thus, we can always use a map in place of a grep, but not vice versa.

Of course, everything we can do with map and grep, we can also do with explicit foreach loops. But then again, we can also code in assembler or by toggling bits into a front panel.[*] The point is that proper application of grep and map can help reduce the complexity of the program, allowing us to concentrate on high-level issues rather than details.

[*] If you're old enough to remember those front panels.

Intermediate Perl
Intermediate Perl
ISBN: 0596102062
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 238 © 2008-2017.
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