
Formatting the Details of a Subreport

I can't figure out how to format the details of a Subreport.

Open the Design tab for that Subreport from within the Designer of the main report. This can be accomplished by right-clicking on a Subreport and selecting the Edit Subreport option.

Using Subreports to Write-back to a Source Database

I would like to enable report viewers (or end users) to be able to dynamically send updates back to a source databasecan subreports help me accomplish this?

Using a clever combination of subreports and SQL commands, you can provide this capability to your end users. You can add On-Demand subreports to your main report and have each of the On-Demand subreports based on a SQL command that includes an INSERT SQL statement that writes back to a datasource. An example SQL command could be

SELECT * FROM    "TestInsertfromCR"."dbo"."TableName"; INSERT INTO "TestInsertfromCR"."dbo"."TableName" VALUES _     (9999,'test insert',9999,'test','test')

Each time a report-viewing end user requests that the on-demand subreport run, this SQL statement will be executed and update the involved datasource. To make this data updating process more dynamic, the preceding example could have the inserted values fields replaced with dynamic data fields from the report (for example, Customer ID or Employee ID).

Crystal Reports XI(c) Official Guide
Crystal Reports XI Official Guide
ISBN: 0672329174
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 365 © 2008-2017.
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