

CalcExplosionCoverage() function, 676

Call() function, 676

calling functions, 70, 126

Camera class, 728

Camera menu (Mission Editor), 589

Camera To Selection command (World menu), 590

CameraDecay command, 618

CameraLag command, 618

CameraMaxDist command, 154, 184, 618

CameraOffset command, 618

CameraRoll command, 618

campfire effects, 595-598

Can Line Stipple option (Preferences dialog box), 405

Cancel() function, 676

CancelServerQuery() function, 677

Canvas module, client-side, 259-261

Canyon Fractal function, 537

Capture the Flag, 3

Cartesian coordinates, 95

carving, bump mapping, 101

case keyword, 54, 735

case-sensitivity, variables, 54

celsalute animation sequence, torque-supported, 445

celwave animation sequence, torque-supported, 445

center property, 164

Center World, 6

CFXweb Web site, 743

Chain Reaction, 6

character models

animation blended, 445

joint rotation, bone movement during, 445

rigging, 444

skeletal animation, 446-458

torque-supported sequences, 444-445

arbitrary extrusion, 417

arms, 433-437

arms to torso, integrating, 438

axial extrusion, 416

continuous-mesh model, 417

head, 418-423

head to torso, matching, 429-430

hybrids, 417

incremental polygon construction, 415-416

legs, 430-432

legs to torso, integrating, 432

segmented-mesh model, 417

shape primitives, 415

skins, 438-443

topographical shape mapping, 417

torso models, 423-429

ChatBox interface, 636-640, 650-652

ChatMessage function, 267

ChatMessageAll function, 653

chatPageDown function, 640

cheating, online, fighting against, 209

check boxes, GUI, 335, 341-342

checkDismountPoint method, 616

checkpoints and laps, scoring, 622-625

CheckProgress method, 624

childMargin property, 343

chunked bitmaps, 337-338


AlPlayer, 728

BanList, 728

Blender, 26

Camera, 728

Control, 25

Debris, 728

defined, 26

EditTSCtrl, 728

FileObject, 728

FlyingVehicle, 729

GameBase, 729

GameConnection, 729

GUI control classes, 337-345

GuiBitmapCtrl, 639, 729

GuiButtonCtrl, 632

GuiCanvas, 729

GuiControl, 630, 730

GuiEditCtrl, 730

GuiFilterCtrl, 730

GuiFrameSetCtrl, 730

GuiInspector, 730

GuiMessageVectorCtrl, 730

GuiNoMouseCtrl, 639

GuiPopUpMenuCtrl, 730

GuiScrollCtrl, 224

GuiSliderCtrl, 731

GuiTerrPreviewCtrl, 731

GuiTestListCtrl, 731

GuiTextEditCtrl, 224

GuiTreeViewCtrl, 732

HTTPObject, 732

InteriorInstance, 732

Item, 732

Lightning, 732

MessageVector, 732

PhysicalZone, 732

Player, 732

Precipitation, 732

Profile, 25

SceneObject, 732

ServerScreen, 642

ShapeBase, 732

ShapeBaseData, 734

SimpleNetObject, 734

Sky, 734

StaticShape, 735

superclass, 129

TCPObject, 735

Terraformer, 735

Trigger, 735

TriggerData, 735

WaterBlock, 735

WorldEditor, 735

className property, 154, 184

Clear button (MilkShape Joints tab), 403

Clear Empty function, 537

ClearTextureHolds() function, 677

clicking, mouse operations, 591

client control modules

control/client/client.cs, 160-164

control/client/interfaces/menuscreen.gui, 162

control/client/interfaces/playerinterface.gui, 165-168

control/client/interfaces/splashscreen.gui, 169

control/client/misc/presetkeys.cs, 171-174

control/client/misc/screens.cs, 169-171

client interfaces

ChatBox, 636-640, 650-652

FindServer, 635-636, 648-650

Host, 635, 647-648

MenuScreen, 632-634

MessageBox, 640-642, 652-655

SoloPlay, 634-635, 643

client modules

Canvas module, 259-261

discussed, 258-259

functions, list of, 269-270

messages module, 266-268

mission module, 261-262

client-only sounds, 560

client versus server design issues, 132-133

ClientCmdChatMessage function, 267

ClientCmdMissionStart function, 262

ClientConnection module, 250-256

clipColumnText property, 344

Clone Brush tool (Paint Shop Pro), 297-298

Close command (Audacity File menu), 546

Close method, 655

clothing, player skin example, 329-332

cloud layers, 521-523


byte code, 134

common, 129

control, 129, 139-140

executable, 51

code module, finding servers, 225-229

CodeGuru Web site, 743

coins, scoring, 625-627

CollapseEscape() function, 677


collision mesh, vehicle models, 476

Collision Mesh option (Torque Game Engine (DTS) Exporter dialog box), 459-460

CollisionTol command, 618

vehicle models, 612-613


Color command (UVMapper Edit menu), 408

Color dialog box (Paint Shop Pro), 280

color matching, photography, 354-355

colors property, 601

Colors tab (Materials palette), 291

fadeColor property, 530

columns property, 344

command interface control, 340

command property, 164, 340, 634


Animation menu (MilkShape), 394

Audacity tool shortcut keys, 550

Camera menu (Mission Editor), 589

Edit menu

Audacity tool, 547

Configuration, 500

Duplicate, 432

Duplicate Selection, 390

Hide Selection, 389, 425

MilkShape 3D, 392

Mission Editor, 588

New UV Map, 387

UVMapper, 408

Effect menu (Audacity tool), 549

Face menu (MilkShape), 394

File menu

Audacity tool, 546

Import, 387

Merge, 429

MilkShape 3D, 392

Mission Editor, 588

Preferences, 404

Save As File, 507

Save Model, 387

UVMapper, 407


overview, 32

in UltraEdit-32, 39-41

Help menu (UVMapper), 408

Project menu (Audacity tool), 548

Vertex menu (MilkShape 3D), 392

View menu (Audacity tool), 547

WheeledVehicleData, 618-619

Window menu (MilkShape), 397

World menu, 590

CommandToClient() function, 207-209, 250, 677

CommandToServer() function, 206-207, 242, 250, 678

comments, defined, 50

common code, 129

compilation errors, 82-83

Compile() function, 678

Compile Quake 1 MDL command (MilkShape

Tools menu), 395

compound statements, 52

compression, lossy, 285

computation, 58

concatenation, strings, 59

conditional expressions, 71-73

Configuration command (Edit menu), 500


QuArK, 500-501

UltraEdit-32, 33-35

Connect() function, 212

console library, Torque Game Engine, 24

constantAcceleration property, 601

constantThumbHeight property, 225, 343

constraints, game design, 585-586

constructs, entities, 509-510

ContactTol command, 618

ContainerBoxEmpty() function, 678

ContainerFindFirst() function, 679

ContainerFindNext() function, 679

ContainerRayCast() function, 679

containers, parent controls, 346

ContainerSearchCurrDist() function, 679

ContainerSearchCurrRadiusDist() function, 680

ContainerSearchNext() function, 680

Content Editor, Torque GUI Editor, 345-346

continue keyword, 54, 735

continuous-mesh model, character models, 417

Control class, 25

control/client/client.cs module, 160-164

control/client/interfaces/menuscreen.gui module, 162

control/client/interfaces/playerinterface.gui module, 165-168

control/client/interfaces/splashscreen.gui module, 169

control/client/misc/presetkeys.cs module, 171-174

control/client/misc/screens.cs module, 169-171

control/client.cs module, 144-148

control code, 129, 139-140

control flow, Torque Game Engine, 23

Control Inspector, Torque GUI Editor, 346

control/main.cs module, 159

control modules. See modules

Control Panel command (MilkShape Window menu), 397

control/player.cs module, 151-153

control/server/misc/item.cs module, 197-202

control/server/players/player.cs module, 180-186

control/server/server.cs module, 175-180

control/server/weapons/crossbow.cs module, 190-197

control/server/weapons/weapon.cs module, 186-190

control/server.cs module, 149-151

Control Tree, Torque GUI Editor, 346

controls, GUI

discussed, 336-337

GuiButtonCtrl class, 340-341

GuiCheckBoxCtrl class, 341-342

GUIChunkedBitmapCtrl, 337-338

GUIControl class, 339

GuiScrollCtrl class, 342-343

GuiTextEditCtrl class, 344-345

GuiTextListCtrl class, 343-344

Convert Old MS3D Format command (MilkShape Tools menu), 395

coordinate systems

axis, 90

Cartesian coordinates, 95

Computer Graphics Aerobics, 90

left-handed, 90

object space, 90

rectangular coordinates, 95

right-handed, 90

vertices, 92

world space, 91

XYZ-axis system, 90-93

Copy command

Audacity Edit menu, 547

Mission Editor Edit menu, 588

Copy Keyframes command (MilkShape Animate menu), 394

covers, terrains, 369, 378-380

Cox, Steve (UVMapper program creation), 406

CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check), 246

CreateCanvas() function, 680

createPlayer function, 610

createServer() function, 143, 240

cropping images, 355-357

cross-platform software, disadvantages, 11

CS Hand Offset option (Preferences dialog box), 405

Cube brush (Torque Map Editor, QuArK), 505

current frame number box (Keyframer tool), 404

Cut command

Audacity Edit menu, 547

Mission Editor Edit menu, 588

cuts, axial extrusion, 416

cycleGame function, 656

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), 246

Cylinder button (MilkShape Model tab), 399

cylinder shapes

character models, head modes, 418-419

MilkShape 3D, 384-386

Cylinder tool (MilkShape), 485

Cylindrical Cap unwrapping method, 410, 412

Cylindrical unwrapping method, 409, 412

3D Game Programming All in One
3D Game Programming All in One (Course Technology PTR Game Development Series)
ISBN: 159200136X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 197 © 2008-2017.
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